I had some problems


New member
Yesterday LPF was all screwy for me. I'm not sure if it was the site or my computer because I'm on a different one right now. But it wouldn't let me view thread that were less than 2 pages long, I couldn't start a thread, I couldn't PM, and the whole site was jumbled up. At the home page there was only the Oscar banner and some text. I couldn't do anything, but it's working now. When my brother gets off of the other computer I will check to see if it works on there. I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but I guess it was fixed.


New member
Now it won't let me post, but I figured out a way to. It will only let me post if I like click on the little quote thing under someone else's post and then I can erase it and write what I want. I guess it's just my account or something, but it's really messed up.


New member
ATLien's been changing some stuff and something he did screwed me up.....I hate having to post like this. When you see this ATLien, I need help!


Active Members
Ok, I made a minor change that was something I though might be causing this. Let me know if it is fixed.
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