I'll forgive but i won't forget...

Fading Beauty

New member
I'm wondering what's you oppinion about this subject.

Your best friend betray you and after a couple of months he/she apologize and everything is ok?

Is everything really ok,i mean some stuffs you never forget..

Are those friendships worth of fighting..when you know to nothing won't be the same like before....

I know to a lot of us happened something like this...

When you broke something,you can fix it..but you can't cover the scars...



New member
don't forgive. in my opinion betray is the worst thing a friend can do to you. it's lowest of the low

Dark Rain

New member
wow.... sygy is an optomistic one...

FADING: it is true that you will never forget... but do forgive... ppl change

also the fact that thay confronted you to ask for forgivenesss means that they have realized they ****** up and they are tying to set it right...those are the friendships worth fighting for



Active Members
Forget it. Accept her apology, but no one said you have to be her friend again. I have been down this very road in my own life, and one day I stopped and looked back to the 'good old days' with my best friend and releized how much of an idiot and an ******* he really was.

People can change, but most won't.



New member
I'm wondering what's you oppinion about this subject.Your best friend betray you and after a couple of months he/she apologize and everything is ok?

Is everything really ok,i mean some stuffs you never forget..

Are those friendships worth of fighting..when you know to nothing won't be the same like before....

I know to a lot of us happened something like this...

When you broke something,you can fix it..but you can't cover the scars...
dont worry just tell her how you feel....my best friend did that to me and took all my friends away with her..they came back and i said the satisfaction of telling them how i feel..then they realise stuff

i know forgive and forget is so easily said but its just really hard sometimes just dont let it get under your skin because there r other people in this world that are actually worth having feelings towards.....



New member
Do what I would do. Pretend to be sorry then spy on them to make sure they really meant it. If they didnt then get revenge.


New member
wow.... sygy is an optomistic one...
FADING: it is true that you will never forget... but do forgive... ppl change

also the fact that thay confronted you to ask for forgivenesss means that they have realized they ****** up and they are tying to set it right...those are the friendships worth fighting for
I like what u said,u are right DR,if my friends did that 2 me,I would forgive them and fight for a good friendship.



New member
I say dont forgive and dont forget. My best friend from last year and I did that. We still have mutual respect for each others abilities. Sometimes people arent meant to get along. We are still ****** and would give excuses to get into a brawl, but we keep our cool. Your real friend would have stayed with you. But then again, she could be a real friend. She could have come back because of her loyalty to you. In my case it wasnt that. I hope it works out.
faded, i'm going through the exact same thing, my best mate took advantage of my girlfriend when she was drunk, and now he's telling ppl about personal things that i tell him in confidence.... i mean what should i do, the guy lives with me?! (sorry for asking the same kinda thing in your thread)


New member
I'll say you should forgive! We're all human, we all make mistakes. There's no point in dwelling on the past and what he / she did to you. It happened, and you can't change it. You may never forget, but at least the person apologised right? Accept it and move on. You don't even have to be friends again :)

Angelwithburntwings, that sucks, what kinda friend is that?!?! In that case, I'll say you should confront him and "have a little talk with him". Maybe he's jealous of you? Or he's changed. *Meh...I'll beat him up or something lol, but that's not appropiate*. He's a **** friend, ditch him. Kick him out of your place!


Fading Beauty

New member
faded' date=' i'm going through the exact same thing, my best mate took advantage of my girlfriend when she was drunk, and now he's telling ppl about personal things that i tell him in confidence.... i mean what should i do, the guy lives with me?! (sorry for asking the same kinda thing in your thread)[/quote']
No prob.

Listen for some things there's no forgive.

Even if he did that 'cause fun...that's just stupid move,you should talk with him and if nothing change,**** him off..and live your life..
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