I beeeeeeez does nuthin man!



Videotape shows Sharpton cutting a deal

By John Shiffman

With a hidden FBI camera rolling inside a New York hotel
suite in 2003, an unsuspecting Rev. Al Sharpton, Democratic
candidate for president, spoke candidly.

Sharpton offered to help Philadelphia fund-raiser Ronald A.
White win a multimillion-dollar business deal, if White
helped him raise $50,000 for politics.

White offered $25,000. "If you bring my guys up on this
hedge fund, and I have the right conversation," White said,
"I'll give you what you need."

"Cool," Sharpton said.

The Inquirer obtained an account of the May 9, 2003,
conversation, which was recorded as part of the Philadelphia
City Hall corruption case. The tape helped spark a separate
inquiry into Sharpton's 2004 campaign and his civil-rights
organization, the National Action Network. The FBI-IRS probe
resurfaced publicly Wednesday, when Sharpton aides received

In an interview yesterday, Sharpton said there is
"absolutely nothing illegal" about tying business deals to
fund-raising because he is not a public official.

Izzz beeezzzzzzzz does nuthin man Izzzzzzzz Beeeeeeeeez
a victim of racism. Weeeeeeeez a gonnnnnnnna maaaarchhhhhh!!!

"WolfRat" <fred@charter.net> wrote in message
> Videotape shows Sharpton cutting a deal
> Izzz beeezzzzzzzz does nuthin man Izzzzzzzz Beeeeeeeeez
> a victim of racism. Weeeeeeeez a gonnnnnnnna maaaarchhhhhh!!!
> http://www.philly.com/philly/news/homepage/12529201.html

Do you think they will let Al use hair-straightener in prison?