In his State of Denial speech, Bush lied about troop withdrawals

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

No virtue in necessity: Bush misleads on troop withdrawals

Center for American Progress
January 28, 2008

IN HIS FINAL State of the Union address, George W. Bush will contend
that the withdrawal of an additional four combat brigades from Iraq --
about 25,000 troops -- by mid-summer represents his "return on
success." In reality, these 25,000 troops are being withdrawn out of

The president will claim these troops are being withdrawn as a reward
for temporary security progress in Iraq. But an overwhelming number of
U.S. military leaders recognize that after nearly five years of war in
Iraq and over six in Afghanistan, the United States is unable to
sustain current troop levels in Iraq due to the strain it has placed
on our ground forces.

Strained Military

In recent congressional testimony, Army Chief of Staff General George
Casey warned that "the current demand for our forces exceeds the
sustainable supply," and earlier this month he noted that, "the surge
has sucked all the flexibility out of the system." Casey, who is
responsible for the overall health of the Army, is unequivocal in his
assessment that "the Army is out of balance," which is a polite way of
saying it's near the breaking point.

General Casey is not the only military leader who is concerned. Before
leaving his post as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General
Peter Pace advised the president to reduce the number of U.S. forces
in Iraq by almost half. Late last year, General Pace warned the
president that keeping an excess of 100,000 troops in Iraq through
2008 will severely strain the military.

Too Much, Too Long

Then there's Admiral Michael Mullen, General Pace's successor, who
stated recently that in its three decade-long history the all-
volunteer force has never been asked to do so much over so long a
period of time. Commenting on the ability of the Army to endure the
current strain placed on quality, retention, and family support,
Mullen recently stated that today's tempo is not "sustainable in the

Over 130,000 troops have been deployed to Iraq for nearly five years,
and another 25,000 have been deployed to Afghanistan for the last six.
Many of these combat units are in their third and fourth tours in Iraq
and Afghanistan. While Bush may claim that the four additional combat
brigades being withdrawn from Iraq are a reward for success, in
reality, their redeployment is an obligatory step in restoring
military readiness.

Silk Purse?

In short, the president is trying to make a virtue out of necessity.
Despite the best efforts of the brave men and women of our military,
there has been scant political progress by the Iraqi government during
the now year-long surge. If history is any guide, an indefinite U.S.
military presence in the region will not inspire Iraq's fractious
leaders to make the difficult compromises necessary for political

Only by implementing a strategic reset in Iraq -- withdrawing all of
our forces from Iraq's multiple civil wars -- will the United States be
able to take control of its own national security interests in Iraq
and the greater Middle East.

The Center for American Progress has highlighted the strains placed on
soldiers (and their families) and their consequences in Quality of
Life in the Military and Beyond the Call of Duty.

(c) Center for American Progress