Illegal Immigration News with Views

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Illegal immigration raid in Homedale catches plant owner off guard

HOMEDALE -- Family members of the illegal immigrants taken into custody
after a raid in rural Owyhee County showed up to the plant this afternoon to
collect paychecks.

(So why didn't ICE nab them when they came to collect? Oh, well at least
some more of our illegal friends are on their way home. )



Company 'GIVES AWAY' Southwestern U.S. to Mexico!

A new ad for Absolut Vodka reconfigures North America according to the
aspirations of many Mexicans, who believe the U.S. Southwest was stolen and
should be returned.

Over a redrawn map of the U.S., the ad by the Swedish Absolut Spirits Co.
declares, "In an Absolut World," noted columnist and blogger Michelle

Major Hispanic civil rights groups in the U.S., such as the National Council
of La Raza, are tied to movements advocating a "reconquista," or reconquest,
of territory lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo at
the end of the Mexican-American War.

Malkin points out the Mexico City-based firm that created the ad, Teran,
says its philosophy is advocating "disruption" as a "tool for change" and
"agent of growth." The firm encourages "overturning assumptions and
prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary
ideas that help create a larger share of the future."

As WND reported in 2006, Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., called on La Raza to
renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan - which
sees "The Race" as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan,
the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes
California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.



Murder Violence and crime by Hispanic Mexicans in the USA ( woodburn oregon)

Olvera, J. Fresno County 1993-1994
A 23-year-old Mexican male charged with four
killings of Mexican males on two different
incidents, and other offenses. A capital case.
Uncooperative client. Multiple evaluations
required (seven). Competency, insanity, cultural
issues. Socio-cultural investigation performed
in his native state in Mexico. Court testimony.

(This is not to atypical of the sorts that run Our border)



Mexican drug cartels post help-wanted ads

EL PASO, Texas, April 4 (UPI) -- Mexican Consulate officials in El Paso,
Texas, said Mexican drug cartels have been posting help-wanted ads in
Juarez, Mexico, newspapers.

The officials said publications including P.M., El Diario de Juarez and El
Norte have been printing vague help-wanted ads that are designed to trick
young people into smuggling drugs over the border into the United States,
the Las Cruces (N.M.) Sun-News reported Friday.
Mexican Consulate spokeswoman Socorro Cordova said the issue came to the
attention of officials nine months ago when the family of a driver stopped
at the U.S. border showed the ad to Mexican officials.
A Juarez woman who identified herself as Martha said her daughter was duped
by one of the ads into accepting a job with a junkyard company that required
her to drive twice a week to El Paso. Martha said her daughter was met at
the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers.
"It was like they sent them a fax or something," she said. "Officers came
out of everywhere and they let the other cars pass. This is what they are
doing. They are tricking kids."

Mexican drug cartels post help-wanted ads - UPI.com


Mexican army finds $6 mln in truck near US border

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MEXICO CITY, April 4 (Reuters) - Mexican soldiers looking for drug
traffickers found $6 million in cash inside a truck near the U.S. border and
arrested five men at the scene, the army said on Friday.

Army drug squads in the northern state of Tamaulipas, a smuggling hot spot
over the border from Texas, found the U.S. currency stuffed into eight
suitcases as they inspected a tractor trailer and smaller truck parked along
a highway.

They also found four pistols, the army said in a statement.

Army and federal police units deployed in President Felipe Calderon's
15-month-old crackdown on drug cartels are grappling with a spike in
violence that has left more than 800 people dead in gangland-style killings
so far this year.

The U.S.-Mexico border is the main entry point for South American cocaine
and other drugs smuggled north to U.S. consumers.

Mexico's powerful cartels buy masses of U.S. arms and their safe houses brim
with cash from their organized crime businesses. Army raids have turned up
big hauls of guns and cash since Calderon's operation began.

