IE9 not render the page completly and IE9 got hangs



I’m using IE9 on Windows Vista (Genuine & I paid for this). Last couple of days I’m facing an issue on my IE9. When I enter the URL page starts loading but after partial load browser will not do anything and hangs. When I click on any where on page got a message “recover this page” dialog near status bar. This is happening on all the web pages. Only web page works fine but when I click Install Google CROME it got hanged and progress circle (i.e. on IE tab) goes on and on. I have done System Restore 3 times, I have uninstall IE9 and find same issue is happened on IE 8. Later using Windows Update again I have installed IE9 then also issue is not solved. I have stopped my Kaspersky internet security (Licensed Version) with Firewall but no success I have done this to see if anything stopping my web page to load completely. I have reset internet options 5-6 times with no success. Now I don’t have any internet connectivity on my system, I called Microsoft Support but very poor response person told me we will call you back and never receive a call from them even it is a Microsoft Support toll number(080-40103000) & I’m paying for them to get there support.
It looks like I’m able to connect to internet but IE9 is not able to render the page and some security setting is stop it to render the page. I have resetted my security setting at lowest lever in IE that also not helped me. I dont understand what is stopping all IE to render the page even I stopped all add-ons.
I have changed DEP setting with no success. Now I really no idea what more I can do to use IE9 as I cant even download CROME. Can any one help me to so IE9 will work. My obervation is if any kind of script is there then it stop working but that not be correct also because it loads
I really need some help from Microsoft Support to bring my IE9 back.

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