i need reltionship advice please!!


New member
so my bf and i have been going out for a lil over a year. we are supppose to go to fl on sunday. now we have been fighting alot. cuz he has changed. he dosent give me any kind of attention. if i want a kiss he kinda complains. he says hes always tired. hes gotten heaver and lazy. and im sick of being treated like im his friend and not his gf. he says he still loves me. so i asked him if he liekd someone else and he got mad at me.


so the real advice. last night we got into another argument and he said that i give him aheadache and **** and thats why we fight. and i said no we fight cuz your an ******* and you only care about yourself. so now hes really mad. cuz he hates when people call him an *******. but thats what he was acting like. so we live together and he slept downstairs and didnt even say good bye to me this morning when he left for work.


so im thinking its over. i cant handle this ****. so what do you think and what would you do?



Active Members
If he treats you like that and has no good reason for it and I think there are no good reasons for treating a girlfriend like this, I think it's better for you if you guys split.

If I woul be in a situation like this I would immediatly quit the relationship, because I don't think it's worth the trouble.

You should think about it and make your own decission. I hope I have helped you a little bit.



Active Members
Well, lets be a little more reasonable with the guy here. It honestly sounds like he does care about you, but he is tired of the relationship and doesn't know how to end it. He does sound confused though, and maybe with the one year anniversery coming up he is wondering if he really does love you. Do you pressure him alot? If not, then its purely his problems.

I would suggest you ask him if he needs a break, like for a week or something, so he can try and think things over. That should give him enough time to decide what he wants. Its not easy, but its better then having a boyfriend who only gives a heartache.



New member
i can only say is let the guy go, you'll be much better and so forth... then and only then will he somewhat now that he ****** up


New member
It's a well known fact that men have a hard time expressing their feelings. It does sound like something is bothering him, he just might not want to talk about it or may not even know how to. You guys have been together almost a year and you live together so giving up and letting him go may not be the best decision. In a relationship there are always ups and downs, but you have to make the decision to work at it, and it takes a lot of work sometimes and it can be really hard at times too. I guess my advice would be to sit down and have a calm discussion, no name calling and try hard not to use accusations. Someone once taugt me the "I feel" method of discussing problems. Try to start your sentences off with "I feel" instead of pointing the finger and putting your bf on the defense. But it is up to you just how important this relationship is and if you are both willing to work at it. It's hard when you don't know how the other person feels. Anyway, hope that helps and I wish you the best.


New member
Whoa that is harsh man you should leave him man that is not cool

Too bad it's up to you though not saying its a bad thing though

Just to let you know don't fall for that boul ****

"I won't do it again Please let me come back I'll change for you"

or anything like that they always say that and go back to the way they do



New member
Maybe he is trying to be a better person or something, my boyfriend was being weird before but he said i inspired him to be a better person and then he eventually became a better person.


New member
thank you everyone. 1st off i sugested a break and he cryed and got upset. said he didnt want that. i sugested i move out. he cryed and said he didnt want that. so i know he loves me. i gave him lots of times to go. i told him i will get over it.


stupidsoul1 i think what you said makes sense. he once mentioned to me that he felt like a horrable person and wants to be better and that he ddint know what was wrong with him.


By_My-$elf well i dont fall for the lines. i had an ex like that. so trust me i will not believe nor fall for any of that ****. lol. thank you.


butterflygirl i do start off my sentices with i feel. but i will admit if i start getting agrvated i do raise my voice a lil. so what you said defently helped me out thanks.


Jeezy i do agree i dont think a gf should be treated liek this either. hank you for your input.

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