im baaack


New member
ooooh scary, huh? lol. camp was umm.. interesting. it was actually awesome but i hated the people. they all acted like they were on prozac. smiling 24/7... creepy. and plus, i missed all my friends like crazy. and of course, all you guys. :) im so happy to be back though. i pulled off soooo many pranks with my friend sarah. it was great. :p


New member
Welcome back.
We'll be needing a full report on your pranks list. :)
mmk then.

1. my friend sarah and i threw everyone's stuff in our cabin on the roof

2. the councellor's got mad but then started teasing us saying, "next time it'll be you up on the roof." so then at 6 in the morning we climbed up on the roof and turned on a boom box really loud playing system of a down.

3. we put sun screen lotion in all the dean's shoes.

4. at camp we were all split up into teams and played games against eachother. all the teams had different mascots (stuffed animals). we stole all the mascots and threw them in the pool then rolled them in dirt.

5. well, there's a whole bunch of little stupid stuff, and if i were to tell you the list would go on forever so ill stop here



New member
Ha nice pranks lol. Never would've thought of em myself.

Welcome back, though I don't believe I've ever seen you around! Glad you had fun at camp :D



Active Members
Climbing on the roof with SOAD sounds like the funnest ones. Man, everyone at camp must have been nervous around you. :p


New member
tee hee yeah. well.. i couldnt let it be TOTALLY boring. i love soad ^^ im going to their concert on octobober 8. and yeah. some people were nervous around me. i thrive for that though..
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