Illegal Immigration News with Views

Real Views on the Real News!


Statement of Principles and Purpose:

We believe that the immigration situation is out of hand.

We Further believe that all illegals should, must be and will be deported to
the country of their individual origin, in what ever manner may be easiest
and most productive to the goal of total deportation of this population.

We also strive to create a system in that immigration from legal sources
should be redirected towards that pre'64 immigration act changes in terms of
place of origin for future immigrants.

Further we strive to put in place a system of punishments that enforce the
above beliefs, on both illegals and Citizens alike, including all
corporations that may function with in the United States of America. But
that most especially puts in place a system where government is held
accountable to the Citizens,first and foremost to the exclusion of
non-citizens. And where moreover the Majority will have their will done
truthfully, and not in the distrorted manner that the present corruptocracy
produces to our determint but in our names.


Hispanics ask the pope for help on immigration policies

Apr 11, 2008 12:00 AM (2 days ago) by Scott McCabe, The Examiner

WASHINGTON (Map, News) - Hispanic immigrants delivered a letter to the
Vatican embassy in D.C. asking Pope Benedict XVI to intercede in
"mean-spirited" policies that they say have destroyed thousands of families.

Ricardo Juarez of Mexicans Without Borders led about 30 immigrants, some of
whom were here illegally, past the carefully manicured lawns along Embassy
Row to the front door of the Apostolic Nunciature.

(So then we are papists, and subject to the popes whims?)

Hispanics ask the pope for help on immigration policies - Examiner.com


How to Grow a Gang

With anti-immigrant sentiment rising, mass deportation is making a comeback.
During fiscal 2006 and 2007, the number of deportation proceedings jumped
from 64,000 to 164,000. This fiscal year, it is expected to hit 200,000, an
all-time high.

Click here to view a larger version of this image

Latino gang members have been targeted for particularly aggressive action.
Since 2005, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) dragnets have swept up
more than 6,000 suspected gangsters. From 2005 to 2007, arrests-usually
preludes to deportation-increased more than fivefold.

(only 5, lets get that up to 500 and I am happy.)

How to Grow a Gang


Day laborers run risk of no pay and deportation

By Francis Jacobo

April 11, 2008

Before the sun rises in the South Bronx, men in steel boots, paint-speckled
pants and baseball hats leave their homes and stand on corners.

"Surviving in my country was tough, but it's worse here," said Ruben, 44, a
native of Ecuador. He was leaning against a wall and was holding a blue
backpack containing a hammer, screwdriver and nails.

(Well then Rueben, why don't you go home, NOW! Thank You!)



Reader Comments and Views on the News:



Well that is all of the readers replies and comments but Remember:

If you would like your comments ideas or other published with the Illegal
Immirgration News with Views; then please send me an email at
notyours1973@gmail.com with the subject line : "reply to views", and I will
put up your views that others that read this can view them all together with
the newest news sheet--I geuss that will work for a name for this rant and
rave. I welcome any views, just so that you have the good manners not to
insult me personally as that is in bad taste. And I will not promote, nor do
I promote violence or lawbreaking. This is about legal mass action to
achieve legal political goals.

Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||