in love and afraid


New member
latly me and my gf have been unoffical cause we realised that we wern't over our ex's i went to talk to my ex and im over her . now my gf went to hang with her ex to see if it can help her the same way sofar nothing no my knolage.

sunday she was gona pick me up and we would run a few eriands but she never did after that she hasnt been answering my calls we have been talking on myspace but to be honest i dont think she loves me as much as she used to and im really scared that she's gona leav me she dose have alot riding on her right now suporting her daughter trying to keep up with her rent and puting up with her mothers bitchey episodes. right now i just need a voice of reason right now


Shadowed Heart

New member
I know this isn't very helpful... but... if she does leave you, then it just wasn't meant to be.

And yeah, I'm one of those people that's big on fate and stuff... and the whole "everything happens for a reason" philosophy.

You never know what could happen.

I thought I couldn't be happy without my boyfriend, but now everything is said and done and he and I aren't together... and I'm over him. I didn't think it would or could happen.

Just see what happens and work with whatever you get.



New member
Thank you for the words me nd her are friends now and I'm doing better then how I was before

Shadowed Heart

New member
That's good to hear. :)

Haha wow I'm so glad you posted in here, I totally forgot that I said that to someone.

I need to listen to my own advice.

.. I'm having some trouble getting over my most recent ex.

Then again... he keeps giving me hope that me and him can still work so he's not making it any easier. :p

But on the plus side, I'm TOTALLY over the other one, that I mentioned before. :)

I hope everything works out. ^-^

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