oh ******* well grow up, you absolute half wit. a) i dont expect you to 'give a fart' about my hurt over my dad - why would i want a worthless piece of **** like u to be concerned about me?! try shrinking your ego mate. and i call you mate as u seem to use terms like mate, friend and pal very loosely ... sleeping with their wives etc.
b) 'blow my muck' how ... hmm ... disgusting? degrading and once again - pathetic ... grow the **** up!
c) bet your an ugly *******
I am indeed a grown man, and whether or not my posturing hurts your ueber-senstive feelings is as important to me as a foreskin is to a Yid.
As for my ego, let me be articulate my well founded classification of myself as one of the humans of this world that simply abound in exquisite traits and superior existence, to the envy of every other sycophantic common prol that insufferably occupy an unecessarily large swathe of this planet of ours.
I am such a handsome and dashing man that when I gaze dreamily at my own reflection in a mirror, it pains me to avert my gaze and continue on with my life, so stunningly attractive are my finely hued features.
Coupled with an impeccably inspired sense of style, poise, and yes, you may have guessed it, swaggar, it is practically a crime that such a divine creature such as myself is forced to move among the lowly commoners that I am regrettably obligated to cohabitate with on Mother Earth.
Add a walloping amount of personal success, an exceptionally talented and intellectually superior brain, and the most high brow disposition that a lowly member of the human race's pond scum could possibly conjure up in their unfortunately simple and repulsively stunted heads, and you have the demigod you see before you, gracing your undeserving little forum with my presence.
Now I indulge the pedants of the world with the occasional vulgarity and low brow reference, it is my way of showing my ability to act like a chameleon and move around those that have not been blessed with the unfathomably brilliant characteristics that I have come to exist with.
Now clearly you harbour some inherently negative traits of jealousy, by virtue of the banality of your run of the mill life of despair, typical of the common variety punter that comprises the ghastly hoi polloi of western society.
I am empathetic, believe me, I am not completely devoid of the occasional flash of conscience for those less fortunate than my brilliant self.
But don't consider that as an open invitation to engage me further. I will gaze upon you as I would a **** that has been recently digested from last night's excelelnt vindaloo. Anecdotally interesting for a split second, only to be flushed into anonymity and never to be considered again.