IF Israel will be finished -soon by USA?



FSB reports today are stating that the Iranian President Ahmadinejad
and the United States Vice President Cheney have met in 'secret' today
in the Middle Eastern country of United Arab Emirates.

President Ahmadinejad left Iran on Sunday for the UAE as part of his
previously announced tour of Gulf State Nations; Vice President Cheney
was 'spirited' by his US Military protection detail from Saudi Arabia
to the UAE to attend this 'historic' meeting.

Immediately following the meeting Iran's Foreign Minister announced
that Iran had agreed to talks with the United States, and as we can
read as reported by the Islamic Republic News Agency in their article
titled "Iran, US to talk on Iraq: Hosseini", and which says:

"Iran has agreed to hold talks with the US on Iraq, Foreign Ministry
spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said here Sunday.

"Following consultations between Iranian and Iraqi officials, Tehran
has agreed to hold negotiations with Washington to relieve pains and
suffering of the Iraqi people, support and strengthen the government
of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and stabilize security and peace in
that country," he reiterated."

The United Arab Emirates is a long-time ally of Iran and is also home
to the vast US Military support forces since their ordered removal
from Saudi Arabia and, according to these reports, was the only
'logical' location for a meeting between Iran and the United States.

These reports further state that the American Secretary of State,
Condoleezza Rice, is due in Moscow this week to brief President Putin
on this meeting, and which we had reported previously in our report
titled "Putin In 'Rage' Over US-Iran Alliance Orders New Cold War Spy
Flights" Putin is said to be considering 'immanent' Russian military
counter-moves against the US over their new Iranian alliance.

Israeli Intelligence sources are also reporting that prior to his
meeting with Iran's President, Vice President Cheney confirmed to the
Saudi King that the United States would double the size of Saudi
Arabia's Air Force, and which would bring it on a par with Israel's
Air Force.

This extraordinary move by the US in arming the Muslim Nations of the
Middle East follows their $1.78 billion offer to Turkey to boost its
Air Force, and which is the largest NATO Air Force next to the

Russian Intelligence Analysts, in these reports, state that these
latest actions by the United States are meant as a 'clear' threat to
both Russia and Israel as they show a pattern of the American War
Leaders establishing a 'United Front' against Israel, and which
President Putin has vowed Russian Military would protect against a
United States intent on establishing hegemony over the Middle East and
its vast oil supplies.

These reports further state, and as we have previously reported on
many times, that these latest provocations against Israel by the
United States is in retaliation for the Americans holding the Israeli
government responsible for the terrorist attacks on America on
September 11, 2001, and which many American commentators have written
about, and as we can read as reported by one such commenter, Justin
Raimondo, of AntiWar.Com:

"In late November, the Washington Post ran a story that stopped me
dead in my tracks: "60 Israelis on Tourist Visas Detained Since Sept.
11," but it was the subhead that really got my attention: "Government
Calls Several Cases 'of Special Interest,' Meaning Related to Post-
Attacks Investigation." In addition to the 1000-plus Middle Easterners
of the Muslim persuasion swept up in Ashcroft's post-9/11 dragnet, it
seems, some 60 Israelis were in custody. And these were no ordinary
tourists: INS officials testified in immigration court hearings that
this group was "of special interest to the government" - the same
argument used to justify the detention of Arabs in connection with the
investigation into 9/11. Shortly thereafter, in a column dated
11/28/01, I asked: "What, exactly, is the meaning of this?" Today, I
am relieved to note, the rest of the media is finally catching up to
Antiwar.com and asking the same question."

