If LP Asked U to...


New member
...do sumthin' would u do it? lol. This is a game where u post sumthin' extreme about LP asking u 2 do sumthin' mayB deadly. So: U ask a question[such as-If LP told u 2 kill ur mom, would u do it?] not 2 extreme[like mine, lol :) ] The next person answers and makes up0 a new 1. on, and on and, on.... Also, if u wanna make a trade[such as:If LP asked u to eat ur pet in order 2 get the new CD 4 free, would u do it?] if u want.


I'll start-

If LP asked u 2 jump off a cliff in order 2 get The Rising Tide and their new album 2 hear b4 any1 else, would u do it?



New member
i dont think so.... i may want them bad.. but NO....lol

if LP asked you to run around on stage in nothing but undergarments in order to hang to w/ them for a week..... would you!?

Ummmm.........It would depend on how big the cliff was

If LP asked you to swim in a tank of Sharks for an hour to get to go on tour with them would you



New member
Ummmmm.....Depends on how many sharks

I LP ask you to kill a bear just to hang out with them,would you do it



New member
^ yes to the undergarments one and the bear one

if LP told you that you could move in with them if you ate a bunny, would you do it?



New member
yea. ;)

If LP asked u 2 move in with ur teacher 4 a month, 2 get a rare media dizk, will u do it?



New member
Depends on the teacher... but no, prolly not!

If LP asked you to sing at a live show with thousands of people, in order to hang with them, would you?



New member
....................rape..someone!?............ no....lol... i dont think i could do that.. im weak.. unless it was mike than thats another story...but no! *dont ask! my mind is twisted today*

if LP asked you to dance on stage while they were performing just to hang w/ them for 15 minutes after the show.. would you!?



New member
^ of course

If LP asked you to hang out with them for a day, but you would have to be blind folded and couldn't talk, would you do it?

Yeah cuz I could picture what they look like lol

If LP asked you to dress like a chick from the 1800's to school and talk like one of them all day for a week to get one of their new cds would you



New member
FOR SURE! That would be wicked,lol

If LP asked you to, punch your mother in the face,REALLY HARD,would you??




New member
mayB. though she'd ground me. LOL!!! :D

If LP asked u 2 wear ur boxerz on ur head and go to class with no pants, 4 hangin' with them 4 a month, would u do it?



New member

If LP asked you to **** yourself in front of your friends in order to get free concert tix, would you?



New member
HELLZZZZ.... oh, sleepy. where wuz I? oh yea. :) -NAWWW!!! lol.

If LP asked u 2 undress in front of ur crush, 2 get a date 2 a fancy restaurant with all the gyuz, would u do it?



New member
U WOULD???!!!! LOL!!! :D

no, as much as i wanna do it, i dun wanna lose my Rep, lol.

If LP asked u 2 eat a used bra, 2 get into the studio and watch the whole new album process, would u do it?

Yeah I prolly would!!!!!!!!

Ummmmmm....It would depend on if it was washed. :eek:

If LP asked you to be friends with the person you hate the most so you could meet Mr.Hahn Would you

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