IE8 formatting issues when accessing simple web page remotely




I am having a very strange issue with a basic HTML page in IE8.

When I run the page at: http://localhost/test.html the page content renders

fine, however, if I simply change the server name to my PC name (e.g.

http://mypcname/test.html), the layout (margins / font-sizes / padding)

renders larger and the two pages look different from eachother.

The page renders fine in Firefox 3.6 for both server names, but in IE8 the

problem arises.

Below is a simple page that illustrates the issue. If you run it with two

different server names (even though they are both on the same machine or one

is local and the other remote), you will see the problem.

e.g. "http://localhost/test.html" and "http://mypcname/test.html"

What I also noticed is if I take the html page and paste it somewhere on the

network and then double click the file and open it in IE8, it exhibits the

same behaviour. For example:

K:\temp\testRemote.htm displays LARGER text

If I double click the htm file on my local machine though, it appears

correctly, e.g.:

c:\temp\testRemote.htm displays CORRECTLY

Could there be some other security settings?

This is too wierd because I imagine this sort of issue would happen with

websites for everyone?

Why is this happening? How do I resolve it?

Thanks so much

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="" >


<title>Untitled Page</title>




font-family: Arial;


padding:0; margin:0;

background-color: #f0f0f0;





<div style="padding:20px; background-color:Gray; margin:20px; border:1px

solid black;">

<h1 style="padding-top:20px;">Main Header</h1>

<h2>Test Header</h2>

Some text !


Hi Admin,

Please post technical questions at the MSDN IE Web Development forum

ensuring that you have validated your test case first. (w3c - one error

found, tidy reports 3 warnings that need to be corrected).

Also include your Windows and IE versions.

(Guess... one runs in protected mode, the other doesn't. Test by turning off

Protected Mode for your Windows/IE version. IE maintains sandboxed settings

in the registry for each mode... look for low registry in the registry. )

Another symptom may be that your IE Command buttons and Tools menu will be


Also check that both uri's are in the same security zone. Commonly ppl may

add localhost or ComputerName to their Intranet zone sites list. This is

incorrect. You use the auto-detect option on the Intanet zone settings



"CheekyAdmin" <> wrote in message

> Hi


> I am having a very strange issue with a basic HTML page in IE8.

> When I run the page at: http://localhost/test.html the page content

> renders

> fine, however, if I simply change the server name to my PC name (e.g.

> http://mypcname/test.html), the layout (margins / font-sizes / padding)

> renders larger and the two pages look different from eachother.


> The page renders fine in Firefox 3.6 for both server names, but in IE8 the

> problem arises.

> Below is a simple page that illustrates the issue. If you run it with two

> different server names (even though they are both on the same machine or

> one

> is local and the other remote), you will see the problem.

> e.g. "http://localhost/test.html" and "http://mypcname/test.html"


> What I also noticed is if I take the html page and paste it somewhere on

> the

> network and then double click the file and open it in IE8, it exhibits the

> same behaviour. For example:

> K:\temp\testRemote.htm displays LARGER text


> If I double click the htm file on my local machine though, it appears

> correctly, e.g.:

> c:\temp\testRemote.htm displays CORRECTLY


> Could there be some other security settings?

> This is too wierd because I imagine this sort of issue would happen with

> websites for everyone?


> Why is this happening? How do I resolve it?

> Thanks so much


> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

> "">

> <html xmlns="" >

> <head>

> <title>Untitled Page</title>

> <style>

> body

> {

> font-family: Arial;

> font-size:smaller;

> padding:0; margin:0;

> background-color: #f0f0f0;

> }

> </style>

> </head>

> <body>


> <div style="padding:20px; background-color:Gray; margin:20px; border:1px

> solid black;">

> <h1 style="padding-top:20px;">Main Header</h1>

> <h2>Test Header</h2>


> Some text !



> </body>

> </html>
Hi Rob

Thanks for the reply.

I have updated the html so that it valdiates properly - this did not help.

I have restored my IE8 settings to their default settings and used the the

auto-detect option for the zones - this did not help.

The only thing I have not tried is turning off protected mode. The reason

for this is that every post I have found has told me to change this setting

by going to: Internet Options > Security tab > Select the appropriate zone>

Check/uncheck the “Enable Protected Mode†checkbox

However, there is NO reference to :protected Mode" in any of the areas /

buttons that I click whilst in the security tab. From what I read it should

be there, but it's not?

I see you asked me to post this is another forum, and will do so.

Any help on the protected mode thing would be great though please as I would

like to rule that out as a cause too.

"rob^_^" wrote:

> Hi Admin,


> Please post technical questions at the MSDN IE Web Development forum




> ensuring that you have validated your test case first. (w3c - one error

> found, tidy reports 3 warnings that need to be corrected).


> Also include your Windows and IE versions.


> (Guess... one runs in protected mode, the other doesn't. Test by turning off

> Protected Mode for your Windows/IE version. IE maintains sandboxed settings

> in the registry for each mode... look for low registry in the registry. )

> Another symptom may be that your IE Command buttons and Tools menu will be

> different.

> Also check that both uri's are in the same security zone. Commonly ppl may

> add localhost or ComputerName to their Intranet zone sites list. This is

> incorrect. You use the auto-detect option on the Intanet zone settings

> dialog.


> Regards.




> "CheekyAdmin" <> wrote in message


> > Hi

> >

> > I am having a very strange issue with a basic HTML page in IE8.

> > When I run the page at: http://localhost/test.html the page content

> > renders

> > fine, however, if I simply change the server name to my PC name (e.g.

> > http://mypcname/test.html), the layout (margins / font-sizes / padding)

> > renders larger and the two pages look different from eachother.

> >

> > The page renders fine in Firefox 3.6 for both server names, but in IE8 the

> > problem arises.

> > Below is a simple page that illustrates the issue. If you run it with two

> > different server names (even though they are both on the same machine or

> > one

> > is local and the other remote), you will see the problem.

> > e.g. "http://localhost/test.html" and "http://mypcname/test.html"

> >

> > What I also noticed is if I take the html page and paste it somewhere on

> > the

> > network and then double click the file and open it in IE8, it exhibits the

> > same behaviour. For example:

> > K:\temp\testRemote.htm displays LARGER text

> >

> > If I double click the htm file on my local machine though, it appears

> > correctly, e.g.:

> > c:\temp\testRemote.htm displays CORRECTLY

> >

> > Could there be some other security settings?

> > This is too wierd because I imagine this sort of issue would happen with

> > websites for everyone?

> >

> > Why is this happening? How do I resolve it?

> > Thanks so much

> >

> > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

> > "">

> > <html xmlns="" >

> > <head>

> > <title>Untitled Page</title>

> > <style>

> > body

> > {

> > font-family: Arial;

> > font-size:smaller;

> > padding:0; margin:0;

> > background-color: #f0f0f0;

> > }

> > </style>

> > </head>

> > <body>

> >

> > <div style="padding:20px; background-color:Gray; margin:20px; border:1px

> > solid black;">

> > <h1 style="padding-top:20px;">Main Header</h1>

> > <h2>Test Header</h2>

> >

> > Some text !

> >

> >

> > </body>

> > </html>
