i'd like to help !!!


New member
hiya...i'd like to help this forum to be the best....cause i love linkin park :D and cause the ppl here r so nice.

so if u guys need any help with VB things i got some knowledge with that....cause i used to have one b4 and i can give some things that will make this site great if u want....anyway...here's ma e-mail:


see ya later


Hybrid Soldier

New member
Firstly: I would suggest not to use words like "b4" in a proposition.

Secondly: I have a feeling they would probabaly pay a professional if they had something fot he sort they needed done and couldn't do, but from what I've sen, they can do most of it themselves.



New member
lol ok man....sorry if this bothers u....i was just trying to help !!!...i didn't mean anythin !!!!!!!!

neva mind....just forget that i've ever posted this topic......!!!!!



New member
lol ok man....sorry if this bothers u....i was just trying to help !!!...i didn't mean anythin !!!!!!!!
neva mind....just forget that i've ever posted this topic......!!!!!
dude chill, he wasnt being rude, he was just saying it as it is. We have some pretty talented staff members.

there is still plently of other ways you can help around LPF, like being an active member and stuff.

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