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The Democrats certainly aren't going to let the death of their liberal lion pass without figuring out some way to take advantage. We heard the first rumblings yesterday - today it will be come a roar. The Democrat takeover of all health care must be accomplished if for no other reason than to honor Ted Kennedy.They knew they weren't going to have 60 with Kennedy and Byrd not likely to be able to vote.
The Dems will use this as a rallying call as Kennedy was a long time supporter of universal health care, and will ram through a bill using reconcilliation that is named after Kennedy.
just my prediction
Is there anyone out there who really believes that if ObamaCare were the reality today that Kennedy would have been in any way affected? Do you think that the same government guidelines about palliative care and hospice would have been imposed on Kennedy? Do you think his choice of doctors would have been limited? Would he have been prevented from using his personal fortune to seek out and pay for the best medical care available? Come on, you know what the realty for Kennedy would have been --- and it would have been very much different than any reality you will face when the government gets control.
That's the word, folks. CONTROL. Somehow the American people have to put their ideologies aside and understand that this IS NOT about the quality and availability of health care. It is about CONTROLLING health care. The Democrats vowed when they lost the Congress in 1994 that this would never happen to them again. What we're seeing here is the Democrats insuring that lightning doesn't strike twice. They need control over the voters. They need something to wave in the face of voters on Election Day that will frighten them into keeping Democrats in power. For years Democrats have had Social Security. Every time an election would roll around the Democrats would tell their voters that the evil Republicans wanted to take their Social Security away. Older voters were frightened into voting Democrat. Times are a bit different right now. More and more people realize - and have realized for years - that Social Security is a fraud and it probably won't be around for them when they retire. So ... they've made other plans.
The old "Republicans will take your Social Security away" ploy isn't working all that well any more. People have figured it out. The Republicans had control of the congress and the White House for quite a few years and Social Security wasn't touched. So ... clearly something new is needed. That's where ObamaCare comes in. The Democrats don't (yet) have control over your retirement, so how about control over your health care? That, my friends, is a life-and-death type of control. Strong stuff. And the Democrats know that once the American people are completely dependent on government for their health care they will be easily led. Health care is the ring the Democrats want to put through your nose. They'll hold the rope. When they yank, you follow -- right to the polls. The old "The Republicans want to take your Social Security away" ploy will be replaced with "The Republicans want to take your health care away." There you go .. guaranteed looter majority for generations to come.
Last week the looters were trying (with limited success) to make a big story out of Tom Ridge's assertion that George Bush tried to gain political advantage by raising the terror alert level before 2004 and 2006 elections. Someone explain to me how using the death of Ted Kennedy to stir up the emotions of the American people so that they can nationalize health care is all that different.