In SC, McCain beat not only Hickabee but also Rush Limbo, Tom DeLiar,and a braying mob of rightwing


The Prophet Micah

CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 19 -- From Rush Limbaugh to Tom DeLay, voices
that once held sway over the Republican rank and file unloaded on John
McCain over the last week, trying to use a conservative electorate in
South Carolina to derail the Arizona senator's quest for the
Republican nomination.

But though McCain failed to persuade many of the old Republican power
brokers, he wrapped up the Republican establishment where it counted
most, South Carolina. His win Saturday underscored how different
McCain's campaign has been this year compared with eight years ago,
when a similar conservative assault effectively ended his campaign
here and handed his party's presidential nomination to George W.

"I think the people of South Carolina are getting to know John McCain
now, a little more than they know those folks anymore," longtime
McCain aide Mark Salter said Saturday night of the senator's old

Limbaugh led the way with a verbal blitz, not just against McCain but
against his closest rival in South Carolina, former Arkansas governor
Mike Huckabee.

"I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination,
it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it
forever, be the end of it," Limbaugh fumed on his radio show Tuesday.
It was a line of argument that he kept up all week long.

DeLay resurfaced on Fox News Friday to excoriate McCain for working
with "the most liberal Democrats in the Senate," for passing an
overhaul of campaign finance laws that "completely neutered the
Republican Party," and single-handedly thwarted oil drilling in
Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

"McCain has done more to hurt the Republican Party than any elected
official I know of," said DeLay, the former House majority leader, who
was personally damaged by McCain's Senate probe of lobbyist Jack
Abramoff, a probe that implicated numerous DeLay associates.

Conservative blogger Patrick Ruffini, on the Web site of popular radio
talk show host Hugh Hewitt, implored South Carolina Republicans on
Friday to vote for Huckabee, simply to extend the nomination fight in
hopes that another candidate could derail McCain.

And Jim DeMint, South Carolina's ardently conservative senator who is
backing Mitt Romney, issued a message Friday to "fellow
conservatives," warning that "Washington experience is the problem,
not the solution. We cannot afford to have a President who has fought
for amnesty for illegal immigrants, voted against the Bush Tax Cuts,
and curtailed our First Amendment rights in the ill-conceived campaign
finance legislation." He never mentioned McCain's name, but his
meaning was clear.

The assault may well have narrowed McCain's lead over Huckabee, but it
was not enough to revive the ghosts of 2000, when an insurgent McCain
campaign slammed into a wall in South Carolina, and Bush, the
establishment's candidate, cruised to the White House.

In part, that was because this time McCain lined up staunch
conservatives of his own, including Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), usually
DeMint's closest ally, and Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.), who was
vociferous in McCain's defense. "I know John McCain, and he is a solid
conservative -- maybe not perfect, but on the most critical issue
facing our nation, radical Islam, he is without equal in either party,
period," Shadegg said in McCain's defense.

In part, the attacks fell short because even the opponents could not
unite behind an alternative. Many economic conservatives were even
more opposed to Huckabee. Romney, a Mormon, could not ignite the
interests of social conservatives. And former senator Fred Thompson,
who was initially viewed as the candidate of the old Republican
coalition, failed to catch fire.

But McCain also ran a very different campaign this year. The senator
assembled a formidable list of South Carolina backers, including
Attorney General Henry McMaster and House Speaker Bobby Harrell, who
not only crisscrossed the state for McCain but also launched a "Truth
Squad" that prevented any repeat of the attacks on his military record
and rumors about his family that helped defeat him in 2000.

"In 2000, the campaign learned that you have to have people that local
people know to respond to negative attacks, to assure them they're not
true," said Harrell, a Bush supporter in 2000.

McCain even changed the hotel where he watched election returns and
the location for his primary-night headquarters, shifting it to The
Citadel, the state's military college.

The choice of The Citadel was not accidental. From the start, McCain
conveyed one central message to South Carolinians: He is best prepared
to protect America in a time of war. The argument resonated in a state
that ranks No. 1 in terms of active-duty and retired military
personnel, where a quarter of Saturday's GOP electorate had served in
the military.

McCain counted heavily on conservative state politicians who had
backed Bush in 2000. While some prominent South Carolinians -- such as
former governor David Beasley -- endorsed Huckabee, McCain repeatedly
told reporters this week, "This time we believe we have the political
and financial establishment."

