In the world of Republican presidential politics, black is white,white is black, and everybody is nu

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

In the world of Republican politics, Mitt Romney has struck a low blow
against Mike Huckabee:

To hear Mitt Romney tell it, Republican Mike Huckabee shares more with
Democrat Bill Clinton than a hometown in Hope, Ark., and a stint as
Arkansas governor. [...]

"Governor Huckabee's record is more liberal than our nation needs
right now," the former Massachusetts governor said in Iowa last week,
seeking to link his GOP presidential rival to the former Democratic
president who is loathed by many Republican loyalists. [...]

Romney himself has stopped short of explicitly saying his rival is
simply another Clinton, though he's less shy about it in campaign
literature mailed to thousands of Iowa Republicans.

So, you have a Southern Baptist minister who opposes abortion, stem
cell research, same-sex marriage and civil unions, and Mitt Romney is
comparing him to Bill Clinton? Is Romney on the same planet as the
rest of us?

You have to wonder how this will go over with the Evangelical voters,
particularly coming from Romney, who has flip-flopped on all of those
very issues: abortion, stem cell research. and gay rights.

It seems that Romney is so afraid of Huckabee that he is willing to
alienate the dedicated social conservatives in his quest for the
presidency. Those "value voters" might want to ask if that's Romney's
plan in the general election too.