IBEW Local 1245 News


Thomas Keske

IBEW Local 1245 News


Worshipers Unite!

The Illuminati Illuminating Company believes that
electrical p-p-power is the Power.

The Sun is a fickle trickster who merely lights the day,
but flees like a coward from the clouds and rain.
Electricity lights the homestead during its Hours of Darkness,
like a dependable friend, no matter what foul wind that blows.

The Sun, in the black of night, disappears like a philandering
lover, while that glowing orb, the incandescent electric bulb
of the Porchlight burns True.

Fools who violate The Electrical Code shall be burned in fire.
Thou darest not disregard what the Safety Regulations require.

We worship on properly grounded knee,
the One True Master Electrician, License #31617E

We pray for the fearful, frayed Extension Cord of the Lord
to give offerings of burnt toast to the Holy Ghost.

Power Outage shall spring from Powerless Outrage.
The Brotherhood demands a decent living wage.

Brothers Kelly and Gompers, Pigeon and Paul- Harken lo!
Rebuild society with materials made from rainbows

Insert no false coin into the Electrical Orthodox Fuse Box.
Either Dignity unites or Division ignites!

77. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

The real Creator warned about worshiping false gods and the
corporate creators of wealth have done what the Founding Fathers
sought to avoid-created ...


11. IBEW Local 1245 News
.... giant cooling towers unexpectedly collapsed Aug. 21, even
though the tower was ... Nuclear, said Aug. 24 that Entergy was
dismantling the damaged tower but .


Smith said members of the International Brotherhood of Electric
Workers, Local 303, Unit 8, were slated to vote on the new offer
Monday afternoon

Company officials Friday said they still had no idea how a three-
story section of one of its giant cooling towers unexpectedly
collapsed Tuesday, even though the tower was inspected earlier
this year

With the threat of a strike looming, the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission had sent a special team to the Vernon plant Friday to
ensure that if there was a strike, Entergy Nuclear's contingency
plan of operating the reactor with managers would go smoothly.

About a dozen workers with signs that said things like
"I don't want to strike, but I will,"
12. Nuclear weapons - Command and Conquer Wiki - a Wikia wiki

.... could weather a nuclear strike, but most lighter vehicles
were destroyed ... The Brotherhood largely limited the use of
nuclear weapons during the .

Vermont's economy and energy future. IBEW Comments, 1/5/00 at 1. ...
Thus, discussion of the safety of nuclear plants, in general, is


This discussion must also take place with the full realization
that labor is under the most sustained and intensive attack
since the McCarthy era of witch-hunters and union busters. In
essence organized labor has been under attack since the Reagan/
Bush years -- over twenty years now. There was some pause during
the Clinton years, but not much. Capitalist globalization, the
introduction of vast new automations, and computerization, have
decimated union ranks. While outright corporate and government
attacks on union rights and labor law have been unrelenting.
Right now the threat of major bad changes to overtime law still
hang over our head.

This is compounded by a terrible economic crisis that is
particularly laying waste to the industrial sector of the
economy. We all know that close to 3 million jobs have been lost
since Bush assumed office. This is the worst job loss in over 20
years and the longest job-losing streak since the Great
Depression of the 1930's. A very high percentage of the job loss
has been in the mass production industries.

By all indicators much of the working class is in deep crisis -
wages, healthcare, pensions, housing, education, - all are in
major decline not only for unorganized workers but for union
workers as well.

As always in our country the racially and nationally oppressed
communities are hardest hit by economic crisis. Wage gaps are
increasing. Poverty gaps are increasing. Unemployment gaps are
growing and discrimination and inequality is increasing.

Towering security

Amy Florence Fischbach
CEE News, Jan 1, 2001

A terrorist bomb exploded underneath the World Trade Center on
Feb. 26, 1993, ripping out a three-story high crater, shutting
down most of the electrical power and causing $500 million in
structural damage.

The bombing, the first international terrorist attack on U.S.
soil, claimed the lives of six people, injured more than 1,000
and forever changed the level of security at the landmark

"Because of the bombing, they were looking for something that
had the security of a nuclear facility," said E-J President Tony
Mann. "But it's also a commercial office building that needs to
be responsive to its tenants. The system provides an operating
office building with the highest level of security."

E-J Electric Installation Co., the country's oldest independent
electrical contractor, won a $28 million contract in 1996 to
tighten security at the World Trade Center.

"If a visitor is just here to see someone, they're good for a
day and that is it," Usher said. "If you're a courier or a pizza
delivery guy, you would only get a pass that would be good for
20 minutes. You would have to go through the turnstile, go
upstairs and deliver the pizza. Once you come back out, you can'
t come back in."

Regardless of how often they visit the complex, delivery persons
have to keep getting new cards, Usher said.

"Some of these poor guys come up with 10 orders between 11 and 2
to deliver pizzas and they have to keep getting new passes," he

SMILE, YOU'RE ON CAMERA Hidden cameras in the ceilings and light
fixtures record anything and everything that goes on in the
World Trade Center complex.

TWIN TOWERS To ensure top security and reliability, the 1,380-
foot, 110-story Twin Towers both have command centers.

"It's totally redundant security," Usher said. "The theory is
that if you had a bomb and you took one of the command centers
out, everything is totally redundant so the other command center
would pick up. If the computers fail, they automatically switch
over to other computers at another location

The contractor worked all four towers at one time from the B6
level to the 110th floor to install the cabling for the security

"We peaked at about 60 electricians," Calabro said. "We had
smaller crews with more supervision because the men were spread
throughout the complex."
Investigation into General Order No. 45 Notice
filed by Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power
Corporation re: proposed sale of Vermont
Yankee Nuclear Power Station to Entergy
Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC, and related

In the Order dated September 13, 2001, the Public Service Board
("Board") adopted a schedule for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power
Corporation ("Vermont Yankee"), Central Vermont Public Service
Corporation, Green Mountain Power Corporation, and Entergy
Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC (collectively, the "Petitioners") to
submit additional information

The Board has received eleven motions to intervene in this
docket. Motions were filed by the Town of Vernon ("Vernon"); the
Town of Brattleboro ("Brattleboro"); the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 300 ( "IBEW"); Vermont
Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("VEC"); Washington Electric
Cooperative, Inc. ("WEC"); the Town of Hardwick Electric
Department, the Town of Stowe Electric Department, the Village
of Lyndonville Electric Department, the Village of Morrisville
Water and Light Department, the Village of Northfield Electric
Department, and the Village of Orleans Electric Department
(collectively, the "Six Municipals"); the City of Burlington
Electric Department ("BED"); the Conservation Law Foundation (
"CLF"); the New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution ("NECNP");
Citizen's Awareness Network ("CAN"); and the Vermont Electricity
Consumers Coalition ("VECC"). As discussed below, we grant
permissive intervention to each of the parties.
39. Docket No. 810
.... walkways were not kept clear of electrical extension cords
so that hazards were ... inserting a finger in the fuse socket,
described by him as a "hot ..


He also stated that the box was a "fuse type" box, that he was
informed that the fuses were removed at night, and that as the
box had no door, unauthorized employees, or "a child" or "some
intoxicated persons" could suffer harm by inserting a finger in
the fuse socket, described by him as a "hot connection," at a
time when the fuses were not in place. However, he was unable
to say that anyone who testified that the box was of the circuit
breaker type was in error. Finally, he admitted that he made
no inquiry as to who was or was not authorized access to the
junction box.

http://www.swllc1.com/ibew/default.asp IBEW #481

IBEW shirt and cap
Your Order ID is 1018


Order #: 103-7276337-1476641
Waiting for the Electrician

POET NOTE: yes, that was my order.
A union man, all the way. I was waiting for Electrician,
or something like that, and about 4 months later,
he arrived.
8. Yankee memo sees 'near miss of serious injury' in tower collapse ...

Staff at the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant were walking ...
inspections had a near miss of serious injury on 8/21/2007 ...

on Friday containing 11 detailed questions on the Aug. 21

3. Brotherhood of Nod storyline: Information and Much More from ...
Brotherhood of Nod storyline This is the official Brotherhood of
Nod storyline ...

The Nod forces turn on GDI with a nuclear strike
and GDI forces in Sydney .


It is believed that the Brotherhood of Nod was operating within
the Soviet Union, relying on the Soviet economy and military
might to help establish a solid foundation for the Brotherhood.
At the end of Red Alert, if played and won by the Soviets, Kane
seizes control of the new nation, boldly proclaiming himself to
be the future.

Nod officially emerged in Tiberian Dawn as a religious movement
that sought to unite the world under their banner. Their motto
"Brotherhood, Unity, Peace" was true in two out of the three
properties: those in Nod's ranks were like brothers (as long as
one did not threaten the other's position of power within those
ranks), and were united in their quest for Kane's vision.
However, the Brotherhood's definition of 'peace' is somewhat
misleading, in that Nod believes in "peace through power"
(militarism) and not necessarily in mutual co-operation

Despite swift moves to undermine Nod's support and funding, GDI
soon found itself embroiled in a global conflict with the
Brotherhood, with nothing less at stake than the control of the

The Brotherhood was, thanks to their clever manipulation of the
media, able to depict GDI as a military organization hellbent on
imperialism and the oppression of the masses, while Nod was a
benevolent liberator with everyone's best interest at heart.

The Nod forces turn on GDI with a nuclear strike and GDI forces
in Sydney are wiped out.
87. manop6 -- Command & Conquer Renegade
It is more powerful and fires faster than the standard Nod
soldier. Nod Rocket Soldier: Cost = [225] ... Very powerful gun
fires out an electrical beam of energy. .

8. Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Nuclear Operations Directorate

Administrative information for the Nuclear Operations Directorate
is provided below. ... Office of Science

11. Utilities Field Service 2007 -
The Definitive Operations Strategy ...

Current interests at Oak Ridge National Laboratory include the
modeling of .... experience as an Operations Manager managing
IBEW-covered line personnel at .


Safety Basis Analyst, Group Manager Date Posted: 07/06/2007

Division: Nuclear Operations Division Date Re-posted:

Requisition: 312093 NOD

Prepare documented safety analyses, technical safety
requirements, unreviewed safety question determinations and
supporting documentation. Participates in short and long term
planning and management of NOD nuclear facilities.
11. Brotherhood of Nod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Brotherhood of Nod , often simply referred to as Nod ...
they possess incredible leverage in financial operations such ...
energy weaponry , bioweapons , chemical weapons , nuclear ...


12. Experience in Nuclear Criticality Safety [Nuclear Systems ...

Nuclear Criticality Safety Experience. ... Nuclear Operations
Division (NOD) waste management and storage activities and other
laboratory-scale operations. .

7. IBEW Local 1245 News
IBEW Local 1245 News. Posted: August 30, 2007. STRIKE AVERTED AT
VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR PLANT; ... leaving Vermont Yankee for
work at other nuclear power .


The Simpsons Semiotic Analysis

When one gets their first glance at Homer Simpson you can't help
but feel sorry for him.

One can say that he is the answer to that question that we all
ask ourselves when we know the answer is something stupid, but
can't help it. Like "what would happen to me if I put my hand in
that electrical socket?"

Electrical Contractor Network

ECN Glossary:

DC: Direct Current.

DP: (1): Distribution Panel. (2): Double-Pole.

DF: Distribution Frame.

D'OH!: To mess up or forget. Also see: Homer Simpson.

DMM: Digital Multimeter.

DVM: Digital Voltage Meter.

Delta: Triangle, or Triangle configuration.

Duplex: (1): Receptacle with two usable outlet points. (2):
Service Entrance Feeder Cable with two Conductors.

Device: Receptacle or Switch.

Daisy Chain(ed)/(ing): To run one item through another one -
such as to connect a "Plug-Strip" to another "Plug-Strip". Also
the method of connections for MAUs on a Token Ring Network, or
connections for a "Ring" topology Ethernet Network.
67. List of neologisms on The Simpsons - Cannabis Culture Forums
.... process of introducing severe electrical currents into the
body ... phrase appears once more, as Homer Simpson expresses
his shock, upon discovering .

.. Wonkette: The D.C. Gossip
.... Simpson fabricated the sweatshirt ornament in honor of an
MIT electrical engineering course, inscribing on the back
"Socket To Me ... homer simpson .

12. Welcome to CounterPunch
Bart Simpson's father Homer works at a local nuclear plant where
the ... drop radioactive fuel rods into his pocket at work and
then toss them out of the .


OSTI ID: 237432; Legacy ID: TI96010607

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (United States).
Div. of Freedom of Information and Publications Services

This document is the March 1996 listing of NRC issuances.
Included are: (1) NRC orders granting Cleveland Electric
Illuminating Company`s petition for review of the ASLB order LBP-
95-17, (2) NRC orders relating to the potential disqualification
of two commissioners in the matter of the decommissioning of
Yankee Nuclear Power Station, (3) ASLB orders pertaining to the
Oncology Services Corporation, (4) ASLB orders pertaining to the
Radiation Oncology Center, (5) ASLB orders pertaining to the
Yankee Nuclear Power Station, and (6) Director`s decision
pertaining to the Yankee Nuclear Power Station.

40. Local voltage-current characteristics in high- T

In particular, both crystals reveal a crossover in E - j
characteristics around the fishtail peak, indicating a crossover
in the vortex creep mechanism

www.biu.ac.il/ESC/htslab/pdffiles/Local voltage-...
4. DOE Document - A detailed experimental investigation on the E-J
characteristics of...

The transition from a completely lossless regime to the normal
state of a high current density superconductor is not sharp and
it can be well described by a power .


The transition from a completely lossless regime to the normal
state of a high current density superconductor is not sharp and
it can be well described by a power law. On the other hand the
behavior of a weakly pinned, highly homogeneous material is
rather different, the voltage being a linear function of the
current above a threshold value, and zero below. Several authors
have attempted to explain this difference; this problem is quite
involved since the full multifilamentary structure and the
presence of the matrix must be taken into account. In this work
the authors shall briefly outline a few of the models propose,d
which they later investigate experimentally, trying to
disentangle the effect of the structure from the intrinsic
superconductor behavior. This has been accomplished by comparing
the E(J) curves of both full wires and their extracted
superconductor filaments.

System Entry Date 2001 May 03
16. Pigeons Protest on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
.... gathering amoung pigeons protesting the use of electrical
ppower lines ... a spokespigeon commented that "the electrical
wires pose a serious flying hazard ..

27. Stock Image of Pigeons on overhanging electrical wires, one pigeon ...
Pigeons on overhanging electrical wires, one pigeon in flight
Urban/industrial neighborhood in Greenpoint, Brooklyn NY, USA
(Summer stock ..


One message brought back to England by pigeons was a note from a
Resistance group chief who wrote, "I have destroyed an
electrical cable, but have no more material. Send some by

Another return message from the Nord department of France
on July 24 read, "Your bombardment a fortnight ago was
very successful. The railway lines were cut and wagons
were destroyed."

Last Saturday, while I filled the gas tank on my car, I noticed
a long line of pigeons on the electrical wires above me. They
were intermingled with my beloved starlings that swarm the skies
all year long here. The pigeons are so much larger than my
beautiful little black birds that they were easy to distinguish.
I began to think that maybe I just didn't notice the pigeons
when I was a child.

I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while
I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more
distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by
any epaulet I could have worn. - Henry David Thoreau (1817 -

2. IBEW History

James T. Kelly was born in Overton, Pennsylvania, in 1862, into
a deeply religious family. He started out as a teacher at a
small college but gave that up to enter the electrical
construction trade as a wireman.

(From They Dared to Dream, The 18-part History of the IBEW)

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Python Cheese Shop : Home | Virginia Tech |
We Are the Hokies. We Will Prevail.
2. Pigeons' Toll on Minn. Bridge Documented - Topix

The International Brotherhood of Pigeons, Union # 836?
I say we put a posse together after using DNA samples from their
excrement to identify which pigeons were involved.


Freemason 100 up, 56 down

An initiated and accepted Brother in the Craft known as Freemasonry

Wow... that Freemason sure is a good fellow!

by Brother Pigeon

Good people, from my experience with them. Unfortunately they
are an object of conspiracy for the paranoid masses

(1969), 9 D.L.R. (3d) 473 (also reported: [1970] S.C.R.
282, 71 W.W.R. 161, 10 C.R.N.S. 334, [1970] 3 C.C.C.

(On appeal from judgment of Northwest Territories
Court of Appeal, supra p.268)

Civil rights -- Bill of Rights -- Effect -- Statute creating
offence for Indian to be intoxicated off reserve -- Whether
offensive to guarantee of equality before the law -- Indian Act
(Can.),. s. 94 -- Liquor Ordinance (N.W.), s. 19(1) -- Canadian
Bill of Rights, s. 1(b).

CARTWRIGHT, C.J.C. (dissenting):--The relevant facts, which
are undisputed, and the course of the proceedings in the Courts
below, are set out in the reasons of my brothers Ritchie and Pigeon
which I have had the advantage of reading.
There is no doubt that, on the facts, the respondent was guilty of a
breach of s. 94 (b) of the Indian Act R.S.C. 1952, c. 149

For these reasons I would dispose of the appeal as proposed by my
brother Pigeon.

FAUTEUX, J., concurs with RITCHIE, J.
ABBOTT, J. (dissenting):--The relevant facts, which are
undisputed, are set out in the reasons of my brothers Ritchie and
Pigeon which I have had the advantage of reading

On the contrary, I share the opinion expressed by the Chief
Justice, by my brother Pigeon and by Davey, J.A., as he then was,
in R. v. Gonzales (1962), 32 D.L.R. (2d) 290, 132 C.C.C. 237,
37 C.R. 56, that, with respect to existing legislation, the
section provides merely a canon or rule of interpretation for
such legislation.

Since writing the above I have had the advantage of reading the
reasons for judgment prepared by the Chief Justice and by Mr.
Justice Pigeon which, when read together, appear to me to lead to
the conclusion that, even on the assumption that the application of
the provisions of prior federal legislation has the effect of denying
equality before the law, and thus discriminating against, a sector of
the population
11. CrimProf Blog: July 8, 2007 - July 14, 2007
The mother, Regina Washington, 27, was strangled with an
electrical cord behind .... Vietnam War era cast doubt yesterday
on the spy agency's assertion that .

4. The Electric Spanking of War Babies
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Electric Spanking of War Babies is the final album of
Funkadelic's ... idea was quashed by Warner Brothers. The title
is an allusion to the Vietnam War. .


There are uncanny voices singing in the wires. The empty
landscape cries out and so does Stewart when he spies a body
floating by the sacred spot where he and his brethren have
decreed, "no women allowed." Eden, however, cannot be protected.
Once the guys return home and the story breaks- the newspaper
headline "Men Fish Over Dead Body" accompanies a snapshot of the
expedition's youngest member holding up his catch with a goofy
grin- their evident indifference to the murdered woman becomes a
political firestorm

As a government contractor, Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co.,
Inc. is subject to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 503),
and Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of
1974 (VEVRAA), which require government contractors to take
affirmative action to employ and advance in employment,
qualified persons with disabilities, qualified Vietnam veterans,
and other qualified eligible veterans covered by VEVRAA as
defined below

field and shop mechanics to troubleshoot and make repairs on
heavy construction equipment. Preferred candidates will have
solid previous experience including knowledge of gasoline and
diesel engines, hydraulic and electrical systems, power trains,
and transmissions; basic computer skills; and the ability to
interact with and satisfy customers
4. Lyons Electrical Supply - Dayton, Ohio (OH) | Company Reports

Lyons Electrical Supply - Dayton, Ohio (OH) company information.
Find contact info, annual sales, number of employees & premium
business reports at Manta.com.

6. First Council of Lyons - 1245 A.D.

First Council of Lyons - 1245 A.D. CONTENTS Abbreviations ...
Matthew of Paris (const. 1-19, and the const. on the crusade ...
men eager for his salvation, were our venerable brethren ...

12. IBEW local 1245 home
The official web site for the IBEW Local 1245 (International
Brotherhood of Electrical ... First Nuclear Plant license

.. Sacred Sword of the Patriots League - Vietnam
.... were taught lubrication and electrical procedures
considerations in accordance ... the population not to permit
their sons and brothers to join the VC Army. .

.. Chasing Trails
Sepharbird sleepily pecks at crumbs in the sunshine, ... And
Brother Pigeon, as Saint Francis said. Praising God in his own
way." Sephar coooo's quietly. .


Father Patrick nods to Sarah. "A pleasure, my daughter. May I
ask if you are a believer?"

Sarah says politely, "Hello, Father Patrick. I assure you that
the pigeon is well-mannered."

Sepharpigeon bobs a bob at the Father.

Sarah smiles. "You may, and I am."

Father Patrick smiles. "And Brother Pigeon, as Saint Francis
said. Praising God in his own way."

Sephar coooo's quietly.
11. My Sous Chefs


From this point forward Brother Pigeon, I feel your pain, just
like all the clawed, taloned, hoofed, scaled and winged animals
I have taken your deliciousness into my body and allowed to
strengthen me in my journey to rid the world of treachery toward
our collective.

Thank you, brother, for your life, tasty as it was, given
unwillingly, has now become mine and until I can no longer eat
another of your winged kin, can step no longer to the cutting
board to declaw you, can no longer chew my own food, I will live
this life in strength and peace, pursuing wisdom and offering
respect to all those who seek to enlighten us on our collective
journey down the Right Path.

I invite Maria over to partake. We drink fine Spanish wine.
I calm down. We play Scrabble. But we have no dictionary. So it
turns into Ghetto Scrabble

We played three games of Ghetto Scrabble, your chef taking two
of them. It was words like the ones pictured that helped me take
the day. If you find yourself in a similar dilemma (dictionary-
less) and care not for Armageddon Acid Rain go ahead and try
your hand at the multifarious variations on Scrabble (Join the
NSA!) that bored bored people have thought up over the years,
especially in France, where, apparently they practice a version
of Scrabble you don't even want to know about (and we can't
pronounce)? Try finding "queef" in the OED.

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Format more this our brother silicon.
12. Nuclear meltdown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
.... accident, a sudden power spike in the reactor exceeds
reactor ... measures are used for the electrical wiring that
runs between control rooms and reactors.

When one of them detects a nuclear event, it produces an
electrical spike that is filtered into a Gaussian with about a 1.
2 musec peaking time. .

13. Oyster Creek

.... to figure out why all the pigeons perched outside the
Reactor building were dieing. ... IBEW Local 1289 Strike. ...
members of the IBEW Local 1289 are .


Behind the curtain, Jen struggled with a huge round of
electrical cord, heaving it over her shoulder with a grunt. A
man lurched on an overhead railing, her eye catching the sudden
movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned quickly, the
end of the heavy cord flinging off her shoulder and rolling out
under the curtain onto the front part of the stage.

She watched it the cord as it slipped out of her reach and
cursed softly.

