Illegal Immigration News with Views

Real Views on the Real News!


Statement of Principles and Purpose:

We believe that the immigration situation is out of hand.

We Further believe that all illegals should, must be and will be deported to
the country of their individual origin, in what ever manner may be easiest
and most productive to the goal of total deportation of this population.

We also strive to create a system in that immigration from legal sources
should be redirected towards that pre'64 immigration act changes in terms of
place of origin for future immigrants.

Further we strive to put in place a system of punishments that enforce the
above beliefs, on both illegals and Citizens alike, including all
corporations that may function with in the United States of America. But
that most especially puts in place a system where government is held
accountable to the Citizens,first and foremost to the exclusion of
non-citizens. And where moreover the Majority will have their will done
truthfully, and not in the distrorted manner that the present corruptocracy
produces to our determint but in our names.


Villaraigosa warns ICE to back off immigration raids
Daily News Wire Services
Article Launched: 04/10/2008 07:10:57 AM PDT

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa warned that work-site raids on
nonexploitative" businesses could have a severe impact on the local economy.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is asking federal officials to rethink their
policy on workplace immigration crackdowns that involve established
businesses and to focus on employers that mistreat workers instead.

The mayor said in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff
that work-site raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement could have
"severe and long-lasting effects" on the local economy, the Los Angeles
Times reported Thursday.

(This is exactly the sort of traitor that needs not be in office, here in
this Nation.)

Villaraigosa warns ICE to back off immigration raids - The Daily Breeze


Flow Of Illegal Immigrants From Central America Slows Save Email Print

(April 13, 2008)--For thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America,
the long journey to the United States starts on the groaning back of a
freight train they call The Beast, but these days many don't get too far.

Central Americans without documents now face increased security within
Mexico, including checks on the train for stowaways and it's also harder for
them to head north once they cross into Mexico because of hurricane damage
to the train tracks.

As a result, the number of non-Mexican migrants stopped by the U.S. Border
Patrol has dropped almost 60 percent from 2005, despite increased detention

(Then the flow of Mexicans must be taking up the slack, because nothing I
have seen shows any such drop in numbers. Does anyone still believe the
govs. propaganda on the immigration issue?)

Flow Of Illegal Immigrants From Central America Slows


California judge: Mexican justice is good enough

Are you a Mexican illegal alien living in Southern California who is
considering a bloody and brutal murder of your spouse? Well go ahead and
hack away...because the border is only 20 minutes away and even if you're
caught in Mexico, you won't really pay for that crime:

In a case that has drawn international attention, murder charges were
dismissed yesterday against a man previously convicted of the crime and
imprisoned in Mexico.

Judge Herbert J. Exarhos ruled that Celestino Mendez Martinez is
protected by state and federal constitutions from being tried in California
for stabbing his estranged wife to death in May 1988 in El Cajon.

(This judge needs to put down the liberal, equalitarina PC Kool-Aid, and
come back on over here where Mexico is a third world hell hole that is
corrupt to the bone and has no justice system, just a bribbery system in
which the more you pay the less you do in jail.)

This Goes To 11: California judge: Mexican justice is good enough


Illegal aliens, socialists are ruining U.S. economy

Capitalism made the United States the economic powerhouse of the 20th
century, but our government's anti-American socialist agenda is killing the
economy. Some of the harmful effects are evident in malignant trade
agreements, illegal immigration, subprime mortgages, and oil supply.

Manufacturing provides the majority of wealth for the nation. In the last 20
years, we have shipped high-paying manufacturing jobs offshore via trade
agreements such as NAFTA. China has been a major beneficiary, but the
American worker has seen a lower standard of living and reduced purchasing
power. The harm to the American workers is evident in the automotive, steel,
and electronics industries.

(I think that this one gets it!)

Illegal aliens, socialists are ruining U.S. economy -- themorningcall.com


Hazleton Heads To Court Against ACLU, US Chamber, Illegal Aliens, US Bishops
The trial against Hazleton, Pennsylvania's Illegal Immigration Relief Act
(IIRA) brought by supporters of illegal aliens, the ACLU, Puerto Rican Legal
Defense and Education Fund and supported by the US Chamber of Commerce and
US Council of Catholic Bishops started yesterday with both sides arguing
their points. The case is expected to last two weeks and there are cities
across the country that are sitting on the edge of their seats awaiting the
outcome so that they can implement their own IIRA laws.

(Mark well who are enemies are! It will be important when we attain power!)

Hazleton Heads To Court Against ACLU, US Chamber, Illegal Aliens, US
Bishops - borderfirereport.net


Immigration debate could end without passage of bill

An AP News Analysis


Associated Press Writer

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) -- A strong push to deal with illegal immigration has been
blunted, diverted and slowed so much that it could end in little more than a
muddled mess.

Sensing that their constituents were angry about illegal immigrants and
facing an election year, legislators began their session with many of them
demanding change.

But talking, of course, is easier than doing.

(Of course this works out for all of them, you see know they can say that
they 'tried' when in fact they never had the actual will to win, they just
wanted to let everyone see them play act, so that they could sucker you into
voting for them again. Allow me to explain just how easy this could be:
First Con: Mr. Speaker we seek a voice call vote on finally passage of this
bill. Speaker(ignores all protests):without objections it is so advised.
Voice vote and the ayes have it. That is all that would be needed to get it
passed if they where serious. Give me that gavel and I will get these laws
passed! )

The Hays Daily News

Reader Comments and Views on the News:

I really like your news sheet. Keep it up.


Why is it that the government can not figure out that 'we' do not need


Do you really think that this makes a difference?


I live in Southern Texas and let me tell you the situation is far worse than
the news it letting onto. You can follow tracks of garbage throught the
desret for miles. It is like a Mexican Ho Chi Min trail and they still
claim that they can not find them. What is needed? Blinky Hats?


Well that is all of the readers replies and comments but Remember:

If you would like your comments ideas or other published with the Illegal
Immirgration News with Views; then please send me an email at
notyours1973@yahoo.com with the subject line : "reply to views", and I will
put up your views that others that read this can view them all together with
the newest news sheet--I geuss that will work for a name for this rant and
rave. I welcome any views, just so that you have the good manners not to
insult me personally as that is in bad taste. And I will not promote, nor do
I promote violence or lawbreaking. This is about legal mass action to
achieve legal political goals.

Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||