I'll see your Jihad, and raze you a crusade


Jul 27, 2005
Who out there is with me in thinking we need to bring back the crusades. Our own little christian version of Jihad. First we hit pakistan, cuz BinHidin is for sure there somewhere. Second we hit the saudis, for 9/11, a little payback.Then on to afghanistan, get the taliban, again. If we have time, we can get to Iran, and israel.
If it were only that simple...but you're thinking like a moron. There are subtle ways to win the war without "nuking them all".

Believe it or not the Saudi goverment is moderate in the wide world of religious zealotry. Even though they support terrorism and have a nuke program. We need them for oil.

Most of the population of Iran is too young to remember the '79 Islamic revolution. Changes can come within...most of the population is sick of the mullahs.

How will the West conquer religious zealotry...by offering them a better life. So your theory of "kill em all" is simplistic, and I suggest you do some homework before you come up with a plan for the final solution. Moron.
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
If it were only that simple...but you're thinking like a moron. There are subtle ways to win the war without "nuking them all".

Believe it or not the Saudi goverment is moderate in the wide world of religious zealotry. Even though they support terrorism and have a nuke program. We need them for oil.

Most of the population of Iran is too young to remember the '79 Islamic revolution. Changes can come within...most of the population is sick of the mullahs.

How will the West conquer religious zealotry...by offering them a better life. So your theory of "kill em all" is simplistic, and I suggest you do some homework before you come up with a plan for the final solution. Moron.

That was subtle humor, if you didn't catch on. Now...
Research, well I have done my research and only a naive neo-con bushie would say somthing like the saudis are "moderate". Man, you think it would take 4 planes, hijacked by saudis, slamming into a landmark building or somthing to get you to see that. So waisting time trying to explain it to you is
well, a waist of time. I could have a more intelligent debate with a box of toasty frosted mini-wheats.
I said "Saudi Government" was moderate...not the assholes who crashed into the twin towers. They were citizens...you need to pay attention. Oh...and I have a degree in this ****. When you reply, make sure you know what the **** your talking about...moron.
Hey, SOTL, we could take the oil once we conquered Saudi Arabia. And we will most likely never get rid of religious zealotry. They don't like our ideals, so they fly into our buildings killing people.
You have to understand...the Bush family has had a long relationship with the Royal House of Saud, even during the Cold War. Alliances have been forged whether we like it or not, and they DO contribute to terrorism in their own little way. We are a slave to their oil, and we NEED them for military operations to **** up the other assholes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm rooting for the good guys...but you guys think it's like "take em over, take their oil". No, sometimes you gotta make friends with assholes:

1. musharraf in pakistan
2. hosni mubarak in egypt
3. saudi royal family

Even though these guys are jerk-offs, they ARE moderate in the war on terrorism compared to Assad in Syria, and all the splinter groups of the palestinians!! (islamic jihad, al oxha martyrs, hamas...etc.)
Absolutely...all we need is an alternative oil source. Russia anyone?? Oh...that's like 10 years away.

Maybe ethanol...um the hybrids are already having problems.

Oil is here to stay for atleast another decade. Guess we gotta deal with these assholes.
Ok, but they are still NOT as moderate as say, the governments of Sweden, japan, canada, early Rome....

No really, Binladden, Saudi, coincidence?

Moron :p
We might as well. Nothing that they have done so far has affected me PERSONALLY, but SOTL is right about needing oil from them.
Again blu, you change the question which I give you answers to. In terms of moderation I'm talking about Mideast countries...not Sweden or Japan. Sorry for calling you a moron, just pay attention a lil better bro.
They need us more then we need them. We could all start riding bicycles, lord knows most of America needs to get off there fat ass anyway. We could use our reserves and watch the mid eat diminish and collapse under its own infrastructure. Once they see that they need US to help them live, and we only need THEM to make our lives easier, it isn't hard at all to pick a winner.

If you cut off there source of food "the oil they sell" and nobody has a use for it, they will simply STARVE TO DEATH. I highly doubt Allah will provide for the BILLIONS of Muslim off of there soil to provide food.

Maybe centuries ago, the number of people in that area was WAY low, so it was not much of an issue. But now, agriculture in the Mid East, sucks balls.

