Idiot parents


Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
I had to call CPS over the weekend.

My neighbor is ****ing up her children, and it is pissing me off.

Her young son came down the steps bragging to my kid that he was drinking whiskey and beer with his mom.(Kid is 10 years old!) Kid thinks Mom is the greatest ever...totally cool and all.
Mom got older son hooked on crystal meth. Found out that they have been smoking it together in the apartment.
****ing idiot bitch. Bad enough she has her own addictions...but what the hell...thats her problem. But what she did to those kids...all the while complaining that people just don't understand what a hard life she has, what with CPS on her ass all the time...Oh, poor baby... This woman has had 5 children, and only had custody of one of them. (The one that will be going with CPS rather soon.)
I hate people like this. God knows I am no perfect parent, but I at LEAST know that you don't ****ing do that **** around your kids...much less with them! Hell...having kids, in and of itself SHOULD be enough to stop a person from doing it at all!
I think, strangely, that some people are afraid of calling it will make them be scrutinized themselves....
I honestly hope for the best for the 10 year old. I am hoping that his situation isn't so far gone that he can't come out of this with minimal scarring, but I think that may be wishful thinking.
As for the older son, he is going into rehab next week. I wish him all the luck in the world. These kids deserve to have a fighting chance at life, and it's not going to happen with toxic mom.
They should sew this woman up so she can't litter the planet with anymore children she doesn't want and can't take care of.

How very sad for these children that the system has allowed things to get this far. I think if she was bad enough to have other children taken from her, they should automatically have removed any subsequent children the minute they escaped the womb...
I agree. But she managed to have 5 kids. One lives with his father. One lives with her parents. 2 were adopted out, and the 10 year old will be in foster care.
She's been kicked out of my apt complex...supposed to move out tomorrow. Thank God. My son doesn't need exposure to that kind of crap.
I have never understood why women like this can't stop themselves from having children they don't want and will not take care of...They can remember to light up their crack pipe, why not take some birth control??

Seems like they would have more money to spend on their drugs and so forth.
it's one thing to screw your own life up-then you're the one to blame for your downfall. but dammit why drag kids into it? i don't understand how people do it, eventually there's got to be a time when you're not tripping and you realise what it's doing. argh!
AND people don't understand why I don't date...

I have seen so many idiot females with children drag one sad peice of **** into their lives after another and let their children suffer...
Lethalfind said:
AND people don't understand why I don't date...

I have seen so many idiot females with children drag one sad peice of **** into their lives after another and let their children suffer...

No, you don't date cause nobody wants your old wrinkled ass... If only they'd have had sunscreen when you were younger... Might have saved your skin. You leathery old bag...
CPS should be disbanded. A parent should have the right to raise their children as they see fit without stupid puritanical Christian values being forced upon them.
Hugo is one of those kind of people who pretend to beleive something just go get attention...

This is why about 95% of the time, I disregard him completely...

I have never understood why people can't come here and be real...maybe he really does hate CPS because they didn't rescue him from the woman who gave him life.
The fact is there are many indigenous cultures where parents and children use drugs together. Government should not interfere with the parent/ child relationship except in rare instances Our stupid laws against recreational drugs is a holdover from our puritanical origins.

Lethal is a mental midget who cannot grasp any philosophy that strays from the mainstream of Republican/ Democrat politics.
hugo said:
CPS should be disbanded. A parent should have the right to raise their children as they see fit without stupid puritanical Christian values being forced upon them.

About the smartest thing Hugo has posted on here....

The fact is there are many indigenous cultures where parents and children use drugs together.

I second this. My dad would buy me beer (no different than drugs) back when I was 16, and I was never a delinquent. In fact I tend to think it's a good way to socialize with family.

Usually kids become delinquent when THE PARENT IS NOT INVOLVED WITH THE CHILD'S LIFE AT ALL or if the parent is letting their kid get away with murder. And yes there are varying degrees of bad behavior. Going around stealing **** and screwing old men at age 14 and getting knocked up are a hell of a lot more severe than having a puff with mommy and daddy.

Government should not interfere with the parent/ child relationship except in rare instances Our stupid laws against recreational drugs is a holdover from our puritanical origins.

Unless the kid is being molested, starved or beaten, the government doesn't need to intervene with every little instance. Aside from the aforementioned, what goes on in someone's home is NONE OF THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS and when they start shoving their noses into people's family lives, it's just one step closer to totalitarian hell.
hugo said:
CPS should be disbanded. A parent should have the right to raise their children as they see fit without stupid puritanical Christian values being forced upon them.

No we have to protect children from even parents. They don’t have gods rights to the child. He/she will become a product of parenting and thrown into our society. We are fighting a losing battle on drugs and alcohol as it is. Kids need the correct supervision and direction. I suppose in your line of thought, the parent can let the child fend for themselves for food and clothing if the parent so wishes.

You said yourself in the White people thread that blacks have a lower IQ. How do you rectify this by letting ignorant parents to abuse the children? Do you want the fix for the problem or are you just happy how things are going?
Lethalfind said:
They should sew this woman up so she can't litter the planet with anymore children she doesn't want and can't take care of.

How very sad for these children that the system has allowed things to get this far. I think if she was bad enough to have other children taken from her, they should automatically have removed any subsequent children the minute they escaped the womb...
I think they should be required to either have tubals, or it should be law that these people cannot and will not receive any additional welfare money for having children in the future. I have not seen one case in where a mom who lost custody of her children became a better mom later in life when she had more.
snafu said:
Do you want the fix for the problem or are you just happy how things are going?

"Government is not the solution. It is the problem." Ronald Reagan
hugo said:
"Government is not the solution. It is the problem." Ronald Reagan

Although Ronny was a great president I disagree in this instance. The abuse and neglegence of our young will determine the outcome of our society as a whole. Governing the inept is in the best interest for all.