IE9 Cannot save as


Jeremy Colwell

(This item will be cross posted to Office 2010 forum as well)
When i try to 'save as' in IE, I can click to my heart's content, and nothing downloads. No window asking me for a download location. Right-clicking the file and using 'save target as' also yields no download.
Platform: win7 pro\x32 in a domain environment with IE 9.0.4. Also office 2010 x32 (and incidentally, the same behaviour happens with Outlook attachments, but that is beyond the scope here I think)
What I've tried:
-problem persists across multiple user profiles on one machine only. Verified on other machines in the same domain that they can save-as with no issue. Ran GPO modelling against same user, on 2 different machines, and cannot see a difference in the results, ergo it is not likely a domain group policy issue
- run IE with no add-ins at all (start-> accessories-. system tools -> IE with no add ins) did NOT fix the issue
- cleared the 'do not save encrupted pages to disk' flag in Advanced options. did not fix the issue
- rebooted. multuiple times. no good
- reset 'restore advanced settings' and 'reset IE settings' on the internet properties advanced page
- disabled anti-virus completely. problem persists
- just in case the Office thing IS related, I also did a repair on Office 2010
Have I missed anything? I admit I am stumped on this one. Thanks in advance for yout ime

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