Hyper's [JouRnaL] v3


Dec 13, 2004
Phoenix, Arizona
Okay, I've decided every year I'm going to make v[current v+1] of my journal, yes, I know I'm a month late on this one. I'll repost this same message, only edited to fit me at that time accordingly. So let me begin by completely introducing myself.

I am Isaac. I'm seventeen years old (I'll be eighteen in April). I live in Chandler, Arizona (a suburb of Phoenix). I am a Senior in High School.

As of right now my future goals in life have been narrowed down to a select few. I want to do something regarding computers. I want to major in either Computer Engineering or Computer Science, not quite sure which of the two quite yet. However, I am a lot further down the path of pick and choosing than I was a year ago.

I use proper grammar a lot. Sure, you'll see be throw down the casual "z0mg!! l33t sauc3 pwn4g3!!!11oneone" but I predominantly use proper grammar.

I love my life. I used to have dreams about girls that never really happened and I definitely needed one in my life. Well, as of July 15, 2006, I had found the woman of my dreams.

Her name is Felicia. I met her over the summer while taking Chemistry in summer school. I find it kind of ironic, the reason I failed Chemistry during regular school was because of Jackie, the ex-girlfriend that broke my heart. And thanks to her, I met Felicia, the girlfriend that mended my heart, and has the power to break it at any moment, but I trust her not to.

Yes, I get all mushy and gushy at times, but it's just because I am very thankful for what I have. The story of how Felicia and I started dating is quite entertaining. See, I had been bugging her for a piece of gum the entire summer school session. Well, on the last day, she gave me a pack of gum, I didn't think anything of it. Well, that last day was also the day of our final exam. Meaning, once we finished we were allowed to leave. I finished before her, and as I was leaving I turned around and saw her staring at me, I couldn't help but think that I wanted to see her again. So I got to my car, and saw hers right next to mine, so I wrote out a note confessing the fact that I had feelings for her. I put my phone number down, and left.

Well, when I got home, I went to get a piece of gum. When I pulled it out I noticed something strange about the packaging. She had given me a brand new pack of Orbit Chewing Gum. Now, if you do not know what Orbit is, worry yourself not, I'll explain the wrapper for you. The gum is wrapped up, sealed tight, that way nobody can steal a piece. Well, the pack she gave me just wasn't quite the same. It dawned on me, it's not wrapped. So I opened it up with excitement, and to my enjoyment, I found writing on the flap that flips open. "Call me sometime [her number] <3 Felicia" WOOOOOOOO!!!! I had scored her number, oh how grand this is. She called me the next day [ I was going to wait two days ] and we decided on a date to the movies. We saw Little Man, a really stupid movie that I do not suggest seeing. However, it holds a special place in our memories, it was the first time we held hands. I ended up kissing her goodbye that day, she had to go to work [ She worked near the theater ] and that was that. July 15, 2006. The day I started dating Felicia.

Right, so aside from that, I also pack a mean punch. A punch that knocks the breath out off the wrestling coaches. I am 6'5. 240 lbs. And I can kick some serious ass. I've never had the opportunity to let myself go in a fit of rage, however, so I'm not quite sure the strength that I truly hold inside. I've never been beat up. I've been in fights, I've been jumped, but nothing has actually qualified as me being beat up.

I am a firm believer of treating a girl right. I do not condone the hitting of a female. Sure, there are a few exceptions to that, like if she hits you in the nuts, all rules are shed, beat the **** out of her. The only way I believe would be even close to morally justifiable is if she could beat you up, or she hit you in the nuts.

I do not drink alcohol. I do not smoke any type of drug or cigarette. I've been offered, but never shall I indulge in those filthy habits.

Okay, so there's me. Have any questions? Ask away!
okay, so this is a bulletin i wrote on myspace. so if something doesn't make sense [ like i refer to it as a bulletin ] you now know why. This is my rant about how wonderful my girlfriend is. if you want clarification on anything feel free to ask.

I feel like ranting, not quite sure why, but please, if you're reading this, keep an open mind and bear with me.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about life. Not just life in the typical high school teenage way. I mean, life in general. I can't help but bring up the rhetoric "Why are we here?" Now, don't get me confused with some little ***** who is out to rebel or anything. The question honestly perplexes me, and I don't think I'll be getting an answer any time soon.

Among other questions, another big one that's been raised quite recently is "Why do I deserve what I have?" Again, don't confuse me with the little ***** over there, I am definitely grateful for what I have. Now, don't take this as me rubbing it in your face, I'm merely stating what I have.

