I Don't Think Mitt Romney is a Racist


Gandalf Grey

I Don't Think Mitt Romney is a Racist

By Cenk Uygur
Created Nov 28 2007 - 8:47am

I don't think Mitt Romney is a racist, I think he just plays one on TV. He
has repeatedly said [1] that he would not have a Muslim in his cabinet [2].
Does this mean he hates Muslims? No, it means Republican primary voters hate

Mitt Romney is the greasiest man in America. He is so greasy, he shines. And
in that shine you can see the reflection of his audience.

Romney is desperate to please. He will say or do anything to win the crowd,
whichever crowd he is trying to win over at the time. When it was a more
liberal audience in Massachusetts, he loved gay rights, respected a woman's
right to choose, was ambivalent about Reagan and was more liberal than Ted
Kennedy. Now that it is a Republican primary audience, he is for doubling
Guantanamo, enhanced interrogation techniques, more unnecessary wars and
yes, hating Muslims.

Does Romney actually believe that gay Americans should have rights? Who
knows? Is he pro-choice or pro-life? Who knows, who cares? He is whatever
people want him to be. I don't think he particularly gives a ****. All he
wants is that brass ring. He is the Gollum of American politics.

You think he won't change his stances again if he wins the Republican
primary? Of course, he will! Of course, he will! All of a sudden, Mr. Grease
will be the world's biggest moderate. He will be against war because the
American population at large is sick and tired of war. He will rush and
scramble and bumble and fumble towards the middle. Because he knows his

So, that brings us back to why he keeps making gratuitous anti-Muslim
comments. Because he knows it works! The Republican primary voters are
obsessed with fighting this mythical fight against Islamic fascism [3], or
Maoism or whatever they're calling it these days. The name isn't important,
the idea behind it is - we loathe these Muslims who are foreign, evil
outsiders looking to destroy our way of life.

Running against "the others" has been the bread and butter of Republicans
for at least four decades now. They sound like they're on an episode of
Lost, constantly running away from the others (best said by the Korean
character in his broken English, when he looks so frightened and appears to
be saying "the otters").

Pick a group, demonize them and pretend you are here to save Americans from
them. Blacks, Mexicans, gays, Muslims, whatever. The group de jour these
days is mainly Muslims (playing against the M&M's (Muslims and Mexicans)
never hurts a Republican candidate).

So, accordingly, the shiny, reflective grease pool known as Mitt Romney is
anti-Muslim. Does he really believe it? Who knows? Does he really believe
anything? I bet he'd be the most pro-Muslim man you ever met if he was
running for mayor of Mecca. How does anyone know what is in the heart of a
man who has no soul?

The Young Turks [4]

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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson