i dont know what to do


New member
I guess i should explain. My friends say im too mature for my age, they think that pot is the solution..cuase itll help me loosen up. being the "mature" person i am i know what my parents would do and i know what my closest friends would do. I just dont understand, i know i can be too mature but why drugs would be their answer its stupid right? i just really dont know how to handle myself anymore.

this is some of the convo that im having with him.

YouJustDie: i no ur gonna HATE this

YouJustDie: . . . . but. . .

a12thManDown: just tell me

YouJustDie: maybe. . .youshoukd. . . . try some. . . . . . .

YouJustDie: weed:-X

a12thManDown: i really dont think you understand what would happen if i ever got caught

YouJustDie: no i no

YouJustDie: its not that hard to cover up. . .

YouJustDie: and i think it would help u tmredeslousy, itd show u how much fun ud hav if u loosned up

a12thManDown: whats ur ******* deal with pot?

YouJustDie: wat do u eman

YouJustDie: it will help u losin up

a12thManDown: whats ur deal with it?

a12thManDown: why is that ur solution to my maturity?

YouJustDie: it will show u how to hav a good time

a12thManDown: u know

a12thManDown: this is one of those times when i really jsut wanna say **** you

a12thManDown: but that would be childish

YouJustDie: yea i no

YouJustDie: but i bet it would work

a12thManDown: why drugs though

YouJustDie: they loosen u up

YouJustDie: one time wont hurt

i just dont get it.



New member
pot's not gonna solve it.

i've always been told that i'm pretty mature for being 14, but never to the point where someone recommended pot. i don't know what you can do about it, but don't smoke pot.



New member
oh yea im not going to. Everyone tells me im too mature for almost being 16 and thats not normal to them. so they tell me to drink and smoke pot. i just dont see the rationality in that. im being mature. ha. It makes me think of where their gonna be down the road in 5,10, 15 years.


New member
some friends you have... telling you to do drugs. I don't mean to judge, but that's not really what friends do.

Yeah, well, I don't need to tell you that drugs are bad. You hear that plenty.

If your resolution is to not do them, then don't. Don't let them talk you into doing something you know is wrong. like you said, **** them. it's not immature, it's wise



New member
exactly. there is no rationality in drinking and smoking. it isn't going to loosen you up, it'll **** you up. it's possible, though, that taking up a hobby, like playing a musical instrument, might make you a little looser. i don't actually know if you need to loosen up at all, but it can't hurt.


New member
haha. They dont understand that i dont give in to any kinda pressure, it just ****** me off that (for the 3rd time) their like smoke drink here do some pot, its like **** ur own life not mine. im trying to get threw that like i try to make sure all my friends are ok and safe, i feel like a overprotective mother all the time with my friends. im the one to keep them out of trouble and things but its their choice not mine i just try to help. It really is stupid, drinking is something i just wont ever do, so theres that and drugs just retarded. enough of my friends do it. Not ever gonna conform to that.

Oh i do play an instrument, im a proud drummer. :D



Active Members
Dude, here is my blunt advice:

Ditch these ********. Anyone who claims you should smoke because you are 'too mature for your age', is an idiot. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You are beyond these guys, they even admit it.

There is nothing wrong with being more mature then your peers. As it stands, you'll have an advantage over them because you will probably take school and responsibility far more seriously.

You sound like a smart guy, you just need to shake off these pot smoking morons and find some friends who appreciate you for who you are...not some losers who wan't to dumb you down and water you down to thier level.


Hybrid Soldier

New member
From the sound of it, I would not suggest weed to you, you seem too uptight and would end up getting yourself caught, so stay away from it is my advice. (but unlike most(maybe all) of the people in this thread, i am DEFINITLY not against pot :) )


New member
Itd be really hard to ditch them, theyve always been there for me. Thats why i distance myself somewhat from what they individualy do.

Thank you Hybrid Soldier. I wouldnt get myself caught, but someone like my dad would be able to find out and there would be bad consqences for it.



New member
I wouldnt ever say to someone 'loosen up your too mature, here smoke this!' that is what we call peer preassure. Im not against pot as I do it (go figure) but i never preassurise others into it. If they keep on doing it and dont respect your decision then forget about them.


New member
Do what you believe is best, after all the decision is up to you.

If this is their 3rd time persisting you to take the drugs, ditch them.

If they mean the world to you just go around burning off their weed so you cant smoke it and neither can they, and hopefully one day they will get the message.



Active Members
Dude, here is my blunt advice:Ditch these ********. Anyone who claims you should smoke because you are 'too mature for your age', is an idiot. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. You are beyond these guys, they even admit it.

There is nothing wrong with being more mature then your peers. As it stands, you'll have an advantage over them because you will probably take school and responsibility far more seriously.

You sound like a smart guy, you just need to shake off these pot smoking morons and find some friends who appreciate you for who you are...not some losers who wan't to dumb you down and water you down to thier level.
Totaly agree...



New member
Again thatd be really hard. I would be so messed up after that, if i ditched them all.

Stupidsoul theres no point in that. One it would make them ****** at me and two theyd just buy more or even do more of it.



New member
well if you don't know what to do I would say

Don't do it I'm stupid from It I love it and hate it at the same time

they say that when I'm not high I'm more mature like

to look up on but I just want it so much cause it's the only thing left to make me feel and laugh So just don't do it you'll go paranoid too I already I'm


Hybrid Soldier

New member
well if you don't know what to do I would sayDon't do it I'm stupid from It I love it and hate it at the same time

they say that when I'm not high I'm more mature like

to look up on but I just want it so much cause it's the only thing left to make me feel and laugh So just don't do it you'll go paranoid too I already I'm
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call addiction.

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