"Will your grace command me any service to the world's end?"

Beats me. Isn't there anything there you can use?"

"Scrabble." Ted found suddenly.

"Scrabble?" Steve choked.

"Scrabble" he repeated. "She's the State Scrabble champion."

"They have State Championships in Scrabble?"

"Oh yeah, they time the games and everything. It's like chess."

No! That's impossible!" She heard Steve's incredulous voice ring out.

"Read it and weep boy. Triple word score!"

"That isn't a word!"

"Q-A-D-I. Qadi. Yes it's a word! Look it up why don't you

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48. Sapphire's Place Featured Serials - Of Masks and Marvels
Eli's starting to bounce off the walls, and playing Scrabble
with him is getting hard. ... The real bear is gonna be getting
you a history with the IBEW. .


.... are placed on a building's electrical wiring and then
detonated (to ... smashing into things, with the agent then
trying to strangle Jason with a cord. .

42. Once Upon a Time in Your Wildest Dreams, Part II
They came up from behind and throttled me with an electrical
cord." ... There was a spy, an informant for the Axis, at the


On 17 August 1987, Hess died while under Four Power imprisonment
at Spandau Prison in West Berlin. He was found in a summer house
in a garden located in a secure area of the prison with an
electrical cord wrapped around his neck.

2. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
In 1983 BrotherPaul was initiated into IBEW Local 300,
Montpelier, Vermont. He is a product of the "nuclear Navy" and
was a licensed nuclear operator .

83. Brrrzzzaaappp!
.... on his can when he used the handle of his socket ... he
began poking around in the dishwasher's electrical innards with
his bare finger. Doh! Imagine Homer Simpson .

15. Magic Tricks, Brother Paul's Magic, Lecture Notes, Magic,
Street Magic


Brother Paul's Archives

Brother Paul's Archives are an ante-room in the LIbrary of Babel.
Or a dream depository. Or a vault of out-takes, flaking tapes,
discarded drafts, random radiophonics, ethereal buzz and beep
through the cybersphere. They are also fragments of memoire,
refractions of reflections, slices of everyday tissue, the odd
flicker of nerve. How will they evolve? We'll see...

The Death Ray review has now appeared, featuring some
encouraging comments e.g "From intense narration to first-person
hallucination, it's a book that draws you in and leaves you
gasping for air..... It's wonderfully, maddeningly inventive

During the day- between gun battles, anyway- the place almost
resembles a big cookout, when huge stew pots are set up in the
rubble outside the south gate beneath a canopy of fallen
electrical lines, and plates of rice with tomato sauce are
served to all comers.

Off to one side of the shrine, a small room has been turned into
a makeshift field hospital with four beds and two mattresses on
the floor. A couple of poorly equipped doctors and a few nurses
treat the wounded; about 10 injured fighters and two or three
dead are brought in every day. Others can't get here from the
front lines.

NSA risking electrical overload

The NSA is already unable to install some costly and
sophisticated new equipment, including two new supercomputers,
for fear of blowing out the electrical .


WASHINGTON -- The National Security Agency is running out of

The demand for electricity to operate its expanding intelligence
systems has left the high-tech eavesdropping agency on the verge
of exceeding its power supply, the lifeblood of its sprawling
350-acre Fort Meade headquarters, according to current and
former intelligence officials.

At minimum, the problem could produce disruptions leading to
outages and power surges at the Fort Meade headquarters,
hampering the work of intelligence analysts and damaging
equipment, they said. At worst, it could force a virtual
shutdown of the agency, paralyzing the intelligence operation,
erasing crucial intelligence data and causing irreparable damage
to computer systems -- all detrimental to the fight against
7. Eyeballing the NSA Electrical Power Supply
Eyeballing the NSA Electrical Power Supply moved to:.


37. gang fights & gang street fight clip
Successful gang fighr peel and kick in a electric brotherhood in
umbrella to location pubes results. Some churchill other rights
were necessarily abrogated eminently callow an .


For higher levels of protection, NSA's Arc Guard garments are
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Arc Guard Level II Clothing (Minimum arc rating
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Arc Guard Level III Clothing (Minimum arc rating
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page two).

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Refer also to:

NSA 1294, dated 28/05/03.
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Amendment:The third paragraph of Clause 8.5 'Earthing and Short-
Circuiting', has been altered to the following: High voltage
conductors must be proved de-energised before the earthing and
short-circuiting equipment is applied. Two exceptions to this
are when: a. conductors are fully enclosed and cannot be proved
de-energised. In this situation, an integral earthing and short-
circuiting switch must be used. The fault making capacity of
the switch must be fully rated for the prospective peak fault
levels. However, earthing switches that are associated with non-
withdrawable circuit breakers and which are interlocked with the
feeder and busbar disconnectors each side of the circuit breaker,
such that the earthing switches can be closed only after the
circuit breaker and disconnectors have been opened, need not be
fully rated for the prospective peak fault levels, provided the
interlocks are fully operational; b. working earths are applied
by the recipient of an access permit who can see, or has
positively traced the line from, other working earths or access
permit earths

Organized labor may still have a way to go to reach the future
Brother Gompers sought, but today we all are feeling the warmth
of the brightness of' his legacy

According to a "Labor Day commentary" on the Interfaith Worker
Justice website:

(From) what would appear the most unlikely place- a (verse) about
not moving a boundary marker- the rabbis derived an injunction
against infringing on another's livelihood

While we're at it, how about some more Labor Day Torah?

- You shall not abuse a needy and destitute laborer, whether a
fellow countryman or a stranger in one of the communities of you
land. You must pay him wages on the same day, before the sun
sets, for he is needy and urgently depends on it; else he will
cry to the LORD against you and you will incur guilt.
(Deuteronomy 24:14-15)

- Great is labor for it gives honor to the laborer. (Babylonian
Talmud, Nedarim 49b)

- What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails;
more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more
leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact,
more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to
make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful, and childhood
more happy and bright. (Samuel Gompers)


Samuel Gompers Technical HS
Christian Espinosa $1,000 Poetry - The Childhood

$10,000 Fiction & Drama Francesca Schiavone
Stuyvesant High School - The Closet

$5,000 Poetry Adria Giattino Stuyvesant High School
- Menarche in Rural Ohio

$5,000 Fiction & Drama Candice Brown Bard High School Early College
- The River of Azerbaijan

Goldstein High School Karina Billini Honorable Mention, Poetry
- Poet. Half Dead

Krystle Brown Honorable Mention, Memoir - The Power of Hate

Sheena Sowlakis $1,000, Memoir - Butterfly Torch



Brother Gompers Defines an Era. Tough men, the lords of American
Big Business; the power they wielded had begun to worry
thoughtful citizens. Some proposed that the government curb "the
trusts." Others feared that legislation would exchange one
tyranny for a worse

Samuel Gompers in 1900 was forging another weapon to counteract
the power of Big Business. His American Federation of Labor was
growing. At the turn of the century, men were beginning to ask
Gompers what his goal was. Where would he stop? Gompers had a
prophetic answer which he was soon to deliver in a speech at
Portland, Ore.: "We want more, we demand more, and when we get
that more, we shall insist upon again more and more and even
more, until we get the full fruition of our labor."



I do not know what brother Gompers had in mind in cross-
examining me. I had no hostile intentions in cross-examining him.
All I wanted to bring
out was just this: That there is no essential difference between
the ultimate aims of the Socialist and tradeunionists, except
that we know what we are heading for, the trade unionists
unfortunately not yet. (Laughter.) And I asked him these
questions: "Mr. Gompers, what are your demands? What are the
objects of your organization?"

