If Christmas offends you don't read.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2005
Merry Christmas to all! Or Happy Holidays if your reading even though Christmas offends you.

I'm hoping all get to spend some time doing as they please. And are able to spend time with or talk to someone they care about. As for me i will enjoy some quality time with wife and daughters. And put up with other family members for a short part of it.
To hell with that happy holiday bullshit. No one on GF is less of a christian then I am and i'm not the least bit "offended" by the term christmas.

...and by the way Merry Chirstmas I guess. Except for you Papabryant, your on my naughty list. I hope you get a sock full of coal ya cranky old bitch.
Christmas sucks! Oh, I like the old traditional Christmas when I was a child in Happy Daze but the spirit doesn't beckon me these days.

I live on a budget and Christmas is like a month when the water pump, washing machine and the range all breaks and needs replacing... the difference you spend money for stuff you wouldn't under any other situation. What does it have to do with kids getting gifts? Are they little angels? I told my wife two months ago if the credit cards aren't paid off every month that I would move in with the Katrina victims and leave her ass and I was serious.

To top it all off it is ****ing hot here...around 90 F as I type and the absolutely last place I would go is to a mall with a full parking lot with some of the spaces taken by refrigerated trailor trucks with live trees. I prefer the frozen food section of the supermarket where I can finally feel comfortable in this frigging oven hell they call Puerto Rico.
Christmas doesn't offend me too much, it's just those damn bell ringers that hang out at Wal-Mart and the super market that get on my ****ing nerves.

I actually got off work about an hour ago, turned off all my phones and just wanna relax.

I don't plan on turning on my phones until Monday morning, I get too many damn phone calls as it is.

We'll probably go to mass tonight, maybe drive around town and look at all the Christmas light displays, hit the sack, get up in the morning and open gifts, and I'll start cooking ham for dinner.

We invited NOBODY over this year ( for once), ain't feeding the neighbors, no relatives... just me, my bitch, and my brats.... oh and my cat..

Having a decent sized dinner, but I'm not putting much effort into it since its only me and the rest of the family. Only gonna make like 6 courses.

After that, I'm just gonna kick back and chill and enjoy my days off till I go back to work on Wednesday.

Have a whole bunch of rant topics, but think I'll hold off for a while till I finish my year end maintenence on my PC. Which involves pulling out my back up drive, reformatting my raid drives, blowing out any dust, tearing apart my CPU and case fans and oiling them up, Re-installing XP,Red Hat, and Window 98 on my raid drives, installing the OS management software, doing all the damn drivers, reinstalling Office and Visual Studio, and Paint Shop Pro, TV tuner drivers, GeForce drivers, CD burning software, online messenger programs, anti virus ****, spyware ****, Setup factory components, emulators, printer, scanner, .... ugh... the list is ****ing huge... gonna be a long week next week... Merry ****ing Christmas.
Happy xmas to all from us down under.We celebrated today and even though it was the usual crap off to much off everything,the kids all make it worthwhile. Anyway have a great day,and if you dont like what i am saying, STIFF ****...
Crispy Critter said:
Christmas sucks! Oh, I like the old traditional Christmas when I was a child in Happy Daze but the spirit doesn't beckon me these days.

I live on a budget and Christmas is like a month when the water pump, washing machine and the range all breaks and needs replacing... the difference you spend money for stuff you wouldn't under any other situation. What does it have to do with kids getting gifts? Are they little angels? I told my wife two months ago if the credit cards aren't paid off every month that I would move in with the Katrina victims and leave her ass and I was serious.

To top it all off it is ****ing hot here...around 90 F as I type and the absolutely last place I would go is to a mall with a full parking lot with some of the spaces taken by refrigerated trailor trucks with live trees. I prefer the frozen food section of the supermarket where I can finally feel comfortable in this frigging oven hell they call Puerto Rico.

i understand, commercial christmas is fun for kids but adults its more of a stressful day. even though christmas is really the celebration of the comming of jesus, who was concived on december 25. the media seems to do a good job at getting people to think they need to spend as much money as possible to get a gift for everyone you know. its kind of a scam.
I handed out three redbacks to the young'uns, and kissed lots of cheeks. Christmas is for the kids. Turn it into a commercial enterprise if you wish. I, for one, am not into parting with four dollars for a ****ing folded piece of painted cardboard with an envelope provided "free". :D
Good Quote form a Friend of mine:

"Now that we're not kids the magic of christmas is kinda gone...may as well get smashed."

i know exactly what you mean its a sad world its coming to when you can get fired for telling someone merry Christmas. it makes me so mad that i want to literaly pull my hair out, no joke. I was watching 20/20 and they had that stupid story i still do not understand about the runaway bride now that story makes me want to shoot my tv then throw out in fire cause i just do not understand why so much publicity or in fact ANY AT ALL. In the past you would get totally different media or none at all just shamed. NOT FAME & FORTUNE.