IE 9 cannot display the webpage, but Firefox can


Adrian Sr

NOTE: Please see attached images, as post had to be trimmed due to images:
We are deploying a large amount of Windows 7-64bit machines through out or company. Every new installation we have rolled out has IE9 installed. IE9 fails constantly with"
"Internet Explorer cannot display webpage"
We have also rolled out some old XP SP3 machines from inventory, with IE7 and IE8 installed and IE on them works fine. Nothing on the network has changed.
Every version of Firefox and Google Chrome work fine with NO customization and continue to work. We have had to push out Firefox as a replacement for IE9, but I'm trying to understand why IE9 continues to have this problem fresh out of the box.
Here is what IE9 displays when accessing our Intranet site:
Here is the same site in Firefox:
I'm not even going to bother displaying Chrome, but you get my point.
View attachment 5342
The only way I can IE9 to display the page is by doing a "Reset Internet Explorer's setting".
We have tried all the suggested articles, and info found in searching Google, and Microsoft, but I need a real solution. No proxy is being used.
My users are getting really annoyed, and like I stated, for now we are using Firefox as a workaround. However, this is not a permanent solution. We are a Microsoft shop.....What do I need to do to get IE9 to work properly?
Thanks for your help!

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