I have installed the microsoft security essential in my netbook. However, it is not on. I...



Hi All,

I've very weird problem with security essential.

I downloaded the security essential when I bought my netbook. For few months it was working fine. I was able to update it regularly. Now, somehow, it is not getting activated. I mean, it is off in my system. The notification area shows that security essential is off. When, I click on that to turn it on, the turn on button is grey out.
- I searched a lot to find out the reason but there is no help at all.
- I found the microsoft defender is creating the trouble, I turn it off and tried to on the security essential but no luck.
- I also tried to update it but there is no luck again.

The error I get is some 0x5217..Somthing that I don't remember.

Strange thing is..

- Security essential is installed in my system but I can't find is anywhere in my netbook. I can only find it in Contorl panel->Uninstall program.. Why it is not showing anywhere in my pc..so that I can atleast turn it on and turn of the security defender in case, if it causing the trouble.

I want complete information how to turn on the security essential.


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