If only the Christian right would get this worked up over the extremely important issues



On Apr 1, 4:48 am, "Roger" <roge...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Fromhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/31/AR200...
> But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan,
> who described it as "a sickening display." Bill Donohue, head of the
> watchdog Catholic League, said it was "one of the worst assaults on
> Christian sensibilities ever."

Now if they would just get this worked up over prison rape, parents
throwing their own kids out into the streets, rampant homelessness,
businesses ripping of the American people left
and right, and the general atmosphere of hate and violence maybe we
could get somewhere.
On Apr 1, 9:27 pm, "zeez" <Ultim...@excite.com> wrote:
> On Apr 1, 4:48 am, "Roger" <roge...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Fromhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/31/AR200...
> > But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan,
> > who described it as "a sickening display." Bill Donohue, head of the
> > watchdog Catholic League, said it was "one of the worst assaults on
> > Christian sensibilities ever."

> Now if they would just get this worked up over prison rape, parents
> throwing their own kids out into the streets, rampant homelessness,
> businesses ripping of the American people left
> and right, and the general atmosphere of hate and violence maybe we
> could get somewhere.

And if you are a Christian that does get worked up over the issues
I've mentioned, GOOD. We need more people like you.