Incorrect page display



There seems to be a problem with IE displaying webpages.
So I have a webpage, with content wrapped in HTML, styled with CSS, with some JavaScript actions. This page displays correctly (as intended), almost exactly pixel-by-pixel in ALL browsers I've tried, including some niches like Comodo Dragon or Konqueror. However, this is not the case with Internet Explorer, a software masterpiece from codemasters at Microsoft.
The layout is all twisted up, some parts are not visible at all...
The JS actions work really slow or don't fire at all...
This happens with every version of IE.
Is there a simple solution to this, like putting [IE: worldwide_standards="accept"] in the page source?
After years of struggling with this - X hours spent on creating a page, and then another X hours wasted on making it look ok in IE - I'm finally ready to detect if a client uses IE and display a big red banner "This page cannot be displayed. Please use a web browser."

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