I have two Windows 7, can't delete either of them



LONG version: I DL'd a virus a month ago and I deleted it. In the process of deleting it, I deleted another important system file because: running apps like iexplorer/notepad/frostwire no longer opens them (can only use the run as admin option), I can't drag and drop files any more, my touch scrollpad thing doesnt work, and certain picture icons don't display when I adjust things with my F1-F12 keys (the speaker, brightness, wifi pictures). All of these worked the day before I got and deleted my virus.
To fix this, I attempted to reinstall W7 using my Reinstallation DVD for W7 Home Premium 64-bit. It says to use to "reinstall the operating system on a Dell PC" which is what I thought I wanted to do. Instead of overwriting my first ("corrupted") version of W7 which is on C, it made another W7 on my recovery drive E (I think this is my fault but IDR exactly). Because of this, my E now has 14mb / 14.6 GB free. When I run my new W7 I get a low memory pop up every minute.
I want to remove this new windows from E. Its not supposed to be there, correct? I also want my original windows on C to work properly. Presumably by reinstalling W7 on C, correct? I pop the CD and get up to the point where I'm asked which drive to install W7. I choose drive C (which has 159/218 GB free) and it tells me theres not enough space.. wtf.. I cant touch drive E or my OEM partition so that leaves me with no options.
I also tried formatting both drives and I don't have any permission. I remember that I need permission from "TrustedInstaller" to do something (I think I was trying to format when that came up) . I changed my boot order to be my cd drive first, but i can't boot from my disk because I get an error "cdboot couldnt find bootmgr." I tried running the CD normally and it tells me there isnt enough free space on C to run setup even though 159 GB / 218 GB is free. I have tried many things...

SHORT version: I have 2 Windows 7 on my computer. The first on C is not working properly. To fix this my problem, I tried to reinstall Windows with the original disk. Instead of overwriting the first OS, a second W7 was installed on my recovery drive E. Even though my second W7 on E now works properly, it is taking up way too much space, so I want to remove it. I have tried extensively to do this, with no success.
I also want to reinstall W7 on my C drive to fix my problem. I have also tried several things with no success. I can't boot from CD because I get an error "cdboot couldnt find bootmgr." I tried running the CD normally and there isnt enough free space on C to run setup even though 159 GB / 218 GB is free. I can't format C or E either.

Any ideas? THANK YOU to anybody in advance

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