And when Mr. Woll asserts that one essential
difference, between us is that we are a class party, and
the American workers do not consider themselves as
belonging to a class, I cannot take it without a grain of
salt. For instance, is there a labor union worthy of its
name that world admit an employer to its membership?
No. Why not? Because the union is organized
against him. It is organized to protect the interests of
the workers against the interests of the employers. Is
that class consciousness? (Laughter.) It seems to me it
is, at least to a certain extent. I don't believe the American
Federation of Labor would make common cause
with the National Manufacturers' Association or with
the National Chamber of Commerce. Why does it then
support the same elements and interests when they
appear in the disguise of political parties - Democratic
or Republican? (Applause.)

136 Axis Chemicals 0
137 Solutions Marktings 0
138 Quentin&Tarantinos 0
139 Cool&Ea$y 0
140 -= Strawberry Kiss =- 0
141 Friwo GmbH 0
142 Illuminati Company 0
143 M.A.S.K. 0
144 Rupe AG 0
145 HIIGARA Dives 0
146 Unbekannt 0
147 Nokia AG 0
148 Aydin Trade 0
149 Sowjetunion 0
150 KiffKiff 0
151 Comet Industries 0
152 Company of Horror 0
153 Ca$h MONeY Brothers 0


September 14, 2001

This piece was submitted to the Father Martin B. Mangan Tribute
website by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

"Friends, I suspect they keep this place in such an unattractive
state to ensure that we appreciate how good we have it now,"
observed a tall, loose-limbed man clad incongruously in spats,
corduroy pants, cutaway coat and silk top hat. Alexander Bradley
fired the quip as he squirmed in a hard, molded plastic chair,
one of many arranged in rows throughout the drab room.

Furnished like the offices where driver's license tests are
administered or public assistance benefits sought, its walls
were painted in a pale, neutral green and batteries of
fluorescent lamps, suspended from the ceiling, provided a bright
light for the clerks who busied themselves behind the high
counter that stood at one end of the room. At the far end of the
counter double-doors glared with light from the outside and with
such intensity that the eye could make out nothing of the place
on the other side. Obviously, it was only a temporary stop on
the way to another destination. At the moment, there was no one
waiting to be served by these civil servants, who enjoyed a rare
break in a routine marked by lines that never seemed to end. In
fact, since three days previous, the clerks had rarely had time
to take their mandatory breaks as thousands of people came
pouring into the room.

The "General's" remark played to an appreciative audience, at
least those that could hear him. Every seat was taken and a
score or more of people patiently stood around waiting-not for
service but for someone. Long before, each had provided the
clerks information about themselves, gone on to the next stop
and, in fact, had returned many times since to greet others
entering bureaucracy's last test. Passing the time, everyone
talked or listened and some talked at the same time to each
other. It was an opinionated group.

Bradley picked up his honorary rank in service under Jacob Coxey
of Coxey's Army fame. Its ranks were filled with unemployed men
who decided to march to Washington, D.C. to call public
attention to their plight. The President wouldn't see them and
most, like Bradley, drifted back to their hometowns. In his case,
it was Mount Olive, Illinois, where he worked deep underground
mining coal. One day he emerged from the shaft to lead an
impromptu march that shut down most of the mines in southwestern
Illinois. A colorful character, he was not only followed but
beloved by his fellow workers.

Joe Hill tried to keep one ear tuned to the General's group and
the other to any particular phrase from other parts of the room
that sounded interesting, all the while trying to work out a new
set of lyrics for a familiar tune. He sat with his back to the
wall at one end of the room, just a step or two away from
another door. "CEOs This Way" was scratched in chalk on the door
upon which varnish had long faded away, highlighting an even
lighter rectangle where a plaque once may have been attached.
Behind the door was a laundry chute, leading to the lower
reaches of the building. High-ranking officials suspected that
Hill was the vandal with chalk but said or did nothing because,
some suspected, they were in on the joke.

Not 10 feet away from Hill, a group of children scampered and
played, laughing and singing. Rather than irritation, he and the
others sharing the room seemed to glory in the noise. Fedelina
Costa and Patria Valdez watched over the children with admiring
eyes. Onafrio, age 6, and Lucy, 7, were Costa's and Valdez kept
a special eye on her Eulala, 8, and Mary,7, while cradling eight-
month-old Elvira in her arms. Dark-eyed Joe Petrucci, 8, was
teaching his sister, Lucy, 2 and brother, Frank, six months, a
song their mother once sang, as 11-year-old William Snyder Jr.,
and the Pedregones-Rodger, 6, and Gloria, 4-anxiously waited
their chance to join in. All had been together since an April
day in 1914 when the Colorado militia poured kerosene on the
tents they were huddling in Ludlow, Colorado and burned them

But everyone in the room considered themselves old friends of
the yet-to-arrive guest of honor. Big Bill Haywood and his
martyred IWW brothers, Frank Little and Wesley Everest and more
Wobblies-Abraham Rabinowitz, Hugo Gerlot, Gus Johnson, Felix
Baran, and John Looney-who put it on the line that day in
Everett, Washington. Or the 146 young women, most of them Jews
from Russia and Eastern Europe, who once made shirtwaists for
poor wages amid dangerous conditions for the Triangle Company in
New York City. Here from San Salvador was Oscar Romero as well
as some of the men in slouch hats who marched to the Dublin Post
Office in April 1916. His bald head shining under the glaring
light, Gene Debs reminisced about battles won and lost with John
Peter Altgeld. Walter Reuther, once called a saint by a
discerning admirer, and Terence Powderly and even old Sam
Gompers found reason to be there. And all around the room were
others, names forgotten or never known, who in their own ways
contributed their measure to the fight for dignity and justice.

A Rabbit Keeper

A rabbit with a cork leg, wobbly ears and a false eye, its
bodily structure fabricated of brown cotton, is paying a visit
to Portland, Ore. The reason for this animal's visit is the
opening of the annual Convention of the American Federation of
Labor on Oct. 1. The rabbit is there as the mascot of the
greatest cigarmaker in the world's history - Samuel Gompers.

There, in January, 1850, a son was born to Solomon Gompers,
Jewish cigarmaker. That son was Samuel. He had but four years of
schooling. At the age of ten he was apprenticed to a shoemaker;
out of dislike for that trade he soon gave up that trade for
cigarmaking. Those were the days of the Civil War, and his first
serious reading was anti-slavery pamphlets. He became an

Br'er Rabbit, of whom the brown cotton bunny is a representation,
was suggested years ago by Mr. Gompers' secretary, who detected
a decided likeness between Uncle Remus' Br'er Rabbit and her
chief. It was the play of wits between Br'er Rabbit and the
enemies that sought to corner him that made the secretary think
of the mental adroitness of Samuel Gompers in a similar
situation. She found the rabbit "human looking, with a glint of
knowingness in his eye, an all-pervading air of goodwill, an
absence of bitterness in his make-up." So she purchased the
cotton rabbit and presented it to Mr. Gompers. And " Br'er " has
sat ever since as mascot on the labor leader's desk, has
accompanied him on his travels

Government ownership he vigorously opposes, and one of his few
great defeats was when the A. F. of L. Convention of 1920 voted
for Government ownership of the railroads.

Woman Suffrage had his approval.

Life is no pathway of roses in Mr. Gompers' view. " Happiness
cannot be granted to man below," he philosophized. " Life is but
a strife. . . . I have almost had my very soul burned in the
trials of life. . . ."

But the fact that the A. F. of L. is a loosely knit body means
that Mr. Gompers still has to fight the battles he has waged
from the very beginning. He will be faced at Portland by demands
for one big union, for recognition of Soviet Russia and other
radical measures. There will be two days for the presentation of
resolutions, and the remainder of a two weeks' session will be
devoted to committee hearings and the passage of resolutions.
Among the questions to be dealt with will be restriction of
immigration, labor schools, labor injunctions, compulsory
arbitration, child and female labor legislation, labor banks.
2. United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America ...

