I don't know what to live for...


New member
People... it seems as though I'm reaching the end of my never ending road of misery. A year ago, some stuff happened, and it sort of impeded me from moving on with my life. Ever since that moment, everything has come tumbling down into a black abyss. With that said, I don't know what to live for anymore. I've lost so many things during these past recent years. I just want all this misery to end.

My family seems to be the source of the problem this time. My dad had another woman (supposedly), and since then, all **** has broken loose. My dad seems calm, but my mom on the other hand has become a psychopath. Giving death threats to my dad, yelling for no apparent reason, taking numerous pills... *sigh* I just can't see what the **** is wrong with her. It's as if both my parents have suddenly decided to become bi-polar... First it was my dad with the whole 'suicide phase', but now, it seems to have spread on to my mother. I hate them.

Whether my dad actually had/has another woman, or my mom is making it up, I felt something like this was going to be imminent. I don't want to be around here anymore... It's just seems like a living nightmare. If I don't have my family with me, then what the **** am I going to do to carry on with my life? My friends can support me... but they're not going to be here all the time.



New member
is the source of your being down the problems of your parents? or is there more?

at least, if your mom and dad got help, it looks like that would help you as well, cause you seem to care about your family



New member
I'm not the source of their problems.

My mom hates my dad.

My dad "had" another woman.

Mom kicked dad out of the house.

Dad leaves.

Mom spies on my dad for a while.

Mom causes dad to lose job.

Dad returns until he finds another job.

Mom attacks dad everyday emotionally.

Dad is about to kill himself.

Mom stops him.

Every other once in a while, mom attacks dad verbally again.

Dad begins to ignore her.

Mom goes crazy.

Mom wants him out of the house instantly.

Dad hasn't found a job so he stays longer.

Mom can't take whatever is in her head and goes mad.

Mom begins to take pills.

Mom begins to throw items around the house.

Tons of crying.

Mom wants to abandon us.

Dad wants to leave.

So there's the story... sorta XD



New member
ahh lol sorry but I didn't mean it that way. I meant the reverse way. is them fighting so much, the reason for you being down?


New member
I guess you could say that.

All this bullshit is making me hate them >.<

I tried to sympathize with both of them, but I want them BOTH out of the house with the way things are going. Of course that is not possible since they bring home the money, BUT this is all affecting me emotionally. This so sucks man... I just don't want either of them to do something stupider than what they've done already.



New member
is there any way you think they can get some help for what's goin on with them?

and I mean...does it work reasoning with them? telling them how **** it makes you feel?



New member
:[ I'm sorry about the situation. You have to try to talk to them to persuade them to do something about it. Do you think it would work if your parents see like therapists to sort out the problems? Because I think the negative impact on you is way too much. They've got to understand that they're not just affecting themselves, they're also taking away your life.

Scotty B

New member
just hang in there person when you hit rock bottom inlife the only way is up keep your chin up remain proud and stay calm things will sort its self out even if it takes a while


New member
your mum and dad need to know how you feel, you need to tell them that what they are doing to eachother not only affects them but you. also it sound like they would be better seperated, my ex-husband and me used to fight daily infront of our 3 daughters and it got to the point where they were that used to the constant shouting that they got immune to it. we split soon after i realised that they would think it was normal for familys to be that way. their behaviour changed drasticlyy over night, they became happier more confidant children. they still remember how we used to fight and its been 5 years since the split.

your mum and dad need to stop and think about how they are affecting you, and instead of trying to score points against eachother all the time they should be thinking about a way to resolve the problems in their relationship or split for good.

i really hope everything gets better, and if you need to talk were all here for you.



New member
i think u should tell your parents that their fighting is also affecting you!! tell them how bad you feel when they fight.... i hope that they will understand

good luck..



New member
thanks everyone for all the help you're giving me.

I really appreciate it.

I'd try reasoning with them... but it never sinks into their heads... especially my mom. She's too hard-headed to understand us. She always wants to do what's better for HER, when I know that a mom always sticks by her children.

My dad has always told me stories about how his mom always protected him and his brothers, even though they were 11 in total. Whenever they would eat, she'd let them eat first before eating herself... I think that's a real good mother. May my grandma rest in peace.

My mom is the total opposite of that >.> Money makes her happy. I gave her a flower today for mother's day (because she celebrates it on today like in her home country), and she just said "thank you" and put it down. I bet if I gave her 20 bucks, she would've been happier ; ;


Now I'm not really worried for me, but for my little sisters. They are the ones who are going to remain here while I'm in college. I just hope things work out for the best =/ Till' then, I'll just lock myself up in my room, away from all the hostility the house seems to drag in each and every day.

Thanks to everyone again :D



New member
if i could i would adopt you, i think kids are a gift and should be cherished and loved. my kids come first in my life, i go without so they can have everything they want.

your mum sounds very selfish and self absorbed hun, try to live with the situation with the thought that it wont be like that forever, you will grow up and move away from her. also let this be a lesson to you that when you finally have a family of your own you will love them more than life its self and never take them for granted.

you have a family right here on lpf, were here 24 hours a day 7 days a week to help you, never forget that :)


crazy robster

New member
Awww Allie said it right... *reps Allie* Javier honey... you have really made me misty because I can tell you are a lovely caring soul that maintains its beauty even through all this mess and misery. I'm not your mum and yet...when I read that you offered your mum a flower despite all she's putting you through... my heart melted. I just wanted to hug you tightly and tell you not to worry... There's always a way, good peope never lose their way. Be strong honey, keep your kindness and integrity of character and you 'll come out of this situation as a stronger person, believe me. We are here for you, all of us, never forget that. One loving family for you whenever you feel the need for support and understanding. And remember, conversation is usually the best way to solve problems. Good luck honey... *hugs*


New member
people deal with this stuff all the time, my best friend did too.

there's not too much you can do about your parents, they are going to act how they are going to act, I know how psychotic people can be. just try to find the base of the problem with talking to them, if it is the thought your mother has that your dad is cheating then that may save some time, but seems deeper than that.

just try talking to them and clear the air with how you feel. as your parents they SHOULD try to help you. when my parents went through this i was out of the house a lot. usually just went for a walk and that helped a lot for some reason, just helped clear my head. try to get your parents to COMMUNICATE instead of yelling, being mad doesn't get you anywhere, but to more problems, which lead to more anger.

If you're in college then you are old enough to be real with your parents without completely throwing out your opinion as they would a middle or sometimes high school kid. Just tell your little sisters to be strong through it and things will get better soon.



New member
My parents fought constantly and my father had more than one woman in is life and eventually they wound up getting a divorce and things have been alot better. I would suggest that your parents and you attend counseling to work through their problems and help them to better understand what this is and has done to you. But I really wouldnt kill yourself take it form me there is nothing that bad in this life that is worth sacrificing your life for. I would talk to another family member you trust about your situation and see if they cant help you out.
Well, I hope things get better on your family.. and don't worry!! Some day u will move away from this situation, and u'll be happier! Believe!! But till that, I think your mom needs some psychiatric help urgentely, cause she's destroying your life but she doesn´t knows it...

Well, when you need to talk about something, you know we are always here to hear you and support you!! :D ;)

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