Above all, McCain's victory vindicated his belief that he was better
off sticking with his core message that he was better equipped than
any other candidate, Republican or Democrat, to meet the challenge of
fighting what he calls "radical Islamic extremism."

"After a campaign is over, you win or you lose -- obviously, winning's
most important -- you've got to look back and admit mistakes. But you
never want to look back and be embarrassed by what you've done,"
McCain said Friday. "You can't tailor your message and position to one
part of the country."

A win in South Carolina may not be as definitive as it was back in
2000, and McCain acknowledges that Florida, which holds its primary
Jan. 29, remains a four-way race where he needs to expand his support
beyond military families in the north and Cuban Americans in the

"We've got work to do there," he said, adding that he needs to reach
out to supporters of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has
spent months cultivating Florida voters. "If there's one area we need
to work on, it's the middle of the state. There's condominiums full of
people who have moved down from New York and New Jersey."

Late last night, on CNN, Wolf Blitzer showed a map of SC with counties
colored to show which candidate won each county. Interesting to note
that Hickabee carried the rural, hill country of SC while McCain
carried the cities and urban areas. No surprise here -- Hickabee and
his biblethumping appeal to the loser mouthbreathers living in
singlewides praying to Jesus for a new deer rifle, a new truck, and a
job for their girlfriend.
On Jan 20, 8:08 am, The Prophet Micah <>
> CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 19 -- From Rush Limbaugh to Tom DeLay, voices
> that once held sway over the Republican rank and file unloaded on John
> McCain over the last week, trying to use a conservative electorate in
> South Carolina to derail the Arizona senator's quest for the
> Republican nomination.
> But though McCain failed to persuade many of the old Republican power
> brokers, he wrapped up the Republican establishment where it counted
> most, South Carolina. His win Saturday underscored how different
> McCain's campaign has been this year compared with eight years ago,
> when a similar conservative assault effectively ended his campaign
> here and handed his party's presidential nomination to George W.
> Bush.
> "I think the people of South Carolina are getting to know John McCain
> now, a little more than they know those folks anymore," longtime
> McCain aide Mark Salter said Saturday night of the senator's old
> nemeses.
> Limbaugh led the way with a verbal blitz, not just against McCain but
> against his closest rival in South Carolina, former Arkansas governor
> Mike Huckabee.
> "I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination,
> it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it
> forever, be the end of it," Limbaugh fumed on his radio show Tuesday.
> It was a line of argument that he kept up all week long.
> DeLay resurfaced on Fox News Friday to excoriate McCain for working
> with "the most liberal Democrats in the Senate," for passing an
> overhaul of campaign finance laws that "completely neutered the
> Republican Party," and single-handedly thwarted oil drilling in
> Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
> "McCain has done more to hurt the Republican Party than any elected
> official I know of," said DeLay, the former House majority leader, who
> was personally damaged by McCain's Senate probe of lobbyist Jack
> Abramoff, a probe that implicated numerous DeLay associates.
> Conservative blogger Patrick Ruffini, on the Web site of popular radio
> talk show host Hugh Hewitt, implored South Carolina Republicans on
> Friday to vote for Huckabee, simply to extend the nomination fight in
> hopes that another candidate could derail McCain.
> And Jim DeMint, South Carolina's ardently conservative senator who is
> backing Mitt Romney, issued a message Friday to "fellow
> conservatives," warning that "Washington experience is the problem,
> not the solution. We cannot afford to have a President who has fought
> for amnesty for illegal immigrants, voted against the Bush Tax Cuts,
> and curtailed our First Amendment rights in the ill-conceived campaign
> finance legislation." He never mentioned McCain's name, but his
> meaning was clear.
> The assault may well have narrowed McCain's lead over Huckabee, but it
> was not enough to revive the ghosts of 2000, when an insurgent McCain
> campaign slammed into a wall in South Carolina, and Bush, the
> establishment's candidate, cruised to the White House.
> In part, that was because this time McCain lined up staunch
> conservatives of his own, including Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), usually
> DeMint's closest ally, and Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.), who was
> vociferous in McCain's defense. "I know John McCain, and he is a solid
> conservative -- maybe not perfect, but on the most critical issue
> facing our nation, radical Islam, he is without equal in either party,
> period," Shadegg said in McCain's defense.
> In part, the attacks fell short because even the opponents could not
> unite behind an alternative. Many economic conservatives were even
> more opposed to Huckabee. Romney, a Mormon, could not ignite the
> interests of social conservatives. And former senator Fred Thompson,
> who was initially viewed as the candidate of the old Republican
> coalition, failed to catch fire.
> But McCain also ran a very different campaign this year. The senator
> assembled a formidable list of South Carolina backers, including
> Attorney General Henry McMaster and House Speaker Bobby Harrell, who
> not only crisscrossed the state for McCain but also launched a "Truth
> Squad" that prevented any repeat of the attacks on his military record
> and rumors about his family that helped defeat him in 2000.
> "In 2000, the campaign learned that you have to have people that local
> people know to respond to negative attacks, to assure them they're not
> true," said Harrell, a Bush supporter in 2000.
> McCain even changed the hotel where he watched election returns and
> the location for his primary-night headquarters, shifting it to The
> Citadel, the state's military college.
> The choice of The Citadel was not accidental. From the start, McCain
> conveyed one central message to South Carolinians: He is best prepared
> to protect America in a time of war. The argument resonated in a state
> that ranks No. 1 in terms of active-duty and retired military
> personnel, where a quarter of Saturday's GOP electorate had served in
> the military.
> McCain counted heavily on conservative state politicians who had
> backed Bush in 2000. While some prominent South Carolinians -- such as
> former governor David Beasley -- endorsed Huckabee, McCain repeatedly
> told reporters this week, "This time we believe we have the political
> and financial establishment."
> Above all, McCain's victory vindicated his belief that he was better
> off sticking with his core message that he was better equipped than
> any other candidate, Republican or Democrat, to meet the challenge of
> fighting what he calls "radical Islamic extremism."
> "After a campaign is over, you win or you lose -- obviously, winning's
> most important -- you've got to look back and admit mistakes. But you
> never want to look back and be embarrassed by what you've done,"
> McCain said Friday. "You can't tailor your message and position to one
> part of the country."
> A win in South Carolina may not be as definitive as it was back in
> 2000, and McCain acknowledges that Florida, which holds its primary
> Jan. 29, remains a four-way race where he needs to expand his support
> beyond military families in the north and Cuban Americans in the
> south.
> "We've got work to do there," he said, adding that he needs to reach
> out to supporters of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has
> spent months cultivating Florida voters. "If there's one area we need
> to work on, it's the middle of the state. There's condominiums full of
> people who have moved down from New York and New Jersey."
> ---------------------
> Late last night, on CNN, Wolf Blitzer showed a map of SC with counties
> colored to show which candidate won each county. Interesting to note
> that Hickabee carried the rural, hill country of SC while McCain
> carried the cities and urban areas. No surprise here -- Hickabee and
> his biblethumping appeal to the loser mouthbreathers living in
> singlewides praying to Jesus for a new deer rifle, a new truck, and a
> job for their girlfriend.

