I hate Goths.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
I just graduated from high school recently, and I was thinking about how much I hated it so much. I came to the conclusion that the worst part is not only the saturation of unmotivated, selfish, materialistic assholes who have life handed to them, but the assholes who adhere to stupid labels.

Namely, Goths. Oh, how I would like to bludgeon them to death one by one, those stupid wanna-be vampires, sporting their trendy hot-topic bracelets bought with their allowance they got for doing their mom's dishes. Never mind that, though, because they are hardcore and independent. So independent, in fact, that they all wear the same brand label bullshit, prepackaged and ready to go so they can go to school looking like ass, since looking like **** is the cool thing to do. I seriously think that anyone who is ever so dense that they get sucked into such a bullshit stereotype that stupid and pointless should get shot in the face. I embrace all Goths' genocide. And, since they like blood, pain, and death so much, I say we give it to them. Next time you see some dumbass teenager walking with baggy black pants, with chains hanging everywhere (courtesy of hot-topic, you now no longer need to stop off at your neighborhood Home Depot to get chains anymore; they come attached to the pants) and black make-up and some gay mohawk or something else that screams "lazy, 2.0 GPA dumbass" , just run them over. Trust me, no one will notice. It will be fine. We'll just assume they died of stupidity. Or we'll just realize that that is one less mouth-breather with absolutely no intelligence, prospects or useful talents sucking up our dwindling resources, and give you accolades for ridding us of that scum.
What's the matter, Mozart? Couldn't get laid by a creepy goth chick? Aim lower!

You should really start with the chicks that ride on the window-licker bus.
you talking about the ones wearing black, with all the blace make-up saying, "i love satan", yeah,


those guys are weird in a bad way and creepy like micheal jackson. if they really want death, i'll be glad to give em some, but knowing how alot of people are scared of death, they'll run away from me and my melee weapons and dogs. and why the hell did they become that way? it seems pointless
I just graduated from high school four or five years ago, and I was thinking about how much I hated it so much. I came to the conclusion that the worst part is not only the saturation of unmotivated, selfish, materialistic assholes who have life handed to them, but the assholes who adhere to stupid labels.

Namely, Preps. Oh, how I would like to bludgeon them to death one by one, those stupid wanna-be players, sporting their trendy Hillfiger outfits bought with their allowance they got for doing absolutely nothing because they're spoiled little shits. Never mind that, though, because they are macho and normal, so normal in fact, that they all wear the same bland looking brand label bullshit because John Abercrombie told them it's the cool thing to do. I seriously think that anyone who is ever so dense that they get sucked into such a bullshit stereotype that stupid and pointless should get shot in the face. I embrace all prep's' genocide. And, since they like being a bunch of hard assed jocks so much, I say we give them the hard ass treatment. Next time you see some dumbass teenager walking with $200 dollar kahkis, with crappy "bling bling" hanging everywhere, enough make up to outdo a whore, and some gay clean cut hairstlye or something else that screams "Spoiled rich kid" or "blind sheep who does what mainstream society tells you to do instead of forming your own opinions" , just run them over. Trust me, no one will notice. It will be fine. We'll just assume they died of stupidity. Or we'll just realize that that is one less egomaniac with absolutely no intelligence, prospects beyond pissing away mommy and daddy's inheritence or useful talents sucking up our dwindling resources, and give you accolades for ridding us of that scum.
Sounds like someone was jealous of rich people, KVH. Only jealousy brings on that passionate of a response to people who don't dress like you. I've seen your picture with the fishnet shirt and I can firmly say I hope that trend doesn't catch on for everybody.
manicmonday said:
Sounds like someone was jealous of rich people, KVH. Only jealousy brings on that passionate of a response to people who don't dress like you. I've seen your picture with the fishnet shirt and I can firmly say I hope that trend doesn't catch on for everybody.

and it sounds like to ME someone is obviously missing the point. Quite frankly I don't give a **** about something as trivial as whether someone dresses like me or not. And as much as I can't stand rich yuppies, that's another issue for another time.

