Illegal Immigration News with Views








Illegal Immigration News with Views



Missouri Senate passes immigration bill on voice vote; one more vote will
send it to House


The Star's Jefferson City correspondent

JEFFERSON CITY | A wide-ranging illegal-immigration bill glided through the
Missouri Senate on Tuesday with surprisingly little debate.

Senators spent just over an hour debating the bill, which includes an array
of measures aimed at denying state resources to illegal immigrants,
preventing them from finding work and identifying those who commit crimes.
The measure passed on a voice vote with just five lawmakers present.

"I didn't expect to get it through in an hour," said Sen. Scott Rupp, a
Wentzville Republican who is the bill's sponsor. "But I think it's a
level-headed approach that makes sense and a fair way to deal with this

(It looks like these people know what they are doing! If you deny the money
and freebies they will not come to the USA! IT is that simple.)



'Hitler' stenciled on signs of mayoral candidate, illegal immigration
opponent in Farmers Branch

Vandalism targets mayoral candidate who led efforts against illegal

12:00 AM CDT on Wednesday, April 2, 2008

By STEPHANIE SANDOVAL / The Dallas Morning News

Someone has stenciled a face and the name "Hitler" on at least five of Tim
O'Hare's mayoral campaign signs in Farmers Branch.

The vandalism happened Monday night in locations including Mr. O'Hare's
campaign headquarters, his yard and the yard of fellow City Council member
Tim Scott.

Mr. O'Hare has led his city's efforts to drive out illegal immigrants.

(One thing is for certain, if the illegal lovers are calling this man
Hitler--we Need For him to Win. He is on our team and wants what we want.)



War of words heats up between Arpaio, Gordon

Casey Newton

The Arizona Republic

Mar. 31, 2008 07:01 PM

Days after Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon mocked his immigration raids as
"made-for-TV stunts," Sheriff Joe Arpaio complained to Phoenix officials
that the mayor's remarks could lead to civil disobedience or worse.

In a letter to Phoenix City Manager Frank Fairbanks, Arpaio called Gordon's
Friday speech "inaccurate" and said that the mayor's call for citizens to
"make your voice heard" created "a hostile environment" for his deputies at
a protest later that day.

The sheriff's response came three days after Gordon accused Arpaio of racial
profiling in his crackdowns on illegal immigrants. Last week, the sheriff
deployed deputies and his armed volunteer posse near Cave Creek and Bell
roads to conduct sweeps.


During two days, 53 people were arrested, 27 of whom were believed to be in
the country illegally.

(We need to deport these people; NOW! Sherrif Joe is taking them off of the
streets but he is using them for his own little slave labor plantations.
Question: Can Sherrif Joe get down the price of picking lettuce if he puts
them to work for free? I guess the choice for them would be to leave--BEFORE
Joe takes them to the tent city in the desert and leaves them to rot!)

War of words heats up between Arpaio, Gordon



Religious leaders to speak about governor's immigration order

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April 2, 2008

PROVIDENCE, R.I.-Rhode Island's religious leaders are speaking out about a
recent executive order from Gov. Don Carcieri that cracks down on illegal

more stories like this

Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence and Rabbi
Alan Fram of the Rhode Island Board of Rabbis are among those expected to
share concerns about the executive order at a news conference Wednesday

It will be held outside the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in

The order, signed last week, requires state agencies and companies that do
business with the state to verify the legal status of employees. It also
directs the Rhode Island State Police and prison and parole officials to
more aggressively find and deport illegal immigrants.

(well that is too bad that they had to see fit to backstab the Citizens of
this Nation like that. Looks like they need to go with their new friends.
Right to Mexico! As for the Gov.: Love it Baby that is the game face that I
want to see! Oh, Yeah! Arrest them and deport! Deport! Deport! )

Religious leaders to speak about governor's immigration order -



Immigration Issues End a Pennsylvania Grower's Season


Published: April 2, 2008

CLARKS SUMMIT, Pa. - As in politics, timing is everything in tomatoes.

Finding and keeping the field hands who can pick 10,000 tomatoes a day
during the hot months of August and September is no less a test of
organizational traction than any get-out-the-vote drive.

For 35 years, Keith Eckel, 61, one of the largest tomato growers in the
Northeast, had the workers and the timing down to a T: seven weeks, 120 men,
125 trailer loads of tomatoes picked, packed and shipped.

This year, however, the new politics of immigration - very much on the mind
of many of Pennsylvania's voters, even if overlooked by the presidential
candidates campaigning in this state and around the nation - has put him out
of business.

(Let me be the first to say Mr. Eckel you dirty scumbag if you--and most
others like you-- had not sold out your fellow Citizens and brought in that
scab cheap illegal labor then you would not be broke today when the Law is
starting to be enforced again. You played the criminal lottery and now you
have lost! You brought this on yourself! )

Immigration Issues End a Pennsylvania Grower's Season - New York Times



Nearly 50 illegal immigrants working as security guards arrested

DALLAS - A task force led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
arrested nearly 50 illegal immigrants in weekend raids of mostly Latino
night clubs in Dallas, officials said Sunday.

Authorities raided 26 businesses, including night clubs, restaurants and
pool halls. They were targeting employees working as security guards for two
security companies, which officials declined to identify.

Law enforcement teams of local, state and federal officials simultaneously
hit the 26 businesses around 11 p.m. Saturday and arrested 49 people. They
recovered four pistols.

Those arrested will faces charges of being in the United States illegally.
Federal law also prohibits illegal immigrants from possessing weapons.

(How much confidence does this give you in the illegals next door? Do you
want your places of commerce and shopping gaurded by Foreign Nationals? )

Nearly 50 illegal immigrants working as security guards arrested | - Houston Chronicle



Immigration agent shifts blame

Trial delves into governor's race plea-deal claims

By Karen E. Crummy

The Denver Post

Federal immigration agent Cory Voorhis sat at the defense table in federal
court Tuesday, but opening statements by his lawyer indicated that the legal
team would try to put the actions of Gov. Bill Ritter and the city of Denver
on trial.

Bill Taylor, attorney for the special agent, said his client was "shocked,
angered, and yes, bewildered" when he read statements by Ritter, then a
candidate for governor, in an August 2006 newspaper article saying that when
he was Denver district attorney, his office had always been tough on illegal

Voorhis' experience as an immigration agent, and as someone who worked at
the Denver County Jail for three years, was that illegal immigrants were
regularly pleaded out by Ritter's office from the crimes they actually
committed - which could lead to deportation - to a fictional charge of
agricultural trespass - a non-deportable offense. (Records show Denver
defendants, including illegal immigrants and U.S. citizens, were given this
plea 152 times from 1998 through 2004).

(The rest of the story does not interest me: But this Procecutor is a
serious part of the Problem! WOW, get rid of this bum!)

Immigration agent shifts blame - The Denver Post



llegal Immigrants Often Die Anonymously

By ACE STRYKER - 14 hours ago

BLANDING, Utah (AP) - The foreigner is buried in a small-town cemetery,
against a barbed-wire fence in an unmarked plot set aside for poor people.

He might be Mexican. He might be Guatemalan. But he's simply called No. 8, a
man with no name because his identity is still unknown, a year after he was
killed in a car wreck with seven other illegal immigrants in southeastern



All that is know is that this person was crossing our lands illegally and
died. That is sad:

So lets enforce Our Border Securty and stop people like him dying in the
desert by keeping him out of the desert, by what ever means necessary.

Save Our Nation from Illegals



||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report: We aren't happy\||

||/till they are all deported! God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||



