Illegal alien who killed pregnant woman & her mother had 3 prior DWI convictions

  • Thread starter GeorgeWashingtonAdmirer
  • Start date


The blood of these women, and that of the unborn baby that was killed, is
on the hands of President Nightmare and every single politician and
business person who has aided and abetted the illegal alien invasion and
colonization of America.
March 28, 2007

Suspect in fatal crash had 3 DWI convictions


Before being charged with killing a Porter woman and her pregnant
daughter in a crash Sunday, Ignacio Gomez-Gutierrez had been convicted
three times for drunken driving in Harris County, court records show.

His third DWI arrest, which would normally become a felony, was reduced
to a misdemeanor, a move the mayor's crime victims advocate calls a
"pivotal moment" that ultimately led to the deaths of Maria Ortiz, 49, and
her 18-year-old daughter, Vanessa, who was five months pregnant.

Records also show Gomez-Gutierrez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was
never deported after serving his time in jail in 2002, 2004 and 2005 ...

As Gomez-Gutierrez sits in Harris County jail awaiting trial on two
counts of intoxication manslaughter and one count of failure to stop and
render aid, one advocate said he hopes justice is finally served.

"Things like this should be taken more seriously. You are allowing
someone to drive with a 6,000-pound weapon," said Andy Kahan, crime
victims' director for Mayor Bill White ...

[This is EXACTLY what I've been arguing for years; If I, a never-
arrested, military-veteran U.S. citizen, wanted to buy a 10-ounce pistol
I'd have to fill out all manner of paperwork, undergo a background check
etc. etc. Yet all across America illegal aliens -- many, many of them drunk
-- brazenly flout the law and operate "6,000-pound weapons," as Mr. Kahan
points out, by the millions. Here's what I recently saw emblazoned on a
large sign in front of a used-car dealership in San Jacinto, California:
Assistant Harris County District Attorney Traci Bennett could not be
reached for comment as to why the plea arrangement was made to reduce the
third drunken driving case from a felony to a misdemeanor ...

Gomez-Gutierrez entered the United States illegally in Hidalgo, Texas, on
May 1, 2001 ...

Gomez-Gutierrez's blood alcohol was about three times the legal limit.

Police say he was speeding on the Eastex Freeway about 3:40 p.m. Sunday
when his pickup slammed into the back of a 1998 Buick belonging to the
Ortiz family. The two women were killed on impact near the entrance to
Kingwood, investigators said.

Gomez-Gutierrez did not stop at the accident scene, authorities said, but
was captured farther down the road after being struck by another vehicle
when he fled from his disabled car. Gomez-Gutierrez, who wasn't injured in
the crash, kept running until a bystander pinned him down about a mile east
of the accident, authorities said.



"The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave" by Heather MacDonald

See the COLOSSAL costs of illegal aliens to the American taxpayer:
"Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada"
("For The Race everything, for those outside The Race nothing")

-- Motto of MEChA, one of the nation's largest publically-funded
organizations with cells on high school and college campuses across the USA
(Note: Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez says he "used to be" a member)
“How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico”
By John Dillin


“General Eisenhower ... quoted a report in The New York Times,
highlighting one paragraph that said: ‘The rise in illegal border-crossing
by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than
1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation
in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters
of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal
Government ..."

“Herbert Brownell Jr., Eisenhower's first attorney general, said the
president had a sense of urgency about illegal immigration when he took

“America ‘was faced with a breakdown in law enforcement on a very large
scale,’ Mr. Brownell said. ‘When I say large scale, I mean hundreds of
thousands were coming in from Mexico [every year] without restraint.’"
Just two of MANY American cops murdered by illegals:

"Unfortunately, the majority of illegal aliens who are here are engaged in
criminal activity. Identity theft, use of fraudulent Social Security
numbers and green cards, tax evasion, driving without licenses represent
some of the crimes that are engaged in by the majority of illegal aliens on
a daily basis merely to maintain and hide their illegal status. In
addition, violent crime and drug distribution and possession is also
prevalent among illegal aliens. Over 25% of today's federal prison
population are illegal aliens. In some areas of the country, 12% of
felonies, 25% of burglaries and 34% of thefts are committed by illegal

-- Testimony of District Attorney John M. Morganelli before the House
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border, Security and Claims [Note: 99% of
warrants for murder in Los Angeles, California -- the USA's 2nd
most-populous city -- are for illegal aliens]

"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of
-- Samuel Adams

"“All great truths begin as heresies.”

-- Former Democrat Governor of Colorado Richard Lamm, official of
Defend Colorado Now, a movement opposed to illegal immigration
and public services for illegal aliens
"GeorgeWashingtonAdmirer" <> wrote in message
> The blood of these women, and that of the unborn baby that was killed, is
> on the hands of President Nightmare and every single politician and
> business person who has aided and abetted the illegal alien invasion and
> colonization of America.
> ------------------------------------------------
> March 28, 2007
> Suspect in fatal crash had 3 DWI convictions
> Excerpts:
> Before being charged with killing a Porter woman and her pregnant
> daughter in a crash Sunday, Ignacio Gomez-Gutierrez had been convicted
> three times for drunken driving in Harris County, court records show.
> His third DWI arrest, which would normally become a felony, was reduced
> to a misdemeanor, a move the mayor's crime victims advocate calls a
> "pivotal moment" that ultimately led to the deaths of Maria Ortiz, 49, and
> her 18-year-old daughter, Vanessa, who was five months pregnant.
> Records also show Gomez-Gutierrez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was
> never deported after serving his time in jail in 2002, 2004 and 2005 ...
> As Gomez-Gutierrez sits in Harris County jail awaiting trial on two
> counts of intoxication manslaughter and one count of failure to stop and
> render aid, one advocate said he hopes justice is finally served.
> "Things like this should be taken more seriously. You are allowing
> someone to drive with a 6,000-pound weapon," said Andy Kahan, crime
> victims' director for Mayor Bill White ...
> [This is EXACTLY what I've been arguing for years; If I, a never-
> arrested, military-veteran U.S. citizen, wanted to buy a 10-ounce pistol
> I'd have to fill out all manner of paperwork, undergo a background check
> etc. etc. Yet all across America illegal aliens -- many, many of them
> drunk
> -- brazenly flout the law and operate "6,000-pound weapons," as Mr. Kahan
> points out, by the millions. Here's what I recently saw emblazoned on a
> large sign in front of a used-car dealership in San Jacinto, California:
It's like what an area bail bondsman told me years ago. They
wouldn't write bail on an illegal - as the local authorities don't
mind when they skip bail, instead seeing it as the illegal-alien
criminal now having become "somebody else's problem." So there's a
pattern of illegals all over committing ever-more crimes under an
expanding list of aliases.

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!