I <3 Chivalry!


New member
There are two things that really turn me on in this world:

1) Gay midget **** with S&amp;M overtones in a medieval setting.

2) Gentlemen.

Last week I had to run to town to take care of some errands. I had just finished up at the DMV and was walking down a long hallway to exit the building. A man entered the building and was about 10 feet inside when he looked up and saw me approaching. He quickly turned around, walked back to the door, and held it open for me to make my exit (AND he was cute!). I thanked him for his thoughtfulness.

Tonight I was walking toward the gas station entrance and another man exited the building, saw me approaching, and returned to the door to hold it open for me. I also thanked him for his thoughtfulness and he replied, "My pleasure, Miss." (Bonus points for calling me "miss" instead of "ma'am".)

I adore chivalry. I think it's wonderful and it saddens me to know it's becoming a lost art in our society.

I don't have children, but if I did, I would raise my boys to be chivalrous towards ladies...open doors for them, offer to carry things for them, always pay for the first three dates, etc... My daughters would be taught to appreciate the kindness of chivalry and to never condemn a man for acting respectfully toward her.


So guys, are you chivalrous? Are you the type to hold the door open for an approaching lady?

Ladies, do you appreciate it when a man acts like a gentleman toward you?

Parents...what are you teaching your sons and daughters about the fine art of chivalry?



New member
Being respectful and courteous to women has been something I've tried to aspire to.

Ever since I was in about 6th grade, I decided that being polite, using manners and being courteous to people, especially women, was a virtue.

Manners and respect is something I have stressed in my children. Not so much their mother. You can tell when they come back. At first they have to correct themselves on manners and grammar but then they fall back in the grove of whats expected.

I tell them that if they are courteous, use manners and show respect to those who deserve it, their actions will be noticed. Noticed by friends parents, by relatives, by teachers, etc... ****, half of my friends parents, girlfriends and girlfriends parents completely trusted me and liked me better than the guys they were dating or dating their daughters.

**** I took chivalry to such an extreme it cost me my marriage. My ex was always ******** that I couldn't say no when someone would ask for help, be it male friends, female friends, relatives, etc...

I mean, who was I to turn down a friend in need. When a female friend needed some lovin', who was I to say no. Who was I to deny them some happiness. ***** totally OVERREACTED!!!

Just ******' With Ya'.

I never cheated on anyone, but the rest was true about me and my kids. :D

&lt;Off Topic Forum TJ disclaimer -- The previous reference to infidelity was a joke and bears no relevance in reality. Hence the laughing smiley.&gt;



New member
Being respectful and courteous to women has been something I've tried to aspire to.
Ever since I was in about 6th grade, I decided that being polite, using manners and being courteous to people, especially women, was a virtue.

Manners and respect is something I have stressed in my children. Not so much their mother. You can tell when they come back. At first they have to correct themselves on manners and grammar but then they fall back in the grove of whats expected.

I tell them that if they are courteous, use manners and show respect to those who deserve it, their actions will be noticed. Noticed by friends parents, by relatives, by teachers, etc... ****, half of my friends parents, girlfriends and girlfriends parents completely trusted me and liked me better than the guys they were dating or dating their daughters.

**** I took chivalry to such an extreme it cost me my marriage. My ex was always ******** that I couldn't say no when someone would ask for help, be it male friends, female friends, relatives, etc...

I mean, who was I to turn down a friend in need. When a female friend needed some lovin', who was I to say no. Who was I to deny them some happiness. ***** totally OVERREACTED!!!

Just ******' With Ya'.

I never cheated on anyone, but the rest was true about me and my kids. :D

&lt;Off Topic Forum TJ disclaimer -- The previous reference to infidelity was a joke and bears no relevance in reality. Hence the laughing smiley.&gt;
OMG, I was totally going to fly off the handle, get volatile, go off the deep end, get angry, etc, etc... until I read that last sentence!

Thank you, Off Topic Forum TJ disclaimer! Once again, you save the day. :)



New member
&lt;Off Topic Forum TJ disclaimer -- The previous reference to infidelity was a joke and bears no relevance in reality. Hence the laughing smiley.&gt;
Great.. ya know.. you could put that at the top so I see it before I get so ****** I can't continue reading, hop in my van, and go randomly kill 14 people at a McDonalds..



Active Members
I was brought up to respect women over men, one of my current complaints is that it seems many women have given up being seen as superior to be equal.....why?

Maybe the pressures of being on the pedistle is too much these days?

I always get doors both at stores and cars, sometimes the younger girls will look at me strange and every now and then I get one who tells me to let her get her own door but mostly I find a positive reaction to being a gentleman.

I have even do this with my daughter, I open her car door and help her with her chair at dinner to try and establish in her that she gets used to men treating her with respect instead of some piece of "booty call" trash.

I also address all women as ma'am, even the 17 year old checkout girl at McDonald's get a "thank you Ma'am" or a "yes ma'am" when I talk to them.

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