IE9 Tabbed Browsing Option Reverts On Log Off Or Computer Restart



Hi. i'm using Windows 7 x64 and Internet Explorer 9. I wish to change its behavior so that new tabs are opened up in my first homepage. I go into internet options and change the settings so that this occurs and it works. The problem however comes whenever I log off or shut down the computer. When logging back on, the change reverts back to new tabs being opened up in a blank tab instead of my first homepage. I have tried reverting to IE8 and it works, however upon reinstalling IE9 the problem persists. I have cleared user settings and reset Internet Explorer to no avail. I have run Spybot, Autoruns, Combofix, AVG and TDSSKiller and none of these options have found the source of my problem. Other settings don't seem to be affected; only that one setting doesn't seem to stick. Could anyone help me out finding the source of my problem?

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