I get "IE Cannot display webpage" trying to sign into my bank with IE8 and 9



On my 64 bit Win 7 Ultimate, 2 year old PC, 3 days ago, I started getting a "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message using IE 8. I have cleared all the history and reset several times. I have reset all the network. I have restarted IE and the PC. I upgraded to IE 9 but the problem is the same. From this PC i can connect with FireFox. I can connect from my Vista Pro PC running IE 9 and from another Win 7 Ultimate, X64, PC with IE 8.
The process is to open WWW.BECU.org and provide the user id and password. When I login, IE takes longer than usual to confirm thru https://becu.org.../login.aspx and fails with the ...cannot display webpage. After I clear and reset, the logon will take me to a page because the cookie is gone so I have to answer a security quistion. When I respond the question I get the same ... cannot display the webpage message. If I run diagnostics no problems are found.
With IE 8 I ran bothe 64 bit and 32 bit versions with the same results. I spent almost an hour with the bank (BECU) teck person and concluded that I have to use FireFox.
Obviously I reset something and we can't find it! Can you help, please...

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