Notice how I merely re-worded Mozart's post? IT WAS TO SHOW THAT STUPID HIGHSCHOOL CLIQUES ARE ALL THE SAME, AND THE POINTLESS BITCHING ABOUT ****ING TEENAGE CLIQUES IS ALSO ALWAYS THE SAME **** AND IT GETS NOWHERE. WHY DO YOU FAIL TO SEE THAT? Waaah! someone is wearing an outfit I don't like! Someone entertains themselves different than the way I entertain myself! BOO HOO HOO! ****ing get over it. Some people must live REALLY good lives if the only thing they have to worry about is if one group of yuppie kids buy their clothes at Hot Topic and if the other group of yuppie kids buy their clothes at American Eagle.
Newsflash moron, the point of my rant was to say how stupid labels are, especially when there is no central theme, nor any focus on making a statement other than, "look at me, I am so cool". I never said any other label was better, but goths are the ones who stand out in my mind as a bunch of weird losers. I was never any stereotype, I was just myself. If people didn't like who I was then they could **** off and kiss my ass. So can you, if you are going to take the stance that I was just bagging on one label. Obviously you missed the point of my opening statement. It clearly says that I ****ing hate ALL labels. Your argument is essentially rendered worthless if you would just open your dumbass eyes and read my comments before being a smartass and commenting back.
Glad to see you can put my paragraph into a form though. That was my point. Fill in whatever label you hate and rant. I happened to choose Goths. Obviously you were a goth at one point, otherwise you wouldn't be so offended.
Goths were nowhere near as annoying and stupid as preps. Bunch of tight, stuck up, **** filled, sorry pieces of insect ****.

You pretty much said everything I wanted to say KVH so I cannot reiterate. I'd give you rep but I got to spread the bullshit. I owe ya.
Outlaw2747 said:
Goths were nowhere near as annoying and stupid as preps. Bunch of tight, stuck up, **** filled, sorry pieces of insect ****.

I think you hated them just because they were White.
manicmonday said:
Sounds like someone was jealous of rich people, KVH. Only jealousy brings on that passionate of a response to people who don't dress like you. I've seen your picture with the fishnet shirt and I can firmly say I hope that trend doesn't catch on for everybody.

You of course would know ALL about that...LOL, how interesting seeing this post coming from you.
Lethalfind said:
You of course would know ALL about that...LOL, how interesting seeing this post coming from you.

You Princess aren't rich, your daddy was. I make my own money, something you would have no idea about.

But once again, kudos for making the thread about you. Attention whore.
manicmonday said:
You Princess aren't rich, your daddy was. I make my own money, something you would have no idea about.

But once again, kudos for making the thread about you. Attention whore.

I'm the attention whore...you are funny. You have no idea, you make alot of assumptions that are not correct, which shows your sad mentality...You want it to be as bad as you say so you can feel better about yourself...Concentrate on your own life and that just might make a difference.
Lethalfind said:
I'm the attention whore...you are funny. You have no idea, you make alot of assumptions that are not correct, which shows your sad mentality...You want it to be as bad as you say so you can feel better about yourself...Concentrate on your own life and that just might make a difference.

I know you had to have your voice on a thread that you know nothing about so that we once again could see one of your petty opinions. It's not an assumption when you had to be seen. Why else did you post?

Attention whore.

Concentrate on your life, mines great. Own my own business, pay my own rent, don't wish daddy was here to pay for me. I'm good. And what do you do again? Oh yeah midlife crisis and going to school.
manicmonday said:
I know you had to have your voice on a thread that you know nothing about so that we once again could see one of your petty opinions. It's not an assumption when you had to be seen. Why else did you post?

Attention whore.

Concentrate on your life, mines great. Own my own business, pay my own rent, don't wish daddy was here to pay for me. I'm good. And what do you do again? Oh yeah midlife crisis and going to school.

Live in a sad little apartment do you, didn't you mention driving a Navigator?? Good alocation of money idiot...I'm having a mid life crisis because I'm in school and you call yourself a professional student...interesting, so who is really having a midlife crisis?? My life is going rather well and I don't have the whoring around to look back on like you do...
I am aware of what Goths are by the way...
Lethalfind said:
Live in a sad little apartment do you, didn't you mention driving a Navigator?? Good alocation of money idiot...I'm having a mid life crisis because I'm in school and you call yourself a professional student...interesting, so who is really having a midlife crisis?? My life is going rather well and I don't have the whoring around to look back on like you do...
I am aware of what Goths are by the way...
Navigator? No. Escalade. And you drive an Expedition? Same thing bitch only built buy Ford. So before you get all high and mighty about gas usage, then I would examine what you are doing? Oh yeah self realization, we have already covered you don't have it.

Professional student can mean anything. Means one who is learning about life. But you don't understand self realization, I wouldn't think you would know about that either.
Wow, is this yet another post with the same end result (you two picking at each other with the finesse of two little kids out on the playground)? I think the last five or six threads were eventually dominated by you two bantering back and forth. Are you guys complete opposites or arch nemeses or something?