IE8 causing CSS position absolute to float 80px+ to the right.

  • Thread starter BizBook BBS Web Site
  • Start date

BizBook BBS Web Site

IE8 has been causing my CSS on a few pages with position absolute to float 90px to the right, resetting IE8 back to the original settings from the advanced tab has fixed the issue. But I found that every system I have tried in the last few days are doing the same thing, so I am thinking it is an update that is causing the browser to not work properly with CSS. My visitors will never figure out how to fix this issue and will not purchase my services because of this issue. There is no way to adjust the markup to still work with the browser not working correctly, or to detect the update error and tell my visitors how to fix it without making my web site appearing to be poorly written. Any ideas from Microsoft to correct the update error? This will cause a loss of revenue for my site, it has happened over night in the last few days, worked properly that evening the next morning it did not work at all, hover was also not working at all and iframe borders as well did not work at all, my concern is how badly IE8 worked with CSS. Any suggestions?

There were 3 systems, two here with me and another at another location. All of them had exactly the same issue and could be fixed in the same way by reseting IE back to the original install.

Here is the link to my site:

My Web site is still in alpha stage and is not fully written, so there my be some bugs but the CSS is correct. Sometimes a page may time out, please let me know of errors.

You will need to login to test it.
The test login is:
pass: 123456
I noticed the problem on 12/01/2011 at 9:10 am CST (-6:00 GMT)

Thank you

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