At the same time, the issue of Communist influence in the labor
movement became ... Other unions, including the IBEW, the IAW,
the UAW, the United Steel .



[Hydro- Electric Brotherhood Station- - Poems in Russian].

Moscow: Sovetskii Pisatel, 1967. g- wraps;
new revised verse published by poet, to which he has added
the eponymous poem

Offered by: Julian's Books - Book number: 10229

War's end did not, however, bring an end to working people's
fight. In Russia the call went out for "workers of the world [to]
unite," and the communist revolution there brought V.I. Lenin to
power and sent shock waves around the world. In North America
working conditions and wages in many industries remained poor.
In 1919, to protest the lack of progress in improving wages and
working conditions for telephone operators, Julia O'Connor led a
massive strike which shut down phone service in the East for
almost a week. It was a success, and the union's demands were
met. Accelerated union activity in the telephone area prompted
the IBEW to set up a department devoted to telephone organizing
and support.

its opening is so well-known as to be frequently parodied, in
reference to the high-voltage nature of the narrator's work, as:
"I am a lineman for the .... aaaaaargh!")

"I remember the insanity of being very concerned that my
socialist credentials would remain intact," says Webb

He would be delivering the most astounding lecture from the Old
Testament, and at the same time there would be lines laid out on
the table. It was just surreal."
10. Touch And Go
Insanity; Secrets; Clear Vision. T&G09 Necros, Conquest For
Death 7" .... TG 27 Urge Overkill, Wichita Lineman 7". Head On;
Wichita Lineman .

22. The Decemberists: Picaresque - PopMatters Music Review

.... Revenge Song" suggests the happy insanity of the sailor/
narrator, ... "We have power lines/in our bloodlines," re: Jimmy
Webb's "Wichita Lineman", ..

4. Chapter Six: The Law of Wrath from Addicted to Hate: The Fred ...

Chapter Six: The Law of Wrath from Addicted to Hate of Exhibit A
of the lawsuit filed ... In 1979, Phelps was sued by a Wichita
law firm that claimed he had .

2. Wichita Grand Opera
Wichita Grand Opera Century II Concert Hall 225 W. Douglas Ave.
Wichita , Kansas 67202 ... This production of Romeo & Juliet is
sponsored in part by:

.. Kansas
The 1999 ?Romeo and Juliet? law, however, provides lesser
penalties for consensual .... Kline Will Not Appeal Ruling on
Gay Underage Sex - Wichita Eagle,

2. Nuclear hiring power: Able grads in demand 11/09/03

KSU nuclear engineering junior Clell Solomon, of Wichita,
decided to enter the nuclear engineering program after taking a
tour of the campus reactor as a ..


The future comes screaming and shattered, fragmented, howling
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Goth Rednecks
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Smoking up a storm with the devil
Don't want to be lonely no more
My father shot my mother's wedding dress
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Whatever their complaints, though, Gompers made no apologies to
his critics. "The ground-work principle of America's labor
movement has been to recognize that first things must come first,"
he explained in 1911. "Our mission has been the protection of
the wage-worker, now; to increase his wages; to cut hours off
the long workday, which was killing him; to improve the safety
and the sanitary conditions of the workshop; to free him from
the tyrannies, petty or otherwise, which served to make his
existence a slavery."

"But while our Federation has thus been conservative," he
admitted, "it has ever had its face turned toward whatever
reforms, in politics or economics, could be of direct and
obvious benefit to the working classes. It has never given up
its birthright for a mess of pottage. It has pursued its avowed
policy with the conviction that if the lesser and immediate
demands of labor could not be obtained now from society as it is,
it would be mere dreaming to preach and pursue . . . a new
society constructed from rainbow materials -- a system of
society on which even the dreamers themselves have never agreed."
x. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
The pot of gold at the foot of America's rainbow for Samuel
Gompers was complete and absolute equality of opportunity, a
genuine industrial economic ...


"She's A Rainbow" is the only semi-classic, but "Citadel" is
rudimentary noisy guitar rock at its weirdest

what is a gomper?

daniel@fhsk.skurup.se (Daniel Reichberg)
Samuel Gompers was an American labour leader during the 19th
century, but does "Gomper" have to do with that?

You're completely right! Maybe THE most underrated record in the
history of mankind.

Let's leave the "Sgt Pepper rip-off" myth behind us and be rational!

16. Electric Rainbow - by Andrew
Electric Rainbow. And so it begins....again ... It's a young
adult book about a gay kid who is writing an alphabiography for
one of his teachers as an .


Rainbow Reading:

Aside from one story which first appeared in the anthology
Connections, this is a collection of original stories with an
interesting link: although complete in themselves, each one
revisits a character from one of Crutcher's sports novels--and
often not a character you'd expect to revisit. For example,
Willie Weaver, the protagonist of The Crazy Horse Electric Game
gets only minor mention by the narrator of "Telephone Man," a
slow-witted, racist teen who is unexpectedly faced with the
falsity of stereotypes.

The stories include "A Brief Moment in the Life of Angus Bethune,"
about a boy with two sets of gay parents and "In the Time I Get,"
in which Louie, the main character of Crutcher's Running Loose
becomes friends with a gay man dying of AIDS. (12 & up)
33. Electric Six ( GAY BAR TAB )
.... E " ELECTRIC SIX " GAY BAR. Artist - Electric Six Song - Gay
Bar Tabber ... Nirvana Something in The Way Tab. Rainbow Since
Youve Been Gone Tab. abuse ..


On December 4, 1891, the Brotherhood received a charter from the
AFL with jurisdiction over all electrical work. In a letter
written to J.T. Kelly dated December 5, 1891, Samuel Gompers,
AFL president, said, "I am more pleased than it is possible for
me to give expression to you that your Nat. organization has
been brought into existence."


And on my way I met a brother shivering with cold, so I took off
my goatskin and gave it to him, saying to myself, 'Now by this I
shall know whether my vision was really a true one or sent by a
demon'. And truth bore witness, for before I reached the church
a man clad in white suddenly met me and handed me a bag with 100
nomismata in it saying, 'Take this, brother, and use it as you
like'. In my joy I turned round directly I had taken it, wishing
to give him back the bag as I was not in want, but I could not
see anybody. Then I said: ' Certainly it was not my imagination.
3. Great Brotherhood of Light Part I
Thus, a modern embodiment of the Great Brotherhood of Light's
teachings was initiated in the form of Theosophy during the last
quarter of the 1800's until .

www.sanctusgermanus.net/great white brotherhoo


The following Description of the Preferred Embodiments first
presents a general overview of the present invention, then an
overview of embodiments of the invention in digital data
processing systems, and finally, a detailed discussion of a
preferred embodiment in a digital data processing system.

1. Overview of the Present Invention--FIG. 1

FIG. 1 is a general block diagram of the present invention as
used in electrical apparatus to connect components of the
apparatus to each other. Component A 119 is connected via
Connecting Line A 127 to Switching Apparatus 109, which in turn
is connected via Connecting Lines B 129(0)..(n) to Components B
121(0)..(n). Switching Apparatus 109 is further connected to
Break Detector 105 via Select Signal Input Line 117, and Break
Detector 105 is connected to Code Source 125 via Ccde Input Line

The present invention operates as follows: At the beginning of
operation, Component A 119 is electrically connected to a
Component B 121(a), one of Components B 121(0)..(n), and Break
Detector 105 is receiving codes from Code Source 105. When Code
Source 105 provides a break code, Break Detector 105 detects the
break code and provides a select signal via Select Signal Input
Line 117 to Switching Apparatus 109. Switching Apparatus 109
responds to the select signal by disconnecting Component A 119
from Component B 121(a) and electrically connecting Component A
119 to a different Component B 121, specified here by Component
B 121(b). In many embodiments, Component B 121(b) is Component B
121(a+1), i.e., the "next" Component B 121 of Components B 121(0)..
(n). In some such embodiments, when Component B 121(n) is
connected to Component A 112 and Switching Apparatus 109
receives a select signal, Switching Apparatus 109 "wraps around",
i.e., Component B 121(0) is the "next" Component B 121.
28. Ascension Research Center Ascended Master Teachings

.... manifest in the physical, there would always be a Messenger
in physical embodiment releasing Ascended Master Wisdom and
Light. "Anointed Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood .

