I Got Frat Party!


New member
Omg, I got the DVD for Christmas!! I watched it like, five times, lol. It's so awesome!


New member
ok Kates look closely when they r at the store talking to that lady look at brads neck i think its a tattoo! i watched it yesterday and i borowed it from my friend so im gonna watch it again to make sure


New member
Frat Party it so awesome*thinks of watching again*,I laugh so much,they are so funny guys.

My fave parts were:the fricassé story,Mike in Europe(without a coat *****),when chester punches joe,when mike broke the table into with his ***,the guy who was kinda naked and they made him dancing outside(that one was so frigging hilarious).

My advice for all those who haven´t got it:GO TO THE STORE NOW!!!!



New member
i just saw it :D i think that was a tamporary tattoo cauz it looked like it was fading and i didnt c it on his neck anyother time on the DVD my mom watched it w/ me lol
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