IE10 Consumer Preview Smoothing Fonts Without Any Color


Noel Carboni

Something's gone wrong with IE10's font smoothing logic: It's not using any color in the font smoothing process while rendering web pages. It's being done properly in Windows 8 CP in general, and even in the IE10 menus and chrome, just not in the rendered page.
I've tried it with the IE10 "Use Software Rendering instead of GPU Rendering" setting in both positions, and I've tried it with all different settings of the ClearType Tuner. Under no conditions will IE10 use color precompensation in its font rendering.
This worked properly in the IE10 in the Windows 8 Developer Preview. It looked quite good there, actually.
Here is a magnified view, so you can see clearly:
View attachment 5358
As you might expect the text does not look as sharp and actually looks more color-fringed without the color compensation in the font smoothing logic.
Please let me know if I can supply any further information.

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