I Think I Have Gotten It Wrong


Gandalf Grey

I think I have gotten it wrong.

By Sgt. Kevin Benderman
Created Sep 15 2007 - 9:56am

I think I may have gotten it all wrong, I mean, why shouldn't I just join
the Project for the New American Century? I will ask Dick to let me into the
National Archives; we can take the constitution out of the protective case
and burn it right there on the floor. Better yet we can go the Rose Garden
at the White House and have a formal ceremony and invite the rest of PNAC
over to watch. We can have it aired on the most unbiased news organization
ever; the Fox News Channel.

With that pesky little document which gave us a representative form of
government based on laws out the way we can proceed to invade and occupy any
country we want with impunity. Who cares how many service members we get
killed in the process? They are here just for us to use however we see fit

Then we can fire every American worker and send their jobs overseas to
places like India and China and then call the American workers slobs and
bums for not having gainful employment. We can kick everyone out of their
homes and give the houses to the millions of illegal immigrants we want to
bring here to have them work for our large corporations for $1.62 an hour.

We can close the rest of the manufacturing base down in America and let the
oil companies continue to make millions in profit off the gas they get from
the Mideast for pennies. And when it comes to the rest of the jobs we send
off, I say good riddance.

We can also burn any copies of that annoying little thing called the Geneva
Convention and we can then water board the hell out of any one we like. If
you complain we can even do it to you while the Supreme Court and the Dept.
of Justice shout and cheer while you scream in agony as your bones are being
broken and we refuse you any medical treatment. What the hell? It was just a
stress position anyway, stop your whining.

I will have to co-ordinate this with Dick because George is too stupid to
know what is really going on around him anyway. We will have Mr. Alberto "I
can't recall" Gonzales made the Grand High Inquisitor and he can put all
kinds of listening devices into your phones and homes. He can secretly tap
into your computer and read all of your emails and personal info and if he
doesn't find anything illegal he can just make up false charges to press
against you, whereupon you will be convicted and then tortured. This will be
because you are now an unlawful enemy combatant.

If I have forgotten anything, don't worry we will make it up as we go along.
And remember; fool me once, shame on you-fool me fool me we won't get fooled


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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson