If OPEC Is a Cartel, Why Isn't It Illegal?


Patriot Games


If OPEC Is a Cartel, Why Isn't It Illegal?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

In America, cartels - formal agreements among companies to fix prices and
dictate sales rules - are bluntly illegal.

But the world's largest cartel - OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries representing 13 major oil producing nations - is not
only recognized as a legal entity, it's protected by U.S. foreign trade

With oil prices careening toward $100 a barrel, some policy makers are
wondering why the world community, and the U.S. in particular, doesn't
simply declare OPEC illegal.

"We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," says
House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich. "We can do something about
this anti-competitive, anti-consumer behavior."

The idea is not so far fetched. Earlier this year, Congress moved to punish
OPEC as an illegal cartel. But the Bush administration has blocked such
efforts saying they'll only incite retaliation and hurt American businesses.

In May, the House overwhelmingly passed a bill giving the Justice Department
the ability to sue the Middle East-dominated OPEC for collusion and price
fixing. A few weeks later the Senate overwhelmingly passed a comprehensive
energy bill that included similar anti-OPEC provisions.

Now, the House and Senate are trying to finalize that energy bill by year's
end. President Bush, however, has said in no uncertain terms that he'll veto
any energy bill that includes the anti-OPEC language.

Such a law would "encourage retaliation against American businesses abroad,
discourage job-creating investment in the U.S. economy and injure U.S.
relations with other countries," Allan Hubbard, director of President Bush's
National Economic Council, wrote in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
last month.

OPEC countries, which include the biggest producers in the Middle East and
Africa as well as Venezuela and Ecuador, produce about 40 percent of the
world's oil will take in some $500 billion in oil revenues this year,
according to U.S. government figures.

The organization was formed in 1960 to give the producers more control over
petroleum prices and production. In the early 1970s, OPEC brought the West
to its knees with oil embargoes. But the group lost clout in the late 1990s,
when oil prices tumbled.

The recent run-up in oil prices has allowed OPEC to reassert itself as a
major force in the oil market, experts note.

A 1979 U.S. District Court decision held that OPEC's pricing decisions are
essentially "governmental" acts of state, as opposed to "commercial" acts,
and thus are beyond the legal reach of U.S. courts thanks to the Foreign
Sovereign Immunity Act of 1976.

The bills in Congress seek to overturn this decision. A similar effort in
2005 failed, however, and insiders say resistance from the Bush
administration makes success for so-called NOPEC efforts unlikely this time
around as well.

"I don't think it will happen with that veto threat," Lucian Puglaresi,
president of the Energy Policy Research Foundation in Washington, tells
Newsmax. "There are so many other controversial issues on energy that it's
too hard to make it part of the package."

He notes that Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and
the committee's ranking Republican Pete Domenici, also from New Mexico, are
united against the idea.

Conyers disagrees. "The Bush administration's threat to veto this bill is
just further proof that the administration favors the international oil
cartel over the American consumer," Conyers tells the Associated Press.

Industry experts, however, largely side with the administration - and with

"It would be silly if it weren't so troubling," Chris Joyner, Washington
representative of the American Petroleum Institute, tells Newsmax. "For
Congress to suggest that foreign governments should be sued for constraining
production is somewhat ironic considering energy bills in Congress would do
that very thing domestically."

The House bill was introduced by Conyers and Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wisc. Kohl,
lead author of the Senate's energy bill, was instrumental in pushing through
the provision.

Analysts say the anti-OPEC effort is more a matter of political
grandstanding than policymaking.

"People have had their fun, and now it's outta here," Puglaresi says. "It
doesn't generate any new production or lower the price of oil."

With crude oil prices soaring more than 3
Patriot Games wrote:


> If OPEC Is a Cartel, Why Isn't It Illegal?
> Sunday, November 25, 2007
> In America, cartels - formal agreements among companies to fix
> prices and dictate sales rules - are bluntly illegal.
> But the world's largest cartel - OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum
> Exporting Countries representing 13 major oil producing nations - is
> not only recognized as a legal entity, it's protected by U.S.
> foreign trade laws.
> With oil prices careening toward $100 a barrel, some policy makers
> are wondering why the world community, and the U.S. in particular,
> doesn't simply declare OPEC illegal.

Ridiculous. It's their oil. They are not subject to US laws. It's
really that simple. Of course, we could get another Gonzo-type to
declare that the middle east is under our sphere of influence and as
such - they must abide by our laws. Or perhaps we could declare
something else equally insane.

Isn't the real solution to the energy equation turning to other
sources of energy? How about wind power, photovoltaics, passive
solar water heaters, passive solar air heaters, geothermal, tide
power and hydropower? Why not a national push to electric vehicles?

How about a "War on Energy"? I think we'll find we could dump 90
percent of oil imports if "political" forces would step out of the
way and let the oil market die out like it should. There is no
excuse to allow this travesty to continue.
On Nov 26, 8:11 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:

> "We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," says
> House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich.

What an idiot! OPEC does not dictate the price of anything. In all
free marketplaces prices are dictated by the interaction between
demand and supply. Econ 101.

OPEC is doing us a huge favor: the sooner oil hits $200/barrel, the
better. The only way for the consumer to react is when alternate
sources of energy become economically feasible.

OPEC is the brainchild of Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso, Venezuelan Energy
Minister during the 60s. I wonder how many dumb gringos think it was
the arabs'.

Speaking of dumb gringos: how come Patriot Games is quoting democrats

"nobody" <nobody@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
> http://www.newsmax.com/headlines/opec_cartel_illegal/2007/11/25/52042.html
>> If OPEC Is a Cartel, Why Isn't It Illegal?
>> Sunday, November 25, 2007
>> In America, cartels - formal agreements among companies to fix
>> prices and dictate sales rules - are bluntly illegal.
>> But the world's largest cartel - OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum
>> Exporting Countries representing 13 major oil producing nations - is
>> not only recognized as a legal entity, it's protected by U.S.
>> foreign trade laws.
>> With oil prices careening toward $100 a barrel, some policy makers
>> are wondering why the world community, and the U.S. in particular,
>> doesn't simply declare OPEC illegal.

> Ridiculous. It's their oil.

Maybe we should stop buying it.

> Isn't the real solution to the energy equation turning to other
> sources of energy? How about wind power, photovoltaics, passive
> solar water heaters, passive solar air heaters, geothermal, tide
> power and hydropower?

Even combined these don't amount to much.

What we need to do is a quick fast-paced switch to coal while we bring up
nuclear power plants. In maybe 10 years this could nearly eliminate
imported oil used to generate electricity.
But that only 10% of our oil imports.

Most of the rest goes to gasoline.

Solar power on every single family roof in America could save a couple of
percent but it would trim 10% of each homeowner's electric bill.

Tankless water heaters in every kitchen and bathroom in America would save
30% of water usage and another 10% on electricity.

> Why not a national push to electric vehicles?

Several reasons:

1) Because they suck. Sorry, they can't compete. A basic electric mini-van
with a family of 4 can run for 3 hours (150 miles) and then needs at least 3
hours to recharge. That's makes the several times a year that family goes
on vacation or to visit granny basically impossible, or at least utterly

2) Where are ya gonna recharge them? Where will people living in apartments
charge them? Where will people in cities charge them? The national
infrastructure to support recharging electric cars simply doesn't exist.
And even if it DID exist we need to be generating that electricity from
OTHER THAN oil before we leap ahead.

> How about a "War on Energy"? I think we'll find we could dump 90
> percent of oil imports if "political" forces would step out of the
> way and let the oil market die out like it should. There is no
> excuse to allow this travesty to continue.

We don't have to shoot for 90%. If we reduce current foreign imports by 50%
that will equal only 30% of total oil used. That alone makes us NOT
dependent on foreigners.
"Ramon F Herrera" <ramon@conexus.net> wrote in message
> On Nov 26, 8:11 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," says
>> House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich.

> What an idiot! OPEC does not dictate the price of anything. In all
> free marketplaces prices are dictated by the interaction between
> demand and supply. Econ 101.

But that's NOT true with oil.

Oil prices are largely based on speculation.

> The only way for the consumer to react is when alternate
> sources of energy become economically feasible.


> Speaking of dumb gringos: how come Patriot Games is quoting democrats
> now!?

I can quote anybody I want.

Are you done mowing my yard yet?
On Nov 26, 5:11 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> http://www.newsmax.com/headlines/opec_cartel_illegal/2007/11/25/52042...
> If OPEC Is a Cartel, Why Isn't It Illegal?
> Sunday, November 25, 2007
> In America, cartels - formal agreements among companies to fix prices and
> dictate sales rules - are bluntly illegal.

U.S. and U.K. oil companies also have a history of manipulating oil
production and they will do it again if they get control of Iraqi's

"Oil Companies Hold Down Production in Iraq
By John M. Blair

The following is an excerpt from The Control of Oil (New York:
Pantheon, 1977).

In this excerpt, John Blair shows how the US and UK companies held
down production in their Iraq concessions, in order to maximize their
worldwide profits. In spite of protests from the Iraq government, and
opposition from their French partner, the Anglo-American companies
maintained this policy until nationalization in 1972. In the last part
of this excerpt, we see the active role of the US State Department in
defending the oil companies' interests. . ."


> But the world's largest cartel - OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum
> Exporting Countries representing 13 major oil producing nations - is not
> only recognized as a legal entity, it's protected by U.S. foreign trade
> laws.
> With oil prices careening toward $100 a barrel, some policy makers are
> wondering why the world community, and the U.S. in particular, doesn't
> simply declare OPEC illegal.
> "We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," says
> House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich. "We can do something about
> this anti-competitive, anti-consumer behavior."
> The idea is not so far fetched. Earlier this year, Congress moved to punish
> OPEC as an illegal cartel. But the Bush administration has blocked such
> efforts saying they'll only incite retaliation and hurt American businesses.
> In May, the House overwhelmingly passed a bill giving the Justice Department
> the ability to sue the Middle East-dominated OPEC for collusion and price
> fixing. A few weeks later the Senate overwhelmingly passed a comprehensive
> energy bill that included similar anti-OPEC provisions.
> Now, the House and Senate are trying to finalize that energy bill by year's
> end. President Bush, however, has said in no uncertain terms that he'll veto
> any energy bill that includes the anti-OPEC language.
> Such a law would "encourage retaliation against American businesses abroad,
> discourage job-creating investment in the U.S. economy and injure U.S.
> relations with other countries," Allan Hubbard, director of President Bush's
> National Economic Council, wrote in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
> last month.
> OPEC countries, which include the biggest producers in the Middle East and
> Africa as well as Venezuela and Ecuador, produce about 40 percent of the
> world's oil will take in some $500 billion in oil revenues this year,
> according to U.S. government figures.
> The organization was formed in 1960 to give the producers more control over
> petroleum prices and production. In the early 1970s, OPEC brought the West
> to its knees with oil embargoes. But the group lost clout in the late 1990s,
> when oil prices tumbled.
> The recent run-up in oil prices has allowed OPEC to reassert itself as a
> major force in the oil market, experts note.
> A 1979 U.S. District Court decision held that OPEC's pricing decisions are
> essentially "governmental" acts of state, as opposed to "commercial" acts,
> and thus are beyond the legal reach of U.S. courts thanks to the Foreign
> Sovereign Immunity Act of 1976.
> The bills in Congress seek to overturn this decision. A similar effort in
> 2005 failed, however, and insiders say resistance from the Bush
> administration makes success for so-called NOPEC efforts unlikely this time
> around as well.
> "I don't think it will happen with that veto threat," Lucian Puglaresi,
> president of the Energy Policy Research Foundation in Washington, tells
> Newsmax. "There are so many other controversial issues on energy that it's
> too hard to make it part of the package."
> He notes that Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and
> the committee's ranking Republican Pete Domenici, also from New Mexico, are
> united against the idea.
> Conyers disagrees. "The Bush administration's threat to veto this bill is
> just further proof that the administration favors the international oil
> cartel over the American consumer," Conyers tells the Associated Press.
> Industry experts, however, largely side with the administration - and with
> "It would be silly if it weren't so troubling," Chris Joyner, Washington
> representative of the American Petroleum Institute, tells Newsmax. "For
> Congress to suggest that foreign governments should be sued for constraining
> production is somewhat ironic considering energy bills in Congress would do
> that very thing domestically."
> The House bill was introduced by Conyers and Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wisc. Kohl,
> lead author of the Senate's energy bill, was instrumental in pushing through
> the provision.
> Analysts say the anti-OPEC effort is more a matter of political
> grandstanding than policymaking.
> "People have had their fun, and now it's outta here," Puglaresi says. "It
> doesn't generate any new production or lower the price of oil."
> With crude oil prices soaring more than 3 1/2 times since early 2003, Amy
> Myers Jaffe, associate director of Rice University's Energy Program, notes
> that it's obviously in U.S. interest to curb OPEC's monopoly pricing power
> on crude.
> "But there are several ways of doing that, and I'm not sure lawsuits are the
> most effective way," she says. "If Congress would pass a bill with more
> emphasis on alternative energy and dramatically lowering U.S. demand through
> conservation measures, that might be more effective."
> In addition, if oil consuming nations banded together in the same way that
> producers do in OPEC, the consumers could break the OPEC stranglehold, she
> says.
> "If we could get all the consuming countries together and said we will apply
> WTO rules etc., and we will boycott the oil of producers that don't allow
> open access to their energy resources, that could be effective too," she
> says. "If we got just China and the EU to hold fast, there is a lot we could
> do."
> Jaffe says Congress is mistaken in focusing so narrowly on OPEC. "A big
> problem is that major oil companies aren't spending money on exploration.
> Instead, they are spending money on share buybacks," she points out.
> "If I'm a Congressman, my interest is not in making Exxon Mobil shareholders
> rich," Jaffe says. "You can implement a windfall profit tax that they would
> have to pay only if they aren't spending a reasonable percentage of their
> profits on exploration or alternative energy. You could make share buybacks
> non-deductible. There are plenty of creative things Congress could do."
> It's not even clear exactly how much power OPEC has over oil prices,
> Puglaresi says. "Prices are more a function of supply and demand. I'd be
> more worried about resource nationalism than OPEC," he says.
> Many countries won't allow U.S. companies reasonable profit from helping
> them extract their oil. "Start with Russia and Venezuela and move your way
> up," Puglaresi says.
> OPEC isn't holding back on production, Joyner says, noting that the cartel's
> output levels rose in both September and October.
> "The issue isn't that production is falling. The question is what demand is
> doing," he says. Oil consumption in China and other developing nations is
> exploding.
> Like the Bush administration, Joyner worries how the international oil
> market would react to U.S. attempts to prosecute OPEC. Foreign nations might
> be less willing to grant the U.S. access to their energy supplies, he says.
> The idea of lawsuits isn't very practical, Jaffe points out.
> "Think about how long a lawsuit takes: it's a publicity stunt," she says.
> "There are so many other policies we could try to limit the powers of OPEC,
> but they would require sacrifice for people in the U.S."
> If the U.S. were to bring anti-trust suits against OPEC, determining damages
> and collecting indemnities could turn into very thorny issues, says Douglas
> Holtz-Eakin, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International
> Economics in Washington.
> Like others, he sees the Congressional effort against OPEC as essentially
> hot air, but he says it might serve a useful purpose in the end.
> "There is always a place in the American political economic system for
> artful rhetorical assault through legislation," he says. "You don't actually
> want it to happen. You yell instead of doing something stupid. I never took
> it seriously."
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:10:48 -0500, "Patriot Games"
<Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>"Ramon F Herrera" <ramon@conexus.net> wrote in message
>> On Nov 26, 8:11 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>>> "We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," says
>>> House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich.

>> What an idiot! OPEC does not dictate the price of anything. In all
>> free marketplaces prices are dictated by the interaction between
>> demand and supply. Econ 101.

>But that's NOT true with oil.
>Oil prices are largely based on speculation.
>> The only way for the consumer to react is when alternate
>> sources of energy become economically feasible.

>> Speaking of dumb gringos: how come Patriot Games is quoting democrats
>> now!?

>I can quote anybody I want.
>Are you done mowing my yard yet?

Gasoline is only .12 cents a gallon in Venezuela.
"ChrisT" <micromutt@verizon.net> wrote in message
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:10:48 -0500, "Patriot Games"
> <Patriot@America.com> wrote:
>>"Ramon F Herrera" <ramon@conexus.net> wrote in message
>>> On Nov 26, 8:11 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>>>> "We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas,"
>>>> says
>>>> House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich.
>>> What an idiot! OPEC does not dictate the price of anything. In all
>>> free marketplaces prices are dictated by the interaction between
>>> demand and supply. Econ 101.

>>But that's NOT true with oil.
>>Oil prices are largely based on speculation.
>>> The only way for the consumer to react is when alternate
>>> sources of energy become economically feasible.

>>> Speaking of dumb gringos: how come Patriot Games is quoting democrats
>>> now!?

>>I can quote anybody I want.
>>Are you done mowing my yard yet?

> Gasoline is only .12 cents a gallon in Venezuela.

You're wrong.

Venezuelan gasoline is only .12 cents a gallon in Venezuela.