MAKE FUN of Huckabee all you like. Between "Amnesty" "Mad Dog"
McCain and "Mitt" (alias the biz whiz) Bushney, HUCKABEE is the only
candidate with the GUTS to propose REAL CHANGE, for a change
instead of pretend change. For example abolishing the IRS and the
Federal Income Tax. The good ole boys back in Washington DON'T LIKE

McCain MIGHT have been the leading candidate
with a clear path to the nomination
BUT FOR his little involvement in attempting to
pass a major immigration "reform"
bill (translation: legitimize the cheap laborers
bill and extend "guest" worker programs)
in the congress of the United States of America

"Mitt" "Bushney" talks up a storm about change
in Washington and how he's not beholding to the
Washington crowd but, just beneath the surface,
the ties are all there and he is fooling NOBODY
on that score. Likewise, he has the misbegotten
idea that the government of the United States of
America is a profit making corporation
and we citizens are his "employees" and politicians
are our "managers".

We're going to straighten
out "Mitt" on who works for whom and
who is whose boss, on election day.

Citizen Jimserac
On Jan 20, 8:33 am, "Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names"
<> wrote:
> On Jan 20, 8:27 am, Citizen Jimserac <> wrote:
> > On Jan 20, 8:08 am, The Prophet Micah <>
> > wrote:

> > > CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 19 -- From Rush Limbaugh to Tom DeLay, voices
> > > that once held sway over the Republican rank and file unloaded on John
> > > McCain over the last week, trying to use a conservative electorate in
> > > South Carolina to derail the Arizona senator's quest for the
> > > Republican nomination.

> > > But though McCain failed to persuade many of the old Republican power
> > > brokers, he wrapped up the Republican establishment where it counted
> > > most, South Carolina. His win Saturday underscored how different
> > > McCain's campaign has been this year compared with eight years ago,
> > > when a similar conservative assault effectively ended his campaign
> > > here and handed his party's presidential nomination to George W.
> > > Bush.

> > > "I think the people of South Carolina are getting to know John McCain
> > > now, a little more than they know those folks anymore," longtime
> > > McCain aide Mark Salter said Saturday night of the senator's old
> > > nemeses.

> > > Limbaugh led the way with a verbal blitz, not just against McCain but
> > > against his closest rival in South Carolina, former Arkansas governor
> > > Mike Huckabee.

> > > "I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination,
> > > it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it
> > > forever, be the end of it," Limbaugh fumed on his radio show Tuesday.
> > > It was a line of argument that he kept up all week long.

> > > DeLay resurfaced on Fox News Friday to excoriate McCain for working
> > > with "the most liberal Democrats in the Senate," for passing an
> > > overhaul of campaign finance laws that "completely neutered the
> > > Republican Party," and single-handedly thwarted oil drilling in
> > > Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

> > > "McCain has done more to hurt the Republican Party than any elected
> > > official I know of," said DeLay, the former House majority leader, who
> > > was personally damaged by McCain's Senate probe of lobbyist Jack
> > > Abramoff, a probe that implicated numerous DeLay associates.

> > > Conservative blogger Patrick Ruffini, on the Web site of popular radio
> > > talk show host Hugh Hewitt, implored South Carolina Republicans on
> > > Friday to vote for Huckabee, simply to extend the nomination fight in
> > > hopes that another candidate could derail McCain.

> > > And Jim DeMint, South Carolina's ardently conservative senator who is
> > > backing Mitt Romney, issued a message Friday to "fellow
> > > conservatives," warning that "Washington experience is the problem,
> > > not the solution. We cannot afford to have a President who has fought
> > > for amnesty for illegal immigrants, voted against the Bush Tax Cuts,
> > > and curtailed our First Amendment rights in the ill-conceived campaign
> > > finance legislation." He never mentioned McCain's name, but his
> > > meaning was clear.

> > > The assault may well have narrowed McCain's lead over Huckabee, but it
> > > was not enough to revive the ghosts of 2000, when an insurgent McCain
> > > campaign slammed into a wall in South Carolina, and Bush, the
> > > establishment's candidate, cruised to the White House.

> > > In part, that was because this time McCain lined up staunch
> > > conservatives of his own, including Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), usually
> > > DeMint's closest ally, and Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.), who was
> > > vociferous in McCain's defense. "I know John McCain, and he is a solid
> > > conservative -- maybe not perfect, but on the most critical issue
> > > facing our nation, radical Islam, he is without equal in either party,
> > > period," Shadegg said in McCain's defense.

> > > In part, the attacks fell short because even the opponents could not
> > > unite behind an alternative. Many economic conservatives were even
> > > more opposed to Huckabee. Romney, a Mormon, could not ignite the
> > > interests of social conservatives. And former senator Fred Thompson,
> > > who was initially viewed as the candidate of the old Republican
> > > coalition, failed to catch fire.

> > > But McCain also ran a very different campaign this year. The senator
> > > assembled a formidable list of South Carolina backers, including
> > > Attorney General Henry McMaster and House Speaker Bobby Harrell, who
> > > not only crisscrossed the state for McCain but also launched a "Truth
> > > Squad" that prevented any repeat of the attacks on his military record
> > > and rumors about his family that helped defeat him in 2000.

> > > "In 2000, the campaign learned that you have to have people that local
> > > people know to respond to negative attacks, to assure them they're not
> > > true," said Harrell, a Bush supporter in 2000.

> > > McCain even changed the hotel where he watched election returns and
> > > the location for his primary-night headquarters, shifting it to The
> > > Citadel, the state's military college.

> > > The choice of The Citadel was not accidental. From the start, McCain
> > > conveyed one central message to South Carolinians: He is best prepared
> > > to protect America in a time of war. The argument resonated in a state
> > > that ranks No. 1 in terms of active-duty and retired military
> > > personnel, where a quarter of Saturday's GOP electorate had served in
> > > the military.

> > > McCain counted heavily on conservative state politicians who had
> > > backed Bush in 2000. While some prominent South Carolinians -- such as
> > > former governor David Beasley -- endorsed Huckabee, McCain repeatedly
> > > told reporters this week, "This time we believe we have the political
> > > and financial establishment."

> > > Above all, McCain's victory vindicated his belief that he was better
> > > off sticking with his core message that he was better equipped than
> > > any other candidate, Republican or Democrat, to meet the challenge of
> > > fighting what he calls "radical Islamic extremism."

> > > "After a campaign is over, you win or you lose -- obviously, winning's
> > > most important -- you've got to look back and admit mistakes. But you
> > > never want to look back and be embarrassed by what you've done,"
> > > McCain said Friday. "You can't tailor your message and position to one
> > > part of the country."

> > > A win in South Carolina may not be as definitive as it was back in
> > > 2000, and McCain acknowledges that Florida, which holds its primary
> > > Jan. 29, remains a four-way race where he needs to expand his support
> > > beyond military families in the north and Cuban Americans in the
> > > south.

> > > "We've got work to do there," he said, adding that he needs to reach
> > > out to supporters of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has
> > > spent months cultivating Florida voters. "If there's one area we need
> > > to work on, it's the middle of the state. There's condominiums full of
> > > people who have moved down from New York and New Jersey."

> > >
> > > ---------------------

> > > Late last night, on CNN, Wolf Blitzer showed a map of SC with counties
> > > colored to show which candidate won each county. Interesting to note
> > > that Hickabee carried the rural, hill country of SC while McCain
> > > carried the cities and urban areas. No surprise here -- Hickabee and
> > > his biblethumping appeal to the loser mouthbreathers living in
> > > singlewides praying to Jesus for a new deer rifle, a new truck, and a
> > > job for their girlfriend.

> > MAKE FUN of Huckabee all you like. Between "Amnesty" "Mad Dog"
> > McCain and "Mitt" (alias the biz whiz) Bushney, HUCKABEE is the only
> > candidate with the GUTS to propose REAL CHANGE, for a change
> > instead of pretend change. For example abolishing the IRS and the
> > Federal Income Tax. The good ole boys back in Washington DON'T LIKE

> > McCain MIGHT have been the leading candidate
> > with a clear path to the nomination
> > BUT FOR his little involvement in attempting to
> > pass a major immigration "reform"
> > bill (translation: legitimize the cheap laborers
> > bill and extend "guest" worker programs)
> > in the congress of the United States of America

> > "Mitt" "Bushney" talks up a storm about change
> > in Washington and how he's not beholding to the
> > Washington crowd but, just beneath the surface,
> > the ties are all there and he is fooling NOBODY
> > on that score. Likewise, he has the misbegotten
> > idea that the government of the United States of
> > America is a profit making corporation
> > and we citizens are his "employees" and politicians
> > are our "managers".

> > We're going to straighten
> > out "Mitt" on who works for whom and
> > who is whose boss, on election day.

> > Citizen Jimserac- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> What are you smoking so early this morning???
> Here's a newsflash for you: Iowa, NH, and SC are NOT the rest of the
> USofA. Hicakbee can get away with his biblethumping and cross-in-the-
> window act in a few Southern states and the hill country of SC. The
> anti-immigrant rhetoric -- which folks like Rush, Tancredo, and DeLiar
> thought would be THE wedge issue for 2008 -- is suddenly of no
> importance except to a few screamers -- most Americans support some
> form of guest worker program, which is what McCain has proposed -- and
> that's NOT "amnesty" no matter how many lies you and Rush tell.
> So -- now that the campaign moves into the rest of the country, where
> real people live, watch for the adults to move to the front -- the
> race is now between McCain and Romney -- Hickabee is a side show,
> Freddie and Ron Paul will provide a few laughs before they fold.

I think it's between Huckabee and Romney.
McCain is falling apart at the seams and
it shows and we are still EARLY in the campaign.

Romney has a LOT of good points,
but America will NOT elect
another rich man's son with no new
ideas who is going to play golf
in the afternoon while people are
getting wiped out by a hurricane.

No more pretend change,
the American people are demanding
REAL change and whoever provides
it will win.

Citizen Jimserac