I think my brother is gay, is it wrong that I want to kill him?

Rebel Yell

New member
America is buttjammed fulla liberal zombies who mistakenly believe that the regurgitated babble they spew after watching FOX-Lite (CNN) is somehow insightful, meaningful, and indicative of their


New member
I say sodomize him with a baseball bat. Ignore ****'s standard pinko liberal reply to your problem.

Rebel Yell

New member
hugo - I ain't sodomizing nobody, I AINT NO ***! But I really do think a boot-to-mouth session could cure him of his disease. *** doesn't like ****, so i don't neither! And if *** doesn't make **** on purpose, it prolly means teh ghey can be beaten out of him if done hard enough.

Wench - learn to read please. No whinging ***** in this thread please. There are many others for you to spread your estrogen in, this one is special. No girls allowed. This is all about how to deal with **** and girls dig **** because they know they won't get stuck in abusive relationships with them.


Feckless Wench

New member
hugo - I ain't sodomizing nobody, I AINT NO ***! But I really do think a boot-to-mouth session could cure him of his disease. *** doesn't like ****, so i don't neither! And if *** doesn't make **** on purpose, it prolly means teh ghey can be beaten out of him if done hard enough.

Wench - learn to read please. No whinging ***** in this thread please. There are many others for you to spread your estrogen in, this one is special. No girls allowed. This is all about how to deal with **** and girls dig **** because they know they won't get stuck in abusive relationships with them.
The louder they deny it, the more truth lies behind it. Seeing as this is a public forum I'll reply when and where I wish....and thank you for the compliment in calling me a girl, haven't been described that way for at least 20 years.



New member
I say sodomize him with a baseball bat. Ignore ****'s standard pinko liberal reply to your problem.
Or better yet let him **** bang you then lick your colon slime off his **** stabber.



New member
I'm not going to tell you that your beliefs are wrong or that you need to get over it but I will tell you this man is your brother. If the story is how you describe it, he only has a hard road ahead of him. He will certainly need you to have his back when your buddies want to "kick his scrawny *** all over the dirt roads."

Instead of joining the mob, develop character and stand up for what matters the most- your family... your brother. If you do not approve of his lifestyle, kicking his *** isn't going to change a **** thing. Let him be who he is and love him regardless.

Edit: And Matthew Shephard was a human being who did not deserve his fate. Should he be a national icon? No, but nor should be subjected to ridicule. I am a parent and I also have a gay brother. This story has always broken my heart. I might not accept homosexuality but I do not believe in persecuting the homosexual.



New member
But I really do think a boot-to-mouth session could cure him of his disease.
Homosexuality is NOT a disease.

*** doesn't like ****, so i don't neither!
How is it you know what *** does and doesn't like ?? Please show me a quote from *** that says he doesn't like gays..

And if *** doesn't make **** on purpose, it prolly means teh ghey can be beaten out of him if done hard enough.
And if he doesn't make ugly people on purpose, can you beat the ugly out of them ??
How about lesbians ??

Wench - learn to read please. No whinging ***** in this thread please.
Sorry, she is a premium member, you are nothing, she sets the rules to follow, not you.

There are many others for you to spread your estrogen in, this one is special. No girls allowed. This is all about how to deal with **** and girls dig **** because they know they won't get stuck in abusive relationships with them.
No girls allowed ?? You mean you only want BOYS to respond ??
*** !!





New member
Genesis 3:11

Then he asked, "Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat **** !!"





New member
Wow... Honestly you shouldn't even have to think or ask for advice, hes your ******* brother!! Who cares if he chooses a differetny sexuality!! Hes like your own flesh and blood.

And to think that you would go to lengths of trying to beat the *** out of him... You will probobly just end up killing him. Anytime something like that happens the Christian Conservative ends up killing someone. They just go over the line and end up doing something regretable.

*** never said he hates **** in the Bible, he just hates slandering ************* like yourself.

Like Feckless said, I think you have a MAJOR problem with your sexuality. You need some *****.



New member
Did *** say anything like...
***: I hate ugly *******.


View attachment 1078
You're a Sunni, you pretty much hate everyone who ain't a Sunni.

HomosexualityThe traditional belief in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is that *** forbids homosexuality, and therefore same-*** marriages as well. For example, in the Old Testament, Genesis 19, we see the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where Lot implores the people of his town not to act wickedly and to leave his male guests alone. The story goes on to describe the persistence of the townsfolk in wishing to indulge in homosexuality and the subsequent annihilation of the two communities. Other verses in the Old Testament also prohibit homosexuality, e.g. Leviticus 18:22, 20:13. In the New Testament, we see similar proscriptions in I Corinthians 6:9, I Timothy 1:8-10, Romans 1:26-27 (the translation used is the New American Standard Bible).

You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination. [Leviticus 18:22]

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of ***? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of ***. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]

For this reason *** gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. [Romans 1:26-27]

In the Quran, we see reference to homosexuality in the story of Lot:

Lot said to his people, “You commit such an abomination; no one in the world has done it before! You practice *** with the men, instead of the women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people.” His people responded by saying, “Evict them from your town. They are people who wish to be pure.” [Quran 7:80-82]

Lot said to his people, “How could you commit such an abomination, publicly, while you see? You practice *** with the men, lustfully, instead of the women. Indeed, you are ignorant people.” The only response from his people was their saying, “Banish Lot's family from your town; they are people who wish to be pure.” [Quran 27:54-56]
Of course, we all know the Quran is full of ****.


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