I don't think the chaos we see now is even remotely close to the chaos we will see, maybe even in our lifetime, of when fossil fuels run out.

The entire middle east will no longer have a bargaining chip.Then what happens ??

And I'm not talking about some smart ass remark, I'm talking theoretically speaking... what happens after that ??

I highly doubt an extremist could complain about anybody wanting OIL, and it seems to me, that what will happen is probably the ones who live in the far off desert type towns, will be forced to move closer to where vital food supplies are. They will move North towards Russia and Turkey and Europe, and then thats when the religion of Islam will be FORCED to integrate well with other religions, just for its survival.
I agree with you phreak, they do need us more than we need them. But in order for your plan to work the average American must be willing to pay a super-charged rate for oil, or boycott it altogether.

The assholes I see driving SUV's in this country aren't willing to do that. It would be chaos, and the average American citizen is too greedy and not willing to make that great a sacrifice.

We could stick it up their ass...but Americans are greedy pigs. Sorry, but it's true.
bluPheonix said:
Who out there is with me in thinking we need to bring back the crusades. Our own little christian version of Jihad. First we hit pakistan, cuz BinHidin is for sure there somewhere. Second we hit the saudis, for 9/11, a little payback.Then on to afghanistan, get the taliban, again. If we have time, we can get to Iran, and israel.

I didn't know Canada was attacked on September 11th, 2001.
phreakwars said:
They need us more then we need them. We could all start riding bicycles, lord knows most of America needs to get off there fat ass anyway.

Phreak, that's a great concept. Unfortunately, it isn't that simple.
I used to walk to and from work or take public transit in the p.m. because my truck was a GAS HOG and it was ridiuclously expensive, so I would walk around town and whatnot.
Unfortunately, I now work 30 miles away from my home, so it would be a bit difficult. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get a job in town, and walking wouldn't be an issue. But our economy is less than great right now, and the only jobs around at least in my area are for RNs and Accountants, and I am neither of those. So I will keep driving my little diesel car back and forth until I can work closer
on a side note: I don't feel terribly guilty about it, as I get 40 mpg in that damn thing. Diesel cars are a fantastic thing
Why not. If they hit us again we should nuke the meterorite holding kaaba in mecca. And why not. If they want to follow Muhamhead's terrorist traditions as layed out in the koran and hadiths, we should feel free to return the ****ing favor in spades!

Muhammad forced his meterorite kaaba cult on stupid arabs under the threat of murder. He in fact had his political enemies slaughtered along with some 700 Jews in Medina that wouldn't convert. He child raped a 9 year old little girl, took his nephew Ali as a gay lover, told men it was ok to rape their wives with a stick, oh and rape them too.

To cap it off he set up this happy rule to kill any muslime that leaves islam. Also any used camel salesman can kill us under the protection of the Koran, cause we're not one of them!
bluPheonix said:
Who out there is with me in thinking we need to bring back the crusades. Our own little christian version of Jihad. First we hit pakistan, cuz BinHidin is for sure there somewhere. Second we hit the saudis, for 9/11, a little payback.Then on to afghanistan, get the taliban, again. If we have time, we can get to Iran, and israel.

Ahhh.... Finally... a canadien with a brain... or at least a soul.... I was convinced for a while now that Canada had turned into West Europe! That god there are a few Canadians with the fighting spirit that has seen us through to this day! The herd is a little thin down here for people willing to fight...
Peaceful Islam Kill said:
Why not. If they hit us again we should nuke the meterorite holding kaaba in mecca. And why not. If they want to follow Muhamhead's terrorist traditions as layed out in the koran and hadiths, we should feel free to return the ****ing favor in spades!

Muhammad forced his meterorite kaaba cult on stupid arabs under the threat of murder. He in fact had his political enemies slaughtered along with some 700 Jews in Medina that wouldn't convert. He child raped a 9 year old little girl, took his nephew Ali as a gay lover, told men it was ok to rape their wives with a stick, oh and rape them too.

To cap it off he set up this happy rule to kill any muslime that leaves islam. Also any used camel salesman can kill us under the protection of the Koran, cause we're not one of them!

Ahhhh,the in t e lli ge nt one is back!!! :rolleyes: I'll give you 5 days to put that word together.