To the greatest fear of the American War Leaders regarding the
Israelis are the 'alleged' nuclear weapons that Israel's Mossad
Intelligence service has secreted around the United States, and to
which President Bush has prepared his government to survive by issuing
of new commands for an American 'Shadow Government', and as we can
read as reported by the Washington Post News Service in their article
titled "Bush Changes Continuity Plan", and which says:

"President Bush issued a formal national security directive yesterday
[May 9, 2007] ordering agencies to prepare contingency plans for a
surprise, "decapitating" attack on the federal government, and
assigned responsibility for coordinating such plans to the White

The prospect of a nuclear bomb being detonated in Washington without
warning, whether smuggled in by terrorists or a foreign government,
has been cited by many security analysts as a rising concern since the
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The order makes explicit that the focus of federal worst-case planning
involves a covert nuclear attack against the nation's capital, in
contrast with Cold War assumptions that a long-range strike would be
preceded by a notice of minutes or hours as missiles were fueled and

"As a result of the asymmetric threat environment, adequate warning of
potential emergencies that could pose a significant risk to the
homeland might not be available, and therefore all continuity planning
shall be based on the assumption that no such warning will be
received," states the 72-paragraph order. It is designated National
Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 20.

The statement added, "Emphasis will be placed upon geographic
dispersion of leadership, staff, and infrastructure in order to
increase survivability and maintain uninterrupted Government

After the 2001 attacks, Bush assigned about 100 senior civilian
managers to rotate secretly to locations outside of Washington for
weeks or months at a time to ensure the nation's survival, a shadow
government that evolved based on long-standing "continuity of
operations plans."

To the American people themselves there continues to be no evidence
that in the machinations of their War Leaders they are able to see the
'ultimate' plan which could, very likely, lead to their demise, at the
worst, but will, without doubt, embroil them in the longest, and most
expensive, war in their entire history, or as better said by one of
their Top Generals:

"General George Casey, who took over as the Army's chief just a month
ago, said the United States will "be in a period of conflict for, I
believe, another five or 10 years." And the Army, which has been
stretched and stressed by five difficult years at war, must be
organized and equipped to deal with that challenge."