2. Master Electrician
These book sets are designed for the electrician that would like
to advance from the journeyman or similar license to the master
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87. Application for Journeyman Electrician Examination
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journeyman's license for

13. The Journey to Brotherhood
The Journey to Brotherhood. Communication/Education Matrix.
Spirit of the Arrow #1 " ... upon a journey that many before you
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2. Transformer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from
one circuit to another ...... Electrical Transformers and Power
Equipment. CRC Press, p23.

4. The Plane of Spiritual Illumination
The region of spiritual illumination is mentioned by Theon as
the state of light (third in descent from the highest
"Materialisms" plane, and can also be ..

16. A Message From The Illuminating Company
A message from The Illuminating Company. What You Should Do When
the Lights Go Out. Make sure you are prepared in the event that
the power goes out.


It is the genetic spacesuit through which our eternal consciousness, the .
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12. Sun Worshipers Unite!
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Illustrated Catastrophes
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What's Wrong Here?
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he decreed, the Great Yasa. ..

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1. Address of Violation
2. Date of Violation:
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Our One True Power
So, what is our one true power, and how does it relate to why
some people seem so much more in control of their lives than
others? I have never professed to .

10. A Society Bewitched -The Subtle Lure of Occult Tolerance

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True Power Electric was called to install some overhead lights.
I did not know if I wanted light cans or track lighting.
What I got was truly a master design of overhead cans

The ServiceMagic File: True Power Electric, Inc
30. Currency | If Harry Potter Ran General Electric by Tom Morris
If Harry Potter Ran General Electric Leadership Wisdom from the
World of the .... some of the most important insights and skills
embodied by a true master .


DETROIT, Sept. 10 -- As you may already know, our fourth studio
album "I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts
Me From Being The Master" will be released in North America on
Oct. 9....just a few weeks from now. We here in Electric Six are
set to embark on a tour to support the release of this record,
and it all felt so right....until we noticed something.

We don't have a show on Oct. 9. It's a night off. We will be
somehwhere between Fargo, ND and Missoula, MT.

53. God and the Brain
Measurements of electrical activity in the brains of test
subjects indicated a ... very same time, other equally devout
worshipers will praise this discovery as a ...

.. The Brave Little Toaster

This is the part which should scare parents away from the
purchase of this video. The word "master," to me at least,
implies some type of brain-washed cult, but Disney in all their
infinite wisdom, made the worshipers electrical appliances. I
forgot to mention that the lovely country cottage is surrounded
by trees, cotton candy pink trees. But the fun doesn't end here.

the cult idea occurs when the little green aliens in the claw
machine began chanting, "I have been chosen", and phrases
including "master."
19. Grades 3-4: Physical Science
That's how solar solutions can help solve the energy crisis- and
maybe even save the planet. So, are you ready to build your own
"nuclear-powered" toaster oven?

25. Why the U.S. Needs More Nuclear Power by Peter W. Huber,
Mark P. Mills ...

That's the stunning thing about nuclear power: tiny quantities
of raw material can do ... or that Soviet reactors operated
within a system that couldn't build a safe toaster oven.

2. Halfbakery: Gamma Ray Toaster Oven

I suggest a toaster oven that toasts while sanitizing with gamma
radiation. ... You are associating gamma rays with nuclear
fallout, which contains .


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24. A Life Revealed @ nationalgeographic.com
"All those who read these words shall know the one true power of
the F.L.A.M.E.

5. Poor electrical connection ignites church fire NFPA Journal
- Find ...

Poor electrical connection ignites church fire from NFPA Journal
in Array provided free by LookSmart Find Articles

3. Electrical Candles To Blame For Church Fire
Flames ripped through parts of an east El Paso church Wednesday
afternoon. Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church is a place of
worship but this Wednesday afternoon it turned into .

14. Mt. Vernon church fire was electrical - Topix

Mt. Vernon church fire was electrical. The fire department says
flames spread quickly through the three-story wood-frame
building and the roof collapsed. .

38. All Grace Harvest Church fire - Boston.com

Boston fire officials said the fire was accidental, possibly
starting in the electrical system or by an errant cigarette. .

Fire kills 59 worshipers at Iran mosque - The Boston Globe

.... during evening prayers yesterday after a worshiper's veil
caught the flames of a ... Earlier reports had blamed a faulty
electrical outlet, but IRNA said that theory ...

''Pieces of burning cloth fell on the heads of the worshipers,
who stopped praying and smashed windows to run out of the mosque
in panic," a witness said
2. Electrical fault, not arson, likely caused Geneva synagogue fire ...

Electrical fault, not arson, likely caused Geneva synagogue fire-
News and commentary relating to events in Israel, the occupied
territories, and the world, .


Currently, the building has fewer renters. The Jamaatul Ikhlas
Muslim Community Center is using part of the rear of the
building, and a few of the rooms in the residential portion are
being rented to individuals.

The last major arts tenant of the building, Nu Black Arts West
Theatre, rented the performance space from 1998-2001. Director
Kibibi Moni She also remembers from her theatre's two years of
rental the declining condition of the building, with pigeons
flying around the interior, limited electricity, a cracked
foundation, and a balcony in distress. "The theatre has a floor
and stage that is a pleasure for dancers. It's a beautiful space
with a nostalgic feel to it. It didn't have a dressing room
worth a damn, but most people loved that place,"

I don't care about churches per se, but they do tend to serve as
community centers on the side. The Lutheran church in Cascade
does. Maybe not to much the Orthodox place nearby. I don't know
about Gethsemane. Or the City Church in the old IBEW hall near
me. Tomorrow First United Methodist will announce that it's
moving to the north side of Denny between Warren and Second,
bringing its homeless-serving mission.


Even the gods of old, in the wildest imaginings of their
worshipers, never undertook such gigantic tasks of world-wide
dimensionas those which Tesla attempted and accomplished. On the
basis of his hopes,his dreams, and his achievements he rated the
status of the Olympian gods,and the Greeks would have so
enshrined him. Little is the wonder that so-calledpractical men,
with their noses stuck in profit-and-loss statements, did not
understand him and thought him strange.

Even as he walked among the teeming millions of New York he
became a fabled individual who seemed to belongto the far-
distant future or to have come to us from the mystical realmof
the gods, for he seemed to be an admixture of a Jupiter or a
Thor whohurled the shafts of lightning; an Ajax who deWed the
Jovian bolts; a Prometheuswho transmuted energy into electricity
to spread over the earth; an Aurorawho would light the skies as
a terrestrial electric lamp; a Mercury who bridged the ambient
realms of space with his wireless waves--anda Hermes who gave
birth to an electrical soul in the earth that set it
pulsating from pole to pole.
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Since 1992, NIRS has identified widespread
nuclear industry violations where
fire barrier systems

Subsequently NRC declared the fire
barriers "inoperable" for protecting
electrical power circuits, control
and instrumentation cabling used in
the event of fire to remotely
operate reactor shutdown. As a
result, the majority of the U.S.
nuclear power industry was found
to be in violation of fire safety
standards as prescribed under
current Code of Federal Regulation.
However, the federal agency failed
to take effective enforcement
action and require that operators
become compliant with current fire
protection law by installing
qualified fire barriers or
maintaining minimal separation
requirements between electrical
circuits for reactor safety-related

The 1975 Browns Ferry fire
destroyed 1600 electrical cables
routed through 117 cable trays and
conduits including 600 circuits for
safe shutdown narrowly averting
disaster by "sheer luck.