I have the most amazing girlfriend ever. I know we have our ups and downs, but that's just expected. If we always agreed I would be doubting our relationship. Our relationship was a little rocky recently, because we just came to terms with our future. How past decisions we made have kept us together, and how we need to find a way to work through each others flaws. I am proud to say that we are through with that, we are now working through those flaws quite flawlessly and it makes every second I spend with her the most joyous of all.

Okay, so some guys that are reading this [ if anyone reads this ] are prolly thinking I'm gay. well, i don't care. really, i don't. now Felicia is wonderful in her own way. i for one think she's absolutely gorgeous, and can't help but thank God i'm with her. she has those cute little quirks that i love so much and it's a blast talking to her. she's all i could ever ask for. she knows i think so highly of her, yet she stays humble. she doesn't use it to her advantage and she definitely doesn't try to boss me around, because she knows i'll do anything for her at the drop of a hat. mind you, i am not whipped, if it something that i don't want to do i won't do it. if it conflicts with something i have planned, i probably won't do it. okay that's a lie, i probably will. not because i'm whipped, but because i love her. there's a subtle difference.

i try to treat her the best i can. i know i'm not perfect. she knows i'm not perfect. she accepts me for that. she knows all the things i've done in my past. but she does not hold me to responsible for it. it's the past, i'm growing up, let it go.

she is my best friend. yes, it's true, i do have multiple best friends [ hollllla ] but all in all, she's my life companion, my best friend for life [ fo sho ] and she's always going to be number 1 in my heart.

now, i see this is turning into a 'lets talk about felicia rant' but you know what? i don't care. i like talking about her. i like thinking about her. i'd rather not sleep because nothing i could possibly dream about can outweigh reality, reality being that i have her. now isn't that fruity.

what people need to realize is that i do not lie to her. sure, there's those little things like saying i'm at school instead of at wendy's eating burgers, because she wants me to be healthy, and well, i'm not. i talk to her about everything. even if i know it will make her mad at me, i will tell her. so if you were the girl offering me money to have sex with her on superbowl sunday, guess what, she knows. oh, and she wants to hurt you too, just fyi. and just because i won't lie to her, don't think for one second i won't lie to you. because i did. i was not doing what i said i was on sunday, i was watching the game with my homie mason drinkin five twelve packs of soda. geeze, them be some sour apples huh?

ya, so that was a little condescending of someone. and a select few people know who that someone is. oh, and mason doesn't have an std, that was just part of us yankin your chain. and honestly, $100 for sex? are you kidding me? i have a girlfriend that i love with all of my heart. i would never cheat on her, even if it were for money and especially not with you, you're bad news, sorry.

heck hem. so moving on,,,, i love felicia. lol, i know i know you're getting mad at me for talking about her, but i've changed what this bulletin is for. it's for me to talk about the woman of my dreams.

i was discussing something with two of my 'bros' [rofl] this evening and it made me realize something. okay, so bro number 1, we'll call him "chadwill" he just asked a girl out today. so, he's on that new found path of getting to know her even better. so, we were playing counter-strike [ more on cs later lol ] and he was distracted. so i said "chadwill" are you talking to your girrrrrrrrlfriend?! and he's like ya. and bro number 2, we'll call him "chadmason" was like aww how cute. and i'm all ya you're just jealous and he's like ya i am. and i'm like ya, chadwill should be jealous too, see, he's at the awkward getting to know you stage. whereas me and felicia are at the "i know you i love being around you i'm comfortable enough to fart around you" stage. okay, she doesn't fart, but i do :D

okay, so counter-strike. mason and i play competitively. will doesn't. we're getting will into it [ rachel, watch out, we're stealing him already!! ] well, felicia used to love it. until it took up a lot of my time. i'm on a team, we practice, it's life. she's finally accepted that! no more fights!

okay, so i'm beginning to not be able to type, so let me end with a recap about what's so wonderful about my girlfriend.

she's beautiful
she means the world to me
she's always there for me
she's my best friend
she doesn't judge me
she loves that i'm a nerd
she loves that i'm fat [ pillows!! ]
she smells good, her aroma drives me crazy, i can smell her all day long!
she has a perfect little tummy. and it's all mine
she is going to be the mother of my children some day
she is going to get old and make fun of stupid people with me some day
she is the girl of my dreams, the girl i want to spend the rest of my life with
and most of all

i have given her the power to crush my heart once and for all and i trust her not to.
and i know she will not, because our hearts are intertwined.
that's what i call love.