Also on Friday, the daily El Universal reported that five soldiers had been
arrested for passing information to the Sinaloa alliance of Pacific Coast
smugglers. (Reporting by Noel Randewich; Editing by Catherine Bremer)

Mexican army finds $6 mln in truck near US border | Reuters


Mexican drug war spilling into Texas?

10:45 PM CDT on Friday, April 4, 2008

By Angela Kocherga / 11 News
A wave of violence has prompted Mexico's president to send troops to the
City of Juarez. Officials believe the city is at the center of a deadly turf
war waged by rival drug cartels.
Juarez sits across the border form El Paso, but it is also home to dozens of
U.S. Manufacturing plants.
To help tackle the problem, Juan Camilo Mourino who is Mexico's Interior
Minister, announced a massive military operation.
He told the governor of Chihuahua that Juarez is the hardest hit by drug
Nearly 200 people have been killed since the beginning of the year.
Officials say police are among those targeted.
The security build up on the border includes more than 2000 troops and more
than 400 federal police.
With the body count climbing, DEA officials say they're concerned about
spill over on the U.S. side of the border.
The drug cartels, Mexican officials say, are fighting for lucrative
smuggling routes that cut through Juarez.
The challenge now, Mexican officials say, is restoring law and order along
this stretch of border.

Mexican drug war spilling into Texas? | STATE NEWS | KHOU.com | News for
Houston, Texas


Arizona slams door on illegal immigrants

By Nicholas Riccardi, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
April 5, 2008
PHOENIX -- As it has become the favorite entry point for undocumented
migrants trying to sneak into the United States, Arizona has become a
laboratory for whether a state can single-handedly combat illegal

In recent years it has barred illegal immigrants from receiving government
services, from winning punitive damages in lawsuits and from posting bail
for serious crimes. A new state law shuts down businesses that hire illegal
workers. And the sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and
three-fifths of the state's population, dispatches his deputies and
volunteer "posses" to search for illegal street vendors or immigrants being
smuggled through the county.

Arizona slams door on illegal immigrants - Los Angeles Times


Ballot measure filed to limit illegal immigration benefits
Saturday, Apr 5, 2008

By Jason Wiest
Arkansas News Bureau
LITTLE ROCK - A ballot initiative that would require citizenship or an
alternate legal status to be verified or expressed before Arkansans over 13
could receive public benefits raised concerns Friday for a statewide
advocacy group that opposes punitive laws targeting immigrants in Arkansas.

Secure Arkansas, which bills itself as a grassroots organization "committed
to the rule of law and the fair treatment of both citizens and legal
immigrants," filed the measure March 27 with the attorney general's office.

"Keeping illegal aliens from getting on public assistance just any time they
want to and taking all of our taxpayer funds, that's really what it's all
about," Secure Arkansas chairwoman Jeannie Burlsworth of Bryant said Friday.

The measure would require state agencies and political subdivisions to
"verify the lawful presence in the United States" of anyone over 13 who has
applied for a local, state and certain federal public benefits that are
administered by state agencies or political subdivisions.

Arkansas News Bureau - Ballot measure filed to limit illegal immigration


Police find 7 illegal immigrants in pickup

by Amy Brooks - Apr. 4, 2008 09:06 AM
The Arizona Republic

Police found seven illegal immigrants in a pickup that was pulled over for
running a red light Thursday. Three were hiding under a black tarp in the
truck bed, police said.

Officers first found five men in the blue Dodge cab stopped at 56th Street
and Thomas Road about 8:30 p.m. Thursday.

Police gave this account:

The driver, Jordan B. Gonzalez, 28, could not show proof of identification
and gave officers a false name. Three Mexican nationals were in the back
seat. After being questioned, the three promptly told officers that they
were in Arizona illegally and that three more men were in the truck's bed,
hiding under a black tarp, police said.

Police find 7 illegal immigrants in pickup


That is all for today folks. However any of you that wish to respond to
this may leave comments at notyours1973@gmail.com, with a subject line that
says comments on news.
Please keep them civil and understand that by sending them you give to me
the right to republish and edit any material that you send.


Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||