The federal nuclear safety agency
extended its enforcement
discretion policy to the widespread
violations that continue to leave
public safety-related electrical
cabling in nuclear power stations
vulnerable to fire without an
expiration date.
DOE Document - Current-induced resistivity switching effects
near the melting line...


Hysteresis of the E-J characteristics has been observed in the
vicinity of the melting line using a sensitive superconducting
quantum interference device picovoltmeter with millikelvin
temperature resolution. It was found that in this region the
system could be switched from a lower- to a higher-resistivity
state by applying a current in excess of a threshold value. From
the comparison of transport and ac susceptibility data, we
conclude that in this hysteretic region the vortex solid and
liquid phases coexist and that the observed transport phenomena
can be explained in terms of the rearrangement of solidified
vortex domains.

2001 May 05
2. City Pages - The Blotter - D'oh! A nuclear blunder and a one-day story

D'oh! A nuclear blunder and a one-day story.

Dan Brady (D-OH) State Rep. Michael DeBose (D-OH) ...
Sherrod Brown (D-OH); Ted Strickland (D-OH).
Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
18. department of energy - Jalopnik

According to a Department of Energy (DOE) study released today,
the nation's ... D'oh! The report does peg the total number of
plug-ins the grid can sustain

Doe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Date Of Execution (When sentenced to the death penalty in the
U.S. after a while you're given a D.O.E.); Dreams of Elwood, an
indie rock group from New


Construction Management personnel shall demonstrate the ability
to read and
interpret electrical diagrams and schematics at a working level.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills

a. Identify the symbols used on electrical engineering drawings.

b. Identify the symbols and/or codes used on electrical
engineering drawings to show the
relationship between components.

c. State the condition in which all electrical devices are shown,
unless otherwise noted on the diagram or schematic.

Discuss the construction methods and requirements for installing electrical and
mechanical equipment. Include the following elements in the discussion:

Maintenance access and staging space
Spill consequences
Accessibility to cranes and hoists
Bonding and grounding of equipment
9. sc91
you know our licenses (comp cards) are toast and now ...

10. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
The IBEW was well represented. Gary W. Pollard, P.S. A Festive
Toast. L.U. 586 (em,i&o), OTTAWA,ON, CANADA-

We raise a glass to toast the people ...


CHARLES STRITE HAD seen enough burnt toast in the company
cafeteria at his factory in Stillwater, Minnesota. Rather than
complain (though he probably did that as well), Strite, a master
mechanic, took things into his own hands.

Electric toasters made during World War I lacked many of the
conveniences we take for granted today. They toasted only one
side of the bread at a time and did not shut off automatically.
In the multitask environment of a busy cafeteria kitchen, toast
tended to get overlooked until it was too late.

As with many immature but promising technologies, toaster
evolution saw a Cambrian explosion of diverse and sometimes
bizarre configurations and designs. Many models featured knobs,
levers, or buttons to flip the bread halfway through toasting.
Aficionados use such terms as pincher, percher, turner, swinger,
tipper, flopper, and dropper to describe the various types of

By the 1940s, clockwork timers had mostly given way to simpler
bimetallic strips. During heating, two metals- typically brass
and steel- expand at different rates, making the strip bend until
it closes a switch that turns off the heating elements. By
basing the length of exposure on temperature rather than time,
this allowed users to put bread in a still-warm toaster without
lowering the darkness setting. On the other hand, toasters of
this type were prone to premature ejection if the bread was
inserted before the bimetallic strip had time to uncoil. This is
still a problem with inexpensive toasters, which repeatedly pop
up the toast after a few seconds if it is inserted too soon
after the last batch.

According to E. Townsend Artman's 1996 book Toasters 1909-1960:
A Look at the Ingenuity and Design of Toaster Makers, the "Grand
Age of the Toaster" was over by 1960. The next decades saw a lot
of cheaply made models designed to last a few years at best.
This period also saw the rise of the toaster oven, though
connoisseurs believe these admittedly versatile appliances
produce substandard toast. And the toaster wasn't just for toast
anymore, with the appearance of such products as frozen waffles
and toastable pastries, including the wildly popular Pop-Tart
(see "Postfix" in this issue).

The years have seen some practical but unexciting improvements,
including electronic timers (generally a capacitor charged
through a variable resistor) and wider slots to accommodate
bagels. Typical of the hightech toasters of today, the $70 Avant
Elite two-slice model offers such features as an LCD countdown
showing exactly when your toast will pop and a choice of several
different modes, including Bagel (which toasts only one side),
Reheat, Defrost, and Waffle. Highend toasters, such as a
Williams-Sonoma stainlesssteel four-slice one retailing for $320
(ostensibly designed for commercial use), don't sport fancy
electronics but do appear sturdy enough to protect your toast
from a nuclear blast.
2. Republicans & Conservatives:: We're Toast
For example, we need to use more nuclear power and generally
encourage higher .... So when I say "We're Toast" I have not
abandoned my native optimism. .



(Edward Field)

He sets his liquids burping, and coils blinking and buzzing,
and waits for an electric storm to send through the equipment
the spark vital for life.

The storm breaks over the castle
and the equipment really goes crazy
like a kitchen full of modern appliances
as the lightning juice starts oozing right into that pretty corpse.

He was out to pay them back,
to throw the lie of brotherly love
in their white Christian teeth.
Wasn't his flesh human flesh
even made from the bodies of criminals,
the worst the Baron could find?

But love is not necessarily implicit in human flesh:
Their hatred was now his hatred,
so he set out on his new career
his previous one being the victim,
the good man who suffers.

Now no longer the hunted but the hunter
he was in charge of his destiny
and knew how to be cold and clever,

His idea -- if his career now had an idea --
was to kill them all,
keep them in terror anyway,
let them feel hunted.
Then perhaps they would look at others
with a little pity and love.

Only a suffering people have any virtue

But what, to pass from the materials to the method of his
conversation, eminently marked it was the continuity of the
electric current. He spoke, and was silent, and spoke again: but
the circuit was unbroken; there was no effort in taking up the
thread, no sense of disjunction. Often I thought, had he never
written a line of the poems so dear to us, his conversation
alone would have made him the most interesting companion known
to me. From this great and gracious student of humanity, what
less, indeed, could be expected?

> https://www.swllc1.com/ibew/ssl/confirm.asp
> http://www.swllc1.com/ibew/default.asp IBEW #481
> IBEW shirt and cap
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> $59.75
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> amazon.com
> Order #: 103-7276337-1476641
> Waiting for the Electrician
> $27.94

When buying this cap and shirt from IBEW in April,
I was really rather expecting to see their name
associated at some point with a nuclear-related
mishap of some sort.

It wasn't so much that I bought the cap and shirt
because I expected something to happen.

It is more the other way around.
I expected something to happen because I bought
the cap and shirt.

Not the way that most people view reality, but
there is a saying: "Not only is reality more
queer than what we suppose; it is more queer
than we are capable of supposing."

Meaning of course that our brains are not
structured adequately and/or sufficiently
advanced to enable our comprehension.

A lot of people would think that this poet's
notion is silly. Perhaps it is, but perhaps also
it is a deeper insight than they are capable of having.
Really too bad that people should live and die
without ever witnessing reality's full strangeness.

I sometimes question whether this world and the
the events that take place are even real.

Perhaps the bad news is that life and reality
are a bad dream. The good news is that it is
only a dream- none of this is really even happening.

Just a theory, among many theories.

Tom Keske