ImWithStupid's Prediction Realized!


New member
They knew they weren't going to have 60 with Kennedy and Byrd not likely to be able to vote.
The Dems will use this as a rallying call as Kennedy was a long time supporter of universal health care, and will ram through a bill using reconcilliation that is named after Kennedy.

just my prediction
The Democrats certainly aren't going to let the death of their liberal lion pass without figuring out some way to take advantage. We heard the first rumblings yesterday - today it will be come a roar. The Democrat takeover of all health care must be accomplished if for no other reason than to honor Ted Kennedy.

Is there anyone out there who really believes that if ObamaCare were the reality today that Kennedy would have been in any way affected? Do you think that the same government guidelines about palliative care and hospice would have been imposed on Kennedy? Do you think his choice of doctors would have been limited? Would he have been prevented from using his personal fortune to seek out and pay for the best medical care available? Come on, you know what the realty for Kennedy would have been --- and it would have been very much different than any reality you will face when the government gets control.

That's the word, folks. CONTROL. Somehow the American people have to put their ideologies aside and understand that this IS NOT about the quality and availability of health care. It is about CONTROLLING health care. The Democrats vowed when they lost the Congress in 1994 that this would never happen to them again. What we're seeing here is the Democrats insuring that lightning doesn't strike twice. They need control over the voters. They need something to wave in the face of voters on Election Day that will frighten them into keeping Democrats in power. For years Democrats have had Social Security. Every time an election would roll around the Democrats would tell their voters that the evil Republicans wanted to take their Social Security away. Older voters were frightened into voting Democrat. Times are a bit different right now. More and more people realize - and have realized for years - that Social Security is a fraud and it probably won't be around for them when they retire. So ... they've made other plans.

The old "Republicans will take your Social Security away" ploy isn't working all that well any more. People have figured it out. The Republicans had control of the congress and the White House for quite a few years and Social Security wasn't touched. So ... clearly something new is needed. That's where ObamaCare comes in. The Democrats don't (yet) have control over your retirement, so how about control over your health care? That, my friends, is a life-and-death type of control. Strong stuff. And the Democrats know that once the American people are completely dependent on government for their health care they will be easily led. Health care is the ring the Democrats want to put through your nose. They'll hold the rope. When they yank, you follow -- right to the polls. The old "The Republicans want to take your Social Security away" ploy will be replaced with "The Republicans want to take your health care away." There you go .. guaranteed looter majority for generations to come.

Last week the looters were trying (with limited success) to make a big story out of Tom Ridge's assertion that George Bush tried to gain political advantage by raising the terror alert level before 2004 and 2006 elections. Someone explain to me how using the death of Ted Kennedy to stir up the emotions of the American people so that they can nationalize health care is all that different.



New member
I think the blue dogs are more worried about keeping their jobs than honoring Ted Kennedy.


Active Members
I agreed with IWS on what they would "try" to do, just that it will not work.

Some news people touched on this big mistake today in that placing Kennedy's name on this will make it look more partisan than it already does. This bill is missing the support of moderates and conservatives, none of those kinds of people will be moved by naming the bill for a radical liberal.

Kennedy was a "great man" in the political circles, but the average "Joe" in the midwest does not care about Kennedy or anyone else, they care about the out of control spending of Government and how this bill "severely" adds to that out of control spending. The average person cares about the dismantling of Medicare to rob from seniors to help pay for bad legislation that will reduce access to medical care, not increase it. The average American does not want Washington telling them they "must" buy insurance, many people even believe it is unconstitutional to try and make that kind of demand of the populace.

My prediction is that there will be a reform bill passed but not a public option or the hidden public option co-ops that are being talked about.

And it will amount to little or nothing in reality once put into motion.



New member
Actually, they had plans of doing that BEFORE he made the prediction. He chimed in a little late on that one.





New member
Actually, they had plans of doing that BEFORE he made the prediction. He chimed in a little late on that one..


If that's true, that makes it even more despicable and more morbid.

Let's wait till ole' Teddy dies, then we'll get em'.

Typical progressives with no respect for human life. Abortions, death panels, and eugenics.

Might as well take advantage of Teddy's death like they are trying to do with a bad economy to push legislation that will devastate the system.



New member
Death panels? You still going on about that REPUBLICAN INTRODUCED concept? It was proven to be a lie ya know.

Besides, who needs death panels when have Insurance companies? :cool:





New member
Death panels? You still going on about that REPUBLICAN INTRODUCED concept? It was proven to be a lie ya know.
Besides, who needs death panels when have Insurance companies? :cool:



Proven lie. Keep drinking the Obama Kool-aid. Funny how the panels were taken out of the Senate bill after it hit the news. :rolleyes:

But hey, I'm glad you accept you progressives want to force sterilization and believe in eugenics though.



Active Members
"Death panels" are still in the agreements. Special panels of people will be responsible for much of the framework and policies that will be enforced, that is why everything in the bill seems so very vague, they will let the buracracy that forms around the bill to actually define it.

These panels will be responsible for setting treatment policies and reimbuesement levels. Right now the agruement is (like Bender just used) is that Insurance companies do a kind of death panels themselves by setting up policies and guidelines for reimbursement that reduce access to certain treatments.........well that is what will also happen with the Government option and before you say well that is okay, it is the same thing you have to remember what kinds of people will be sitting on Obama's boards and what their financial goals will be for "SAVINGS".

They promise to cut existing spending on folks on medicare by 500 Million they already have the lowers reimbursement rates in medical circles for the same treatments. A doctor visit for example pays less under medicare than any other insurance company......

So how are they going to pay even less?

By putting in place such barriers that you can't get the visit in the first place, maybe not restrict your access to a family doctor, but they will have to put into place restrictions for going to a specialist and getting many advanced treatments.

These penels will have the job of creating the restrictions and access to your medical care, they will set up the specific buracracy and limit the amount of money they will pay for services that in turn will slow down and in some cases completely deny certain treatments as too expensive if your too old............that sounds like a death panel to me.

For example, Grandma needs an operation to live, the Omaba panel decides she is too old for it to be cost effective, Grandma cannot get operation and she dies.

Now to access:

Already there is a very limited number of doctors who accept medicare because their reimbursement rates are too low for them to make a living, or they limit their mix of patients to just so many.

This causes a kind of Canada problem because the number of seniors is increasing faster then the number of Doctors who will take them as patients because of their very low paying Medicare.

Once everyone is forced on the Government plan, and there is no other option for Doctors to make a decent living, then we will have the severe shortages for doctors just like every other Country who has a socialist medical system.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Every Country who has done this has had the same result, Doctors do not want to work for such very low incomes allowed by the Government, and rationing must be put in place to control costs.

What makes anyone think we can do the same as all the other Countries and have a different result?



New member
What part of "If you like your insurance, keep it" do you not understand? Nobody is gonna be forced onto a government run plan. And if they were on a government plan and the care sux the big one, then that's what they get for not having health insurance. Make no mistake about it, I wouldn't expect a .gov run plan to be superior to insurance, nobody should. This misconception however, is that if a public plan is put forward, that you personally will have to comply and get in on it.

I say if people are so **** worried about .gov ran health care, then buy your own, STFU, and let those who can't afford it use it. It ain't your problem.

It would actually LOWER your own premiums because insurance companies wouldn't have to pick up the cost increase burdens that hospitals currently toss on them to cover people who are uninsured.

This would also be an incentive for your own personal insurance company to provide you with BETTER coverage then what you currently get.

I can't for the life of me, figure out why Republicans are so **** set in voting down their own best interests.

I guess you must LIKE being rationed and fukked in the a$$ by your own for profit insurance company.

You must LIKE getting a $500 or more bill for an emergency room visit for something as simple as 2 stitches while a subsidized person gets those same stitches for free.

Free because YOU got charged an outrageous amount by the hospital to your insurance company to cover the subsidized guys care.





Active Members
What part of "If you like your insurance, keep it" do you not understand? Nobody is gonna be forced onto a government run plan. And if they were on a government plan and the care sux the big one, then that's what they get for not having health insurance. Make no mistake about it, I wouldn't expect a .gov run plan to be superior to insurance, nobody should. This misconception however, is that if a public plan is put forward, that you personally will have to comply and get in on it.
I understand the words but the words are a lie, the same man also said this would be "deficit-neutral" but we have shown clearly that is a lie as well. Obama is telling lies, and gullible people like you swallow those lies just because your star struck, Obama can do no wrong in your eyes, that is why your the excuse machine.

