I'm confused -- could one of you rightwing loons help me out?


Joe S.

When the Mississippi Gulf Coast and big parts of New Orleans and Louisiana
were destroyed by Katrina, the rightwingers set up a howl -- why should
taxpayers help rebuild these low-lying places? Don't the damn fools who
live there know they'll just be washed away again??

The Gulf Coast was flattened in 1969 by Hurricane Camille. Between Camille
in 1969 and Katrina in 2005 -- 36 years -- damaging hurricanes hit the Coast
but they were nothing to get excited about.

Meanwhile, the areas of California that are currently burning burn every 5-6
years -- which is far more frequently than the Coast or NO are struck by
hurricanes and floods.

So -- why aren't you rightwingers calling for the residents of California to
move out of these tinder-dry areas??? Why should the feds bail them out
with loans and grants from FEMA??? My relatives and friends who are
re-building on the coast are doing so with private insurance money and out
of their own pockets.

Oh, wait a minute -- I got carried away again -- the flooded areas of NO
were home to poor black folks who vote for Democrats and the Gulf Coast is
home to low- and middle-income black, white, and Cajun folks who also vote
for Democrats. Southern California is home to middle- and upper-income
white people who vote for Republicans. They can do any damn thing they
Joe S. wrote:

> When the Mississippi Gulf Coast and big parts of New Orleans and Louisiana
> were destroyed by Katrina, the rightwingers set up a howl -- why should
> taxpayers help rebuild these low-lying places? Don't the damn fools who
> live there know they'll just be washed away again??
> The Gulf Coast was flattened in 1969 by Hurricane Camille. Between Camille
> in 1969 and Katrina in 2005 -- 36 years -- damaging hurricanes hit the Coast
> but they were nothing to get excited about.
> Meanwhile, the areas of California that are currently burning burn every 5-6
> years -- which is far more frequently than the Coast or NO are struck by
> hurricanes and floods.
> So -- why aren't you rightwingers calling for the residents of California to
> move out of these tinder-dry areas??? Why should the feds bail them out
> with loans and grants from FEMA??? My relatives and friends who are
> re-building on the coast are doing so with private insurance money and out
> of their own pockets.
> Oh, wait a minute -- I got carried away again -- the flooded areas of NO
> were home to poor black folks who vote for Democrats and the Gulf Coast is
> home to low- and middle-income black, white, and Cajun folks who also vote
> for Democrats. Southern California is home to middle- and upper-income
> white people who vote for Republicans. They can do any damn thing they
> want.

Al Sharpton would be proud of you.

It has nothing to do with race. The federal government ****ed up their
response to Katrina. They obviously learned a lesson and aren't ****ing
up their response to the fires.
None of that changes the fact that people who build and rebuild in the
middle of known disaster areas are idiots.