Whatever the final outcome of these events one thing remains clear
above all, the United States that arises
On May 13, 5:06 pm, muto2100 <maniek...@gazeta.pl> wrote:
> FSB reports today are stating that the Iranian President Ahmadinejad
> and the United States Vice President Cheney have met in 'secret' today
> in the Middle Eastern country of United Arab Emirates.
> President Ahmadinejad left Iran on Sunday for the UAE as part of his
> previously announced tour of Gulf State Nations; Vice President Cheney
> was 'spirited' by his US Military protection detail from Saudi Arabia
> to the UAE to attend this 'historic' meeting.
> Immediately following the meeting Iran's Foreign Minister announced
> that Iran had agreed to talks with the United States, and as we can
> read as reported by the Islamic Republic News Agency in their article
> titled "Iran, US to talk on Iraq: Hosseini", and which says:
> "Iran has agreed to hold talks with the US on Iraq, Foreign Ministry
> spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said here Sunday.
> "Following consultations between Iranian and Iraqi officials, Tehran
> has agreed to hold negotiations with Washington to relieve pains and
> suffering of the Iraqi people, support and strengthen the government
> of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and stabilize security and peace in
> that country," he reiterated."
> The United Arab Emirates is a long-time ally of Iran and is also home
> to the vast US Military support forces since their ordered removal
> from Saudi Arabia and, according to these reports, was the only
> 'logical' location for a meeting between Iran and the United States.
> These reports further state that the American Secretary of State,
> Condoleezza Rice, is due in Moscow this week to brief President Putin
> on this meeting, and which we had reported previously in our report
> titled "Putin In 'Rage' Over US-Iran Alliance Orders New Cold War Spy
> Flights" Putin is said to be considering 'immanent' Russian military
> counter-moves against the US over their new Iranian alliance.
> Israeli Intelligence sources are also reporting that prior to his
> meeting with Iran's President, Vice President Cheney confirmed to the
> Saudi King that the United States would double the size of Saudi
> Arabia's Air Force, and which would bring it on a par with Israel's
> Air Force.
> This extraordinary move by the US in arming the Muslim Nations of the
> Middle East follows their $1.78 billion offer to Turkey to boost its
> Air Force, and which is the largest NATO Air Force next to the
> Americans.
> Russian Intelligence Analysts, in these reports, state that these
> latest actions by the United States are meant as a 'clear' threat to
> both Russia and Israel as they show a pattern of the American War
> Leaders establishing a 'United Front' against Israel, and which
> President Putin has vowed Russian Military would protect against a
> United States intent on establishing hegemony over the Middle East and
> its vast oil supplies.
> These reports further state, and as we have previously reported on
> many times, that these latest provocations against Israel by the
> United States is in retaliation for the Americans holding the Israeli
> government responsible for the terrorist attacks on America on
> September 11, 2001, and which many American commentators have written
> about, and as we can read as reported by one such commenter, Justin
> Raimondo, of AntiWar.Com:
> "In late November, the Washington Post ran a story that stopped me
> dead in my tracks: "60 Israelis on Tourist Visas Detained Since Sept.
> 11," but it was the subhead that really got my attention: "Government
> Calls Several Cases 'of Special Interest,' Meaning Related to Post-
> Attacks Investigation." In addition to the 1000-plus Middle Easterners
> of the Muslim persuasion swept up in Ashcroft's post-9/11 dragnet, it
> seems, some 60 Israelis were in custody. And these were no ordinary
> tourists: INS officials testified in immigration court hearings that
> this group was "of special interest to the government" - the same
> argument used to justify the detention of Arabs in connection with the
> investigation into 9/11. Shortly thereafter, in a column dated
> 11/28/01, I asked: "What, exactly, is the meaning of this?" Today, I
> am relieved to note, the rest of the media is finally catching up to
> Antiwar.com and asking the same question."
> To the greatest fear of the American War Leaders regarding the
> Israelis are the 'alleged' nuclear weapons that Israel's Mossad
> Intelligence service has secreted around the United States, and to
> which President Bush has prepared his government to survive by issuing
> of new commands for an American 'Shadow Government', and as we can
> read as reported by the Washington Post News Service in their article
> titled "Bush Changes Continuity Plan", and which says:
> "President Bush issued a formal national security directive yesterday
> [May 9, 2007] ordering agencies to prepare contingency plans for a
> surprise, "decapitating" attack on the federal government, and
> assigned responsibility for coordinating such plans to the White
> House.
> The prospect of a nuclear bomb being detonated in Washington without
> warning, whether smuggled in by terrorists or a foreign government,
> has been cited by many security analysts as a rising concern since the
> Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
> The order makes explicit that the focus of federal worst-case planning
> involves a covert nuclear attack against the nation's capital, in
> contrast with Cold War assumptions that a long-range strike would be
> preceded by a notice of minutes or hours as missiles were fueled and
> launched.
> "As a result of the asymmetric threat environment, adequate warning of
> potential emergencies that could pose a significant risk to the
> homeland might not be available, and therefore all continuity planning
> shall be based on the assumption that no such warning will be
> received," states the 72-paragraph order. It is designated National
> Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential
> Directive 20.
> The statement added, "Emphasis will be placed upon geographic
> dispersion of leadership, staff, and infrastructure in order to
> increase survivability and maintain uninterrupted Government
> Functions."
> After the 2001 attacks, Bush assigned about 100 senior civilian
> managers to rotate secretly to locations outside of Washington for
> weeks or months at a time to ensure the nation's survival, a shadow
> government that evolved based on long-standing "continuity of
> operations plans."
> To the American people themselves there continues to be no evidence
> that in the machinations of their War Leaders they are able to see the
> 'ultimate' plan which could, very likely, lead to their demise, at the
> worst, but will, without doubt, embroil them in the longest, and most
> expensive, war in their entire history, or as better said by one of
> their Top Generals:
> "General George Casey, who took over as the Army's chief just a month
> ago, said the United States will "be in a period of conflict for, I
> believe, another five or 10 years." And the Army, which has been
> stretched and stressed by five difficult years at war, must be
> organized and equipped to deal with that challenge."
> Whatever the final outcome of these events one thing remains clear
> above all, the United States that arises

Looks like true Americans patriots
finally finded that zionist are the
really enemy of American peoples-not
arabs,musslims.Ok George lets get them!! is about