IE9 connectivity not working with the 32 bit browser.


James Toutges

The 64 bit IE9 browser works but the 32 bit browser on the same machine doesnt. Anyone have any ideas? I have verified DNS via DOS and can ping by name in DOS but my IE 9 32 bit browser cannot browse the internet or connect to windows update server. The 64 bit browser can browse the internet and connect to the windows update server. I have verified that no proxy setting are enabled (both in "internet Options" and in the registry. I believe it has to have something to do with a registry setting being wrong somehow. The reason I think this is because the 64bit browser is in a different path on the hard drive. Internet Explorer 9 64 bit is installed at "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer" whereas the 32 bit version is installed at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer" this is the only thing left I dont know how to troubleshoot. Is there a setting of how the two browsers point to the internet in the registry?
At this point any ideas are welcome as I have searched fourms for months now and am about ready to just reinstall windows but I have never encountered a computer issue I couldnt fix until now and truthfully this one has me baffeled.
Thanks for your time and effort in helping me try to resolve this issue,

FYI - I forgot to mention I have restart and entered into the Safe Mode with networking and I have the same problem. 64 bit browser works 32 bit doesnt.

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