I Hate You, You Hate Me...We're A Happy Family



Thursday, May 31, 2007

I Hate You, You Hate Me...We're A Happy Family

By Jayne Gardener

Hate. A simple four letter word that packs a painful punch. No one
wants to be accused of it and yet those of us who understand the truth
of the Jewish supremacist agenda or who speak honestly about
black/white race issues are constantly and falsely being accused of

Why does everyone seem to think that exposing the Jewish supremacist
agenda is all about hate? Is hate the only motivation for exposing
their treachery? Or could it be that we are motivated by love? Love
for our white European, Christian heritage and our traditional
Christian values.........you know, the ones that built western
civilization and made it the greatest civilization known to man?

For 3,000 years Jewish supremacists have worked to destroy every
culture they have lived in from within by forcing their sick anti-
Gentile, anti-Christian and anti-family values on the rest of us. They
literally want to destroy the traditional family unit; destroy the
very building block of strong societies. If that isn't hate, what is?

The Jewish inspired wide open immigration policies and miscegenation
were brought about for one reason and one reason only. To dilute our
DNA and eventually eradicate it from this earth. If the shoe were on
the other foot and we were doing our damndest to dilute and eliminate
Jewish DNA you know full well that the screams of anti-semitism would
be akin to the shot heard 'round the world.

Our Zionist masters not only encourage abortion, they are
disproportionately represented among the movers and shakers in the
abortion industry. Do they hate us so much that they not only
encourage us to kill our unborn children but they are noticeably
recognizable among the names of the doctors who perform such
procedures at a rate of close to a million a year? Would you call this

In their eyes, the institution of marriage is something to be mocked
and ridiculed and destroyed by both the homosexual activists and the
"bats in the belfry" gender feminists who have done more damage to
women and children than any other group in the name of "liberating us"
from male oppression. Who is more oppressed, a woman who stays home to
take care of her home and children and is on her own schedule doing
her work and being answerable to no one, or a woman who must be at a
certain place at a certain time and doing a specific job for a given
period of time at the behest of someone else? Brainwashing women to
leave the home for the workplace and abandon their children in the
process is not love, it is hate.

Jewish supremacists control the wealth and the dissemination of news
so that we never clue into what they are about until it's too late and
there is no turning back. Most media venues are owned and controlled
by Jewish interests and they control what we see and hear. They are
responsible for the lop-sided, unfair coverage of black/white
relations and the subterfuge that does its level best to disguise the
Jewish supremacist raison d'etre. The final result is that we only
know what they want us to know and you can be damned sure they are not
going to let us in on the dirty little secret they keep to themselves
or the perfidy of the state of Israel.

They control academia and develop a curriculum that keeps the majority
ill-educated and malleable so that any agenda can be forced upon them
without even knowing it's happening. They turn our children into good
little marionettes of the Zionist puppet masters who challenge their
parents' more conservative views and take up the banner for
multiculturalism, social justice and white race genocide.

Over the years they have been pretty successful at driving the
majority religion out of our schools and out of the public square.
Screaming "separation of church and state" they push their sick ,
Zionist agenda knowing full well that the framers of the constitution
never imagined that somewhere down the road someone would believe that
religion must be kept out of government at all costs. That document,
one of the most amazing documents ever written, has been so misused
and twisted over the years that it has little or no meaning in this
modern age. "Interpretation" of the constitution in this day and time
is so far removed from the intent of the founding fathers as to be

If the historical revisionists are right (and I believe that many
certainly make good points), the Jewish supremacists may well have
pulled off the scam of the century. They exploit the tragic deaths of
their own for financial gain and to garner unfailing support for their
Jewish state of Israel. They pulled the United States into almost
every war in the 20th century to serve their needs and desires at
great consequence to the US and then have no shame in accepting
American money to the tune of about 15 million dollars a day. Oh, the

The largely Jewish Communist regime in the former Soviet Union and
Eastern European countries unleashed horrors upon people that no human
being should be forced to endure. But to add insult to injury the Jews
are never taken to task for their role in the slaughter of the Czar's
entire family or for the millions of Christians and others who died
under Communist rule, either by outright murder or government
sponsored famine that wiped out untold millions in the Ukraine alone.
Can anyone take an honest look at that period of history and not claim
it was motivated by greed and yes, hate?

No one was ever legally held responsible for the atrocities that took
place in the Gulags of the Soviet Union and yet Jews such as Simon
Wiesenthal devoted his entire life to tracking down elderly camp
guards. Am I to turn a blind eye to the horrors of the Communist
regime and continue to let the Jewish liars manipulate me into buying
into the collective guilt and sorrow over the Jewish treatment at the
hands of the nazis? Even the Jews don't really care about the victims
of the Holocaust, they are just a means to an end, a way to garner
blind support for their Jewish state in the middle east and to keep
the money rolling in. Is this motivated by hate? You bet it is.

They use the tragedy of the "Holocaust" to keep the money flowing and
to make anyone who dares to criticise their little Jewish utopia feels
like a monster. God forbid anyone should speak up about their racist,
apartheid policies and their terrorist actions against a largely
unarmed Palestinian population. If the egregious behavior of the IDF
and the Israeli settlers in the occupied territories doesn't
constitute hate, what does?

So, in closing, let me remind you that those of us who speak out about
the treachery and disloyalty of the Jews are not motivated by hate but
by love of our own people and heritage and a desire to hold onto the
world as it used to be before Jewish supremacist perfidy began to
destroy it.

I don't hate them but I believe I have ample evidence to demonstrate
their hate for me. I think their hatred of Gentiles and Christians
oozes from their pores and consumes their every waking thought. It is
in their mother's milk, suckled into them from birth. Their hatred
pours forth from their sacred Babylonian Talmud and continues to this

They are the haters, that is obvious. And I will continue to expose
that hatred as long as I draw breath.

Falc wrote:
> Thursday, May 31, 2007
> I Hate You, You Hate Me...We're A Happy Family
> By Jayne Gardener
> Hate. A simple four letter word that packs a painful punch. No one
> wants to be accused of it and yet those of us who understand the truth
> of the Jewish supremacist

OK , another jooze jealousy rant

how about , instead of ranting about what you do not know cannot prove
and couldnt understand if you could anyway ...

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