I say if people are so **** worried about .gov ran health care, then buy your own, STFU, and let those who can't afford it use it. It ain't your problem.
It is my problem because it is "MY TAX MONEY".

It would actually LOWER your own premiums because insurance companies wouldn't have to pick up the cost increase burdens that hospitals currently toss on them to cover people who are uninsured.
Actually it would severely increase premiums to pay for income they can't get out of the Government plan, they will work like Medacare and say "take it or leave it" on reimbursement. The more people on the Government plan, the less money doctors can make on services so they will try to make it back from people with good insurance.

This would also be an incentive for your own personal insurance company to provide you with BETTER coverage then what you currently get.
Certainly different coverages will be offered but competing against the Government plan that does not have to make a profit will eventually eliminate them, not right away, even Obama said it will take about ten years to run them out of business.

I can't for the life of me, figure out why Republicans are so **** set in voting down their own best interests.
Because it is not in our best interests, it is bad for the Country, bad for All Americans, Bad for our economy, bad in every way, the only good thing about this bill is it helps to fill the socialist agends (good in their eyes, not mine).

I guess you must LIKE being rationed and fukked in the a$$ by your own for profit insurance company.

You must LIKE getting a $500 or more bill for an emergency room visit for something as simple as 2 stitches while a subsidized person gets those same stitches for free.

Free because YOU got charged an outrageous amount by the hospital to your insurance company to cover the subsidized guys care.


As I already pointed out, the Government plan paying around half as much as regular plans will pay out will still force private insurance companies to be soaked for what they can't get out of the Government. As private insurance companies slowly go out of business, hospitals and doctors offices will close because they will not be able to pay their bills.

That means less access, long waiting lines, and more sick people who can't get medical care because the Government will be too broke to pay for the bill they caused.

As far as what "I" like about my insurance, **** yes I love my insurance. I get fast and great medical care and with my gap insurance, I actually make money when I have a hospital stay, when my kids were born I got about $1500 back over and above the cost of care from the gap, lol.


My employer has said they will be dropping our Company health insurance if this bill passes. The estimated cost increases will force our premiums to twice what they are now and they will only have to pay a penalty of 8% on payrol if they drop insurance, that is way less than the cost of the insurance, it is called a business decision, nothing personal

And this is why I say Obama's claim that people will be able to keep their current coverage if they like it is a lie.

No, they do not directly eliminate existing coverage, but they mandate coverage changes to existing insurance as well as create a unfair competition that will force people into the Government plan because there will be nowhere else to go.



New member
Medicare is one of these brilliant government programs that have grown so hugely out of proportion that we cannot continue to fund it at its current level. This is the way it seems to have worked with every single government spending program ever instituted by the federal government. This is most certainly the way it will turn out with ObamaCare. This is why reports like this should scare you. Rep. Betsy Markey of Fort Collins, Colorado says that come Medicare recipients will have to give up some of their current benefits in order to reform the healthcare system.

Here's Betsy's actual quote: "There's going to be some people who are going to have to give up some things, honestly, for all of this to work ... But we have to do this because we're Americans."

There you go, folks. We have to give up things that we've worked for; things that we've paid for ... because that's what Americans do.

Moving the clock forward now ... say for about 14 years. Let's make that 14 years after the Democrats get their nationalized healthcare. This healthcare program will have grown to a size of epic proportions and Americans will be completely and totally reliant on the government for their healthcare ... just the way the looters want it. But there's one problem: it has become grossly expensive. Taxes have been raised to the point where the achievers, the evil rich, are bailing out. They can't bear the weight, the burden, of this redistributive society any longer. So Congress decides that it needs to cut back on healthcare spending. You are being told that your need for health services will have to be weighed against the needs of the rest of your fellow Americans .. and that you just might have to give up some medical care that someone else needs more. You'll be expected to go along, though, because that's just what we do. Why? Because "we're Americans."

THAT is the healthcare future for your grandkids if you don't keep the pressure on your representatives. Look .. sure, there are problems with the delivery of healthcare. Those problems, however, were CAUSED by government .. and more government isn't the solution. The private sector can deliver these services in the most efficient manner possible - but only if government backs off. That solution doesn't work, though, for Democrats. Why? Because this isn't about improving the delivery of healthcare services to the American people. This is about CONTROL. Governments don't exercise more control by backing off.

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