In the "Settings" tab, what does "Remove quarantined files after:" mean?



In the "Settings" tab, what does "Remove quarantined files after:" mean? Does it mean it will remove files from quarantine or remove them from the system?

Also, I just ran a complete scan of my system & when I look at the "History" tab & choose the radio button "All detected items" I see 2 files listed as "Quarantined", but when I choose the "Quarantined items only" radio button, I don't see those two files listed. In fact, all I see there are files from a year ago & older. I tried closing MSE & opening it & rebooting my system. I still don't see anything from the last year in there. Why don't I see the files listed under the Quarantined files?

The program decided to act on its own & quarantined those two files even though I didn't tell it to. I was looking at where the files where on my system & the next thing I knew the tool turned from red to green! Does it have some kind of time out & if I don't do something within a specified time, it just does the "recommended action", since that's what I had it set to?

Any help on this would be most appreciated.

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