I finnaly broke down


New member


I finnaly broke down crying. This past month has been nothing but **** for me. Ive tried to like make the best out of it. look on the brightside but like today it really hit me hard.

Ive been in the school play and today like i got a standing ovation and like it really just showed me that i did good and people actually appreciated me for once and like. I was just so happy.

and it just made me feel so good i cried. and like. I cant stop it now. Becuase like ive tried so hard to make some kind of mark and i feel as though now im doing it. like that my friends are friends and not just people i hang with. i mean it just felt awesome

i mean i got reffered to a phyciatrist for anger issues...me of all people...i got dumped...I had to quit varsity as soon as i made it...i totaly had no out of school life i mean its like i lost touch with myself who i really was lately and like today i kidna actually felt good and it all is just kind of sinking it...i mean ive sunk so low lately im not even doing a thing for my sweet sixteen nothing i dont wanna be with anyone and its insane..but like thats how bad it is.



New member
Well, I'm very glad for you cuz you feel so happy today and everything...and crying can be very good...

On the other hand I'm so sorry for all the **** that happened to you in the past month...but you can really look at it from the bright side cuz in the end you will look at it that way. This **** is helping you to grow up, to see that our world is ****** cruel and disgusting...or can I rather say - PEOPLE are disgusting! We're all going through similar stuff sooner or later just to make us realize what's life like...

Anyway, now I'm just gonna say what I always say - it's gonna get better, believe me, it always does...but it's the shame the **** is always following us...but you'll get used to it...

I hope I helped even though I don't believe it...Take care!



New member
crying always helps. Even if you don't want to and you try not to... it helps. Somehow it makes everything go away.

for my sweet 16... I didn't want to even look at anyone. It was just another reason for people to come around. It's okay. I mean life goes on. Some people NEED the break down in order to survive. If you dont just stop and think then you're just going to continue sinking. Even if thinking makes you cry... its the best thing you can do.



New member
Crying is goos azem.

No matter what happens always keep your chin up and always think on the bright side. That you're normal. You have two eyes a nose and a mouth. You have food on your table and a roof over your head. Keep your chin up little soldier.



New member
its fine to cry but i never would have expected this from you. you always seem like such a strong, intelligent guy.

i dont think that you have broken down down completely ive just think you went a barmy a wee bit. which is perfectly normal for people our age at school. i know it probably seems like utter **** and that this is the lowest point in your life, but believe me it isnt. basically, cheer the **** up bc u have alot nore going for you than you realise....im going to stop rambling now....



New member
those must have been horrible to go through... well i'm glad things are finally turning the right way :(

When you feel bad, ***** about it to someone. When you feel mad, throw it at a punching bag. And when you still feel bad, cry and eat chocolate

I hope things go well :(



New member
Like i know it could be a lot worse i just needed to like break down i guess to kinda rebuild myself up or something. Well. Now that football, the play, church classes, and **** is over I can reestablish myself again.

Just like i dunno